You're playing vidya when suddenly this monster blocks your path. What do you do?

You're playing vidya when suddenly this monster blocks your path. What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

ignore it

That looks like the middle boss...


>You're playing vidya
>in public

Next season never ever

I've got Depp and the Bathhouse Owner in my party, so this shouldn't be too hard.

Something like this.

i would a Tadakuni
no homo tho


Nichibros had the deepest lore.

is this fucking seto no hanayome?

that anime was hilarious

Best party member.

>Bathhouse Owner
I still remember this scene, kek

I'd smash his fucking socks off
all the homo


Literally who?

No, this is Nichijou but with no girls so its objectively better

ringo best nichiwaifu

Not it but seto no hanayome was pretty good too



Nichijou was much funnier
i still liked Nichiboys tho

They're the SAME FUCKING PERSON. How does no one get this?

What are you talking about?

never played a bethesda game?

What the fuck are tou talking about you faggot? Don't answer that, you'll only emberass your self further. Don't you EVER describe Depp and the Bathhouse Owner as the same ever again you disgusting piece of shit. I hope you die.

Kurawasa keeping it real

he has every reason to avoid her, for she is literally satan

is he /our guy/?

Any more nichibros reaction images? These are gold

>Tadakuni's sister likes him and is incredibly violent
>The most evil girl and one who scared him also likes him

Is being Kurawasa the worst suffering a man could be given?

muromi-san was pretty funny



nice youtube quality screencap


This is the single most funny thing I've ever seen in my life, not even joking

I laughed until I cried when I saw this and I still laugh my ass off from just remembering it

Not sure why this just clicks so right with my funny bone. His neutral and peaceful expression as he desperately screams "NOOOOOOOOOO"

>That fucking Cicada and dog
I had to fucking pause the episodes in order to breathe

Karasuma, why wont you die

what dog?


>TFW stuck with Tadakuni
At least I have Hopper to save my ass.

I don't understand how anyone can find nichijou funny

It could be that, perhaps, comedy is subjective.

It was at a later episode. I THINK there was a storm or some shit. It's been too long but i recall the same voice actor just yelling the dog's barks.

Ending song was catchy as fuck

That fucking theory.

Some people like hit-or-miss slapstick humor
This is how we'll know who to gas in the future race wars.

OHIIIISAMAAA or something like that. Might be the realest anime about highschool boys.

I use Bathhouse Owner

Is this the anime where the 'Ohhh man' screencap is from?

If you guys want more of Nichibros, the guy went and made another manga.
It's called "ZaiX10" and is fucking hilarious
He's also done touhou doujins by the pen-name "BomberGrape"

fuck, I miss this show



>not choosing Jack, the Lord Demon


ok faggots what's the name of the anime

nichibros isn't giving anything



Danshikokousei no nichijou.

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou.

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou

Literally 5 seconds searching on Google,come on, man.

>nichibros isn't giving anything
literally first link on google

Garzey's Wing


I think some people from a school in Japan actually performed this? It was on Youtube. And it was pretty meh.

Nichibros is literally the only comedy anime that was consistently funny all through.

The only other comedy anime I finished was GTO but less for the humour and more for Onizuka's shenanigans.





We seem to have the same type of humor, user. I never found anything else that came close to GTO and Nichibros in terms of laughs.

OPM comes somehow close. I overall just seem to have a thing for when the character's face is not ideal for the scene. Guess they call this british humor?

I should really watch this show.
NIchibros was good, but I heard this is 'THE' SoL anime.



yeah, probably gonna rewatch it.

where are the video games?

Azumanga Daioh is the OG slice of life which was actually good

What did he mean by this ending?

I thought it was a band. Not sure though. It is shitty and rightfully so. It goes really well with the series.

Don't post canadian white supremacist memes in this board, please

If you came to this thread just to complain about people having fun you can go now.

>author got so buttmad with the anime bad sales that he dropped the manga

What a dick.

Best love story ever told

I will, just kinda... Y' know.
Continue as normal.

>Welcome to the kazoku, onii-chan

Here you go:

To be honest author was mad at the anime staff and he'll never allow Yotsuba be an anime because of this.

Sad tho because Azumanga is my fucking favorite anime of all and Yotsuba would be equal or even better.

The only worthwhile discussions on Sup Forums are unrelated to videogames. You should know this by now.

What did they find..?

That's not the most funny scene in the anime but it's the most funny one that doesn't require previously knowing the characters I guess.

She was going commando


>Sup Forums has better anime discussion than Sup Forums
>Sup Forums has better vidya discussion than Sup Forums
bravo guys

So any good Comedy mangas? the only ones that comes to mind are Grand Blue , Nichibros and GTO

>Tfw Sup Forums hates actual good anime like Space Dandy and Ping Pong

>Sup Forums hates actual good anime like Space Dandy and Ping Pong
Bullshit Sup Forums loves Ping pong

How is this better? Seems like standard circlejerk/shitpost depending on the time of the day fare to me.

Period stain or testicles