Was she a mistake?
Was she a mistake?
And the idea surrounding her.
What do you think?
Mistakes into miracles.
Absolutely and Sup Forums should be ashamed.
What happened to GamerGate that now everyone hates it? I remember it being it loved here because it tried to fight unethical practices in videogame journalism.
jews won
Cute design absolutely ruined by the circumstances surrounding it. A cute girl that now serves as a reminder of that embarrassing culture war that led nowhere.
It led to the election of Donald Trump.
She represents the hypocrisy of how feminazis can boil down anything they disagree with to it's base steryotypes.
Here is a tired, ginger, slightly chubby, grumpy 7/10 who subverts almost every trope imaginable and they could only resort to flat out lieing about her appearance. The biggest troll of #GamerGate I think.
reddit wanted to come and get involved and make it into something more than it really was
Sup Forums really just wanted to make fun of Zoe Quinn. Not start a political uprising of fat nerds
We were overrun by Reddit and normalfags
Not enough porn.
>tried to fight unethical practices in video-games journalism
I think it broke apart when it became clear that trolls were co-opting it to simply stir shit.
Do people actually believe this?
I think everyone just stopped caring. Shills gonna shill, no one takes journos seriously anymore anyway, and the whole "muh sjws vs misogynists" argument was absorbed into the election.
Where do I even find her porn. Sadpanda has like 3 galleries
>fight unethical practices in videogame journalism.
It was just memes and shitposting like any kind of 'movement' on this site
The feminists won and the losers of GG all became alt right morons.
It's not just an internet shit flinging match between the feminists/sjws and the alt right, both partys are pathetic and need to just fuck off though.
it's now just a internet shit flinging contest*
Not really.
Alt right is just a buzzword
Yes but don't tell her.
Yep Zoe-quinn chan is a mistake.
Nah, she was needed, just like GG.
It made the retarded journos shoot themselves on the foot a whole lot faster than GG did to itself and well, while the people in the clique still lives on, they're pretty much irrelevant as they lost the whole "we can control our audience and make em buy what we WANT em to buy, so suck our dick or face the consequences".
Now all that's left in terms of power are some butthurt leftie devs.
It may have been that at the very start, but then retards who associated themselves with it began to warp the ideology by doing nasty shit to random women in the industry, there was a media outrage, and that led to people hating the whole concept.
So is SJW
>Feminists won
Everyone universally hates them in some form user
They're the laughing stock of the social system
I always see normies bashing those SJW snowflakes
but they literally identify as alt right
either way, whatever you want to fucking call the groups they're just throwing shit at each other at this point, and both of their shit stinks
Roughly as bad as her older sister, /jp/. How does Sup Forums keep getting laid when he's so toxic?
But not when she's brushing her teeth
None of it was needed at all. If anything the SJWs and jurnos benefitted from it because the louder, more retarded elements of GG kept trolling and doxing people and giving them ammunition to use against the "gamer menace".
Sorry but nope.
The feminists lost exactly the only one thing they had that was the power of convincing publishers and game developers that they could control the audience.
Now its just a bunch of failed retarded hipsters yelling at the retarded president on twitter and doing exactly nothing of relevant.
video games are heading the way of censorship
nothing ever actually got done about quinn and etc and they just got paid tons for being victims
gg has fallen apart meanwhile the feminists are still organised and around
they didn't WIN, but they definitely killed/out lasted GG
nothing, it's just that repeating the bullshit that caused gamergate in the first place is an easy way to score (you)
Yes, they got a lot of ad revenue in this war, but they lost the "under the tables" credibility, the kind that attract EA to ask em for shilling.
see? look at this! 5 (you) counting this one
>but they literally identify as alt right
Who does? Reddit?
I still don't know what gamergate is
Everyone always takes it too far. Sup Forums did the same thing at the HWNDU event. It's alright if you want to disturb the event with epic maymays, but some were blasting Johnny Rebel right in a nigger's ear.
It was the backlash made by GG that made Trump elected in a small way
We knew that the media is intertwined to each other when we started doing the major doxxing
Milo became relevant thanks to GG who was a figure that redpilled few Americans about SJWs
Gamergate was a fucking disaster
Posters were FAR to aggressive, spouting "MUH LIBERALS AND JEWS" and coined shitty buzzwords like SJW and Feminazi which still plague Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Once GG was established as offensive man children no one could really disagree with Anita and the rest without being grouped in with the extremists
Long story short: GG had an argument and blew it on being offensive
>all we want is politics OUT of games journalism!
>sweet this unashamedly right-wing blogger guy supports us, haha he complains about feminists all day long, he is so BASED!!!
>but the important thing is no agendas are being pushed VOTE TRUMP
>haha milo is so right about trannies being insane VOTE TRUMP
>the only reason I hate all these SJWs talking about games is that they don't even play videogames!!!
