Are you looking forward to emulating BOTW?
Are you looking forward to emulating BOTW?
only if some crazy fucker is brave enough to start making mods for it.
no, zelda is for faggots
Is portal roms the only place to get wii u isos? Website looks shifty af.
I'll be very surprised if it even boots
BoTW is probably the most demanding WiiU game and they used hacks to make each first party game playable
portalroms never works for me but you can use the wii u usb helper to download ISOs
If it can boot XCX, it can boot BOTW. It's just a matter of time.
I'm an adult with a job, so I'm looking forward to buying it (already have) and playing without a ton of emulation bugs, instabilities, and performance issues.
>if it can boot JUST BOOT a wii game it can boot BotW
I'm looking forward to nintendo shutting down cemu actually ;)
>playing at 720p with dips
can't wait for nintendrones to cry about emulation
Yes with Reshade to make sure the game doesn't look like a foggy mess.
OP you're supposed to keep hitting the one in the middle until it stops giving you coins.
They won't. If they could, they would've done it ages ago.
Dude Twilight Princess HD isn't even playable yet on CeMu.
I'm sure the eventual BotW 4k emulation will look and play awesome but we're years away probably.
Just like all the other emulators that got shut down huh?
This. I'm sure our PC overlords will have a ton of fun with this game in two or three years after we're already done with it.
>Dude Twilight Princess HD isn't even playable yet on CeMu.
>tfw Wii/Wii U is easily emulateable.
>tfw Switch architecture is entirely different.
Well bros, looks like I have to actually BUY a console now. I feel like literally everything else will be emulated but this.
>Sonyggers think you can even emulate Wii U
Sonygger trash needs to fuck off from Sup Forums.
>looks like I have to actually BUY a console now
Why? You can emulate BOTW just fine via Wii U. It's not Switch exclusive.
>>Sonyggers think you can even emulate Wii U
You literally can
>Implying the emulator will even boot BotW
You know there are going to be new 1st party games on the switch right?
>Core i7
>GTX 1070
>To emulate an 11 year old game
>Still has frame hitches and other glitches
>Can't comment on if the audio is good or not since the guy chose to overlay the video with cancerous dubstep.
please, keep moving the goalposts goy
Like a good little nintencuck
My rig isn't good enough but I have a modded Wii U.
And it runs like shit.
Go back to neofag. We dont want you here sonygger.
Real talk, it does look better than it did even a few weeks ago.
Still playing this on the Switch though.
>inb4 there's auto detection of pirated copies that restrict the game in a certain way
Do you have some sort of mental problem? Fucking hell seek help.
Only if i can play Pokken with this.
>he think emulation is somehow console war bullshit
>Implying sonyggers dont support emulation to hurt Nintendo
You should support emulation as a whole, don't you want games to be preserved you retard?
I can see the smug grin everytime somebody comments this. Is there anything worse than a proud pirate?
>Nintendo is somehow hurt by people emulating games on a dead console
What are you even on about? Nintendo already stopped production of Wii U games. They aren't hurt by emulation dumbass.
This pham. My PS2 is broke but I wanna play ps2 games now and in the future.
Nintendo isn't hurt by people pirating Wii U games
I have an amd processor, i can't even run mario kart properly.
>Not being able to play at all.
I'll enjoy the game on the go and bug free day 1.
Why does emulation make Nintendo fanboys so angry? Don't they care about video game preservation?
Sure for old ass games from dead developers. This is 2017 where you can get most emulated games on the console e-store,Steam so the ",Preserve old gamezz" is mostly obselete and just an excuse to be a filthy pirate.
Enjoy playing botw in 2019 when cemu can run it properly and everyone else has moved on. Ask your gf to buy you a switch.
>Wii U has no games
>I'm looking forward to emulating its library!
I'm getting it on release as a birthday present, but I hope the emulation takes off. There are still a few Wii U games I'd like to try that I don't see myself spending money on, and I'm interested to see if emulation can make BotW look or run significantly better.
yeah I didn't want to play it either as long as it starts I won
Probably gonna take a while, I'm playing it on Wii U. I like to play new games legit, it's kinda weird. But like this guy said I kinda like that it's being preserved that way.
In 8 or so years after microsoft and sony have made 3 or 4 new consoles yeah sure, can't wait.