>haha milo wrote a game review for a game he never played and made fun of SJWs haha BASED
>milo also wrote an article after a shooting where he blamed videogames
>haha it's fine though there's no way milo is just an opportunist looking for clicks because he's not like the SJWs
>haha milo so based, he even knows the memes!! xD
r8 me
>Not taking it too far
Get out of here faggot
We always take things far to the point of changing politics in one way or another [Old Anonymous (hacktivism), GG (SJW backlash), and electing Donald Trump (changing geopolitics of the 21st century) ]
Chanology 2.0 kicked off and all the underage crusade kiddies thought Sup Forums should be their epic base of operations, because it's a cool underground website that mom and dad don't know about. So they invited reddit and tumblr here (literally, not in a paranoid sense) and together they flooded the board with their shit, and proved their underage by making an OC and donating to a feminist game developer for no reason other than to score "innocence points" for future debates.
Even though everyone agrees that Anita and her little posse is full of shit, GG slowly crumbled as it became clear that everyone involved was more interested in crying about feminism and SJWs than actually talking about corruption in the gaming industry, and more and more members drift away as it dawns on them what a trainwreck it's become.
All that's left now is the people who have nothing else, and it's basically just a group for lonely autists who got to feel part of a community for the first time in their lives, meaning that GG in it's current state is basically just the Brony fandom again.
The SJW side is so full of self-hating bitter self-serving vipers that taking their side is fucking insane, obviously.
The idea that not wanting to take either side in this shitshow is somehow nothing other than "being smug" and thinking you're better than "everyone else" is idiotic. Anyone over the age of 18 and with a lick of common sense wouldn't join either side of this worthless pissing match.
Her movement was a bit silly, but I liked her character and I'd play a vidya starring her.
western gaming got taken over by manchildren and numales
Anyone who doesn't know about it checks wikipedia and gawker, and end up thinking it was unironically about sexism and harassment.
How does getting attacked by retards lose you credibility? GGs public image was absolute shit and they were seen as a group of basement dwelling virginal misogynists as soon as the hyper aggressive trolling started. The ever worsening image of their opposing faction only served to make their position stronger.
No. /our daughter/ a cute.
>GGs public image was absolute shit and they were seen as a group of basement dwelling virginal misogynists as soon as the hyper aggressive trolling started
Not really only media was pushing that shit. Anyone with half a brain saw through it
Yeah, but you're dealing with a bunch of retards who get easily offended and take everything as "literally Hitler" already. Why actually meme about Hitler salutes and swastikas just to make it even worse?
It did admittedly work, yes. SJWs essentially lost all their power to convince developers to censor games, and HWNDU is currently shut down. But I still wish some common ground could be found and people could get along. There are people on the left who aren't batshit insane, but they're gonna see these "jokes" as fact too.
everything you said is true.
Why'd you try to kill her, GamerGate?
>But I still wish some common ground could be found and people could get along
We didnt start the culture war they did
>Not really
>Muh media
Then how come you can still see SJW and Feminazi in pretty much every thread now
It was that bad
Slightly unrelated but I think it's funny how people misinterpret data and think that phoneposters are somehow newfags, it's just that smartphones got more popular during that time.
Most people figured out that it was just a hate movement and that it never had any interest in journalism reform, and so ended up dropping out.
Once upon a time, there was a article written in favor of a game named Depression Quest. Some rumors cropped up about the author of the game sleeping with journalists to get reviews about the game, and about how a former roommate was writing reviews for a game at the same time they were living together. The whole thing blew up about ethics in video game journalism, how most reviewers and game journalists had little to no standards in ethical journalism, etc.
It was actually fairly interesting and informative, except that the gamergate movement didn't pursue any of it.
Instead, most of the movement kept posting about how Feminist Frequency was destroying video games, about how women developers were ruining the media by producing games, about how anyone making a non-standard game was part of a SJW agenda, and so on. The entire thing just ended up being harassment towards people, and by now, it's more like a troll campaign than anything else.
The topics surrounding ethics in game journalism are pretty interesting (including reporting vs reviews, and just getting your information from a reliable source) but nobody ever wanted to talk about any of that.
It's not about opposition or who's right.
It's about how well can the media control the users.
If i'm EA, i don't give a fuck on what you write, as long you're able to control your audience and sell my games.
And GG showed how little those sites can actually control users, and how me, as a supposed EA should not waste my money on those as i'm not getting my investment back.
>meanwhile in the real world
this is why trump won. lefties keep ignoring reality
Yes. GG may not have been what killed Sup Forums but it sure as hell put the final nail in the coffin
GG has thrown itself up as a noble cause, but it has completely misidentified the problem, got bogged down in conspiracy theories, and resorts to questionable methods to get its way.
Just like I don't want a shadow government to secretly rule the world but I don't think gassing Jews is in any way helpful, I am all for improving games journalism but I don't think fabricating scandals about indie devs and harassing them is the way to go about it.
And it's not "improving games journalism" is something so specific that GG is your only recourse here. GG is a lot more narrowly focused than that. GG has a narrative and a methodology. It has a very idiosyncratic ideal of what improving games journalism actually entails.
It's easy enough to support GG if you only ever mention in very broad strokes what it's ideally about, but if you get down to the details, it's a complete disaster. Like poking through the crust of a pie and finding it completely filled with shit. I'll just have a different pie, thanks.
Why did they only go after traditional gaming sites and not Youtubers/Twitch streamers?
The crazy SJWs did, yeah. I still feel like there are moderate democrats who can look at this and shake their head at its retardation. The progressive really did a number on them, though. Clinton would have just been a regular democrat if she didn't have to pander, I think. Trump was a better choice regardless, though. If anything, he's less right than any of the other candidates even though the media paints him as "far right literally Hitler"
She needs more porn...I have a thing for redheads
man i hate viv but i fucking love pics like this, flipping you off for showing you her tits and slightly embarrassed for it.
Yeah, the media was pushing it. People kept giving them ammunition with shitty Twitter posts chasing after feminists and getting butthurt about female anything in muh Vidya gaems. Shit gets used for more articles and headlines showing how terrible Gamergate is. Average Joe sees all the headlines and screen caps and the mentions of Sup Forums and takes it at face value because the actual meaning of Gamergate got buried beneath all the pointless anti-SJW bullshit.
stat me.
It brought reddit and tumblr here. Back when GG was still going on they were literally invited
>"Everyone" suddenly hates GG now
Don't fall into their tricks user
Remember Clinton hated GG too
TWITTER hfa status 772563031716982786
No one cares.
SJW are wrecking every subculture with their bullshit and gamers were the first to fight back
so many scrubs have that fighting stick
The only people to blame for Trump winning are people who voted for Trump.
>GG uses minorities as a shield from criticism
>by using the hashtag notyourshield
All this thought us is people of all colors, creeds and gender can be retarded.
>>all we want is politics OUT of games journalism!
not what it was about but okay
Sup Forums dealt with the entire Democratic Party + Never Trumpers
A group of keyboard warriors with nothing better to do launched a holy war on games journalism and all worked hard to uncover absolutely fucking nothing
In all honesty I thought games journalism was corrupt as fuck before GG happened. But their failure to dig up anything juicy made me realise it really is nothing more than a bunch of shitty bloggers looking for clicks. They are retards and sometimes assholes but there was so little dirt to be found that people had to spin insane shit just to justify how mad they were about it. The people attacking the journalists ended up looking obsessive and insane as it became more and more clear that there wasn't really anything there to be mad about other than "waaah this person is a liberal!"
You can hate liberals all you want, I certainly do, but they're entitled to their own opinion and it's unethical to try shut them down just because you disagree with them.
Yet this was also the starting point where mainstream media lost all credibility especially with the younger crowds.
Thats why so many youngsters were immune to the trump bashing because they already knew the script. And i am not even pro trump my point is that they never addressed his point and just whined for 18 months
who made that shit...
Reminder that this was drawn without a hint of irony.
The problem is that there's always going to be some dumb fucking moron doing some dumb shit because of course there is, you can't stop drooling retards from being drooling retards. The media, who was under scrutiny, obviously found it in their best interest to laser focus on dumb shits on the other side being dumb shits, so there was really no way to avoid the fact that dumb shits became the face of the movement.
>video game
pick one
it's all paid ads and always has been
This thread isn't about Gamer Gate, it's about whether you would fuck Vivian or not.
Of course it was, goober gate in general was a mistake. Ethics in game journalism my ass. It was just a bandwagon for idiots to hop on so they had something to be angry about.
>Ginger Tomoko
No thanks.
>GG uses minorities as a shield from criticism
Actually it was the other way around.
Gaming sites claimed to speak for women and minorities using them as a defense for their shady journalism
ask someone who joined Sup Forums when gamergate started anything
That is some incredible revisionism
>newfags need an avatar for their shitty crusade so bad they try and create a new Sup Forums avatar even though multiples already exist
>Sup Forums paid 5000$ to have an OC feature in a game that was so bad nobody ITT could name it on the spot
I'm not sure how far it would have gone anyway, though. Whenever I mentioned it to anyone else, even online, they weren't even aware of this feminist shit. That either means that they were stealthily gonna try to dismantle the vidya industry, or everyone actually gave such a little fuck that they weren't actually going to do anything.
Something did change, though. I remember Angry Joe flipping his shit about how "misogynistic" Ride to Hell was, then saying Quiet from MGS5 was a little sexist, and now he actually laughs at the practically soft core porn in Yakuza 0 and didn't seem to mind it was in at all.
Mainstream media has less to do with GG and more to do with it just becoming increasingly irrelevant as Let's Players and YouTubers continue to grow in popularity
Holy fuck the delusion
Why didn't they just use Sup Forums-tan for the game?
Other than the r34 of course
we just wanted games journalism to grow up and stop being a marketing branch of literally every publisher
what are you, gay?
God she's so fucking adorable