Nintendo scalps and sells copies themselves on ebay
There is literally nothing wrong with pirating games on dead systems
Wii U is a dead system
>being irrationally loyal to and protective of a corporation whose sole object is to make money to their shareholders
i dont get these brand warriors desu, kinda seems like stockholm syndrome to me
Dead systems don't have new first party games released for them.
It's not irrational when you realize these are actual Nintendo employees on Sup Forums.
The console has been out of production for months, only game in production is BOTW. New system comes out on the same day as the last game. It is dead.
Stay fucking mad you failed abortion, I'll be playing it for free on my softmodded Wii U
>like the products a company makes
>want them to make similar products in the future
>support them financially so they have incentive to do so
Where's the irrational part of this?
>lets all meme together
stay mad :
I'm fucking amazed by this emulator. Gonna beat Captain Toad, Mario 3D World and Pikmin 3 in my spare time.
>wii u emulator is in a state where most exclusives are in a playable state
>3DS emulation is still complete shit
Jesus Christ, programming talent is fucking real.
Programming talent? More like leaked devkits. Although the CeMu programmers are talented aswell.
Man everytime someone posts a webm from this emu it looks better and better each time. How fast are these fucking guys working on this?
I really just want to emulate fast racing neo so I can make webms of it, I've already played all the WiiU exclusives I wanted to play.
The only reason I'm following CEMU at all is because I want to emulate The Wonderful 101
And force Anti Aliasing on it also.
how long it might take to optimize CEMU for BotW?
It's almost like different consoles have different circumstances that make emulating harder and easier.
>Wii U and 3DS emulator getting closer by the day
>realize I only have two Wii U games and one 3DS game I really want to play
Could you play Wonderful 101 if it worked perfectly without the wii u tablet?
And suddenly now that I can't play them I don't care about those Wii U games at all anymore.
It's amazing. Have some audio webms
>CEMU is closed source
Bit of a shame really. Can't think of a single emulator that has benefited from it.
It surprised me just how easy wii-u emulation was. Its basically download and play.
The stuttering isn't a big of an issue since you can pre-load everything it goes away. It runs fine as well
wtf i love nintendo games now
You can also just get the shader caches off Reddit.
I'm pirating it on the Wii U because I'm not a retarded person.
sorry if this is a dumb question but how do you pre-load things? I've been having some framedrops with Dong Kong freeze
He is running it a 4k, did the original wii version even run a 720p?
Nice, this is pretty much the freeshop!
The game looks boring, desu. Oh, look at all this big, empty world you can explore! I had enough to boring repetitive content with the Witcher 3...
You emulate consoles, not games.
just download the cache of reddit then place it in the shadercahce folder
>company isn't hurt by people assessing their goods illegally instead of purchasing them
Sure, keep telling yourself that if it makes you sleep better at night.
I bet you think emulating Wii games hurts Nintendo too.
they weren't going to buy them anyway
If Nintendo wants money from Wii U owners they shouldn't have killed the system
see ya in 2025 I guess.
Cemu is a meme
What is Bloodbourne.
>emulating a game
>that's hard locked at 30FPS
Actually. Hurting Nintendo makes me sleep better at night.
Fuck those anti-consumer niggers.
>This company will surely keep copies of non-produced games available for as long as lone spergs with lots of hard-drives will!
My name is Ozymandias etc.
To play it in a resolution with some shaders that doesn't make your eyes bleed and is able to truly bring out the artists visions?
>spend a huge amount of energy making a high quality asset
>make the game 720p and give it no AA meaning you can't even see any of the detail
People paid full price for this baby game? Jesus this looks like a joke
Its a fun puzzle game and it wasn't sold for full price
That's nintendo for you. What I noticed from playing all those nintendo games it that the early games are such a fucking waste of time. They're absolutely zero demanding. The games should start at the mid game difficulty and keep getting harder from there. Every early part of every nintendo game is such a slog.
I am emulating the Wii U lately and I'm noticing that all of these first party games are absolutely mediocre. SM3DW, Pikmin 3, MK8: Mercedes CLA ads edition (by the way, any way to pirate the dlc for the emulator?), all of those games are mediocre as fuck.
Besides, someone needs to fucking tell me what's the point of advertising a ridiculously expensive luxury coupe in a kids game, in the fucking main menu nonetheless.
Seriously, explain this shit to me because I'm not getting it.