What's that game thread

>What's that game thread

I only remember the opening cinematic and maybe a portion of the first level. It was almost definitely a PS1 game and I played it on a demo disc.

The intro had a guy, a commando of sorts hiding in a snowy forest/field.
There was maybe some radio chatter. From the horizon started rumbling towards our commando hero a GARGANTUAN tank-like machine. It was literally, absolutely fucking huge. When the machine was passing by the commando, he would jump aboard and infitrate it.

The game would then begin and it was most likely 3rd person. The environment was gritty and resembled Unreal 1 a bit.

Other urls found in this thread:


That pic is fucking scary


no idea mate but good luck

This pic makes me uncomfortable.

is the pic some sort of spider type?

Slime mold.

Bleeding Tooth fungus
(Hydnellum peckii)
you're thinking of Spiny Orb-Weavers

That looks fucking delicious

Cast it into the flames of mount doom

Was spider kill?

thanks for the information user. do you study biology or something?

>bleeding tooth fungus

And just like that I feel like brushing my teeth, flossing and rinsing with mouth wash immediately...

Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn


I just like /an/ desu.

Would you?

it looks delicious t b h

I recognize that doujin

No, he's just been on the Internet for more than a week.

Thank God that isn't posion

Is this it? I'm curious.

the only thing I wouldn't do is stop.

its a bloodborne screenshot of amygdala

what's going on in that image?

fuck off op that pic is a lie.

look at dat goofy-ass skeleton face on it's back (mouth on the side next to the head, nostrils and eyes above)

I thought the fungus was the spikes. Turns out it's just the spider.

An old ass jRPG where a centaur was one of your party members.

I remember playing it as a kid.

I also have a game I cant remember.

It was an MMO but not an RPG. You had a hero and after joining one of the 3 factions (which were identical) you could move around on a risklike board. Then if you moved to a contested area a fight started in which both team joined. You fought by deploying units and then you controlled them and tried to fight other units. Kind of like a multiplayer RTS but then without unit production and instead with just deploying units.

It was futuristic (you fought with robot units) and between fights you could upgrade your troops with CPUs, weapon systems and engines and special abilities (like cloak generators). Cloak made your unit invisible except for leaving behind footsteps, but enemies could still attack you like normal. Also artillery were little turrets on 3 feet that you had to deploy. This would show a big red ring X units away from where they were deployed. As soon as enemies ran into that circle your artillery would attack.

Your hero could also level up and increase stats like how many units you could deploy at the same time.

Units could also upgrade as a unit. For example Shades (bipedal robots) could either become Shade-2 or go down other evolution lines. Artillery could upgrade into AA artillery. Ghosts (lighysaber melee troops) could upgrade into tough melee units but lose their ability to upgrade stealth.

It was free but you could pay money for ingame Gold which allowed you to equip stronger golden weapons.

It's called Bleeding Tooth Fungus. Apparently the red jelly is an anticoagulant. The mushroom itself is not poisonous but it's supposedly so bitter that nobody would eat it.

>looks like delicious shit
>its actually a fungus
>second post is actually samefaggotry

i am so mad

you guys wont survive in the wild.

>Wow, that looks yummy! I'm gonna put it in my mouth!

how am i supposed to know from the thumbnail?

Pixel sidescroller around SNES or PS1 era at the latest. Very colorful, possibly anime-esque, there may have been some sort of gems or something to collect. The area I was in was pretty green, like a forest or a garden or something. I remember I got to a point where it seemed like there was a high wall that I couldn't get over for some reason.

It must've been fairly mainstream because I remember playing it at one of those store demo kiosks. I don't know why I even remember or care so much, I guess I just need to know that it wasn't some weird bullshit my mind manufactured. I've looked into it before and I'm seriously starting to think it was, but it's hard to let go since I have a pretty good track record for remembering weird shit from my childhood, even stuff that seemed really implausible.

Shadez 2: Battle for Earth



Oh I almost forgot the main character was female, I almost want to say in the vein of magical girl or something like that. It was weird.

Valis: The Fantasm Soldier?


I beleive it's a wedding ring on a dead soldiers finger bone from ww2

No it was topdown as in an RTS game, not sidescrolling.

>implying anyone on Sup Forums could survive in the wild
Nigger, half the people on this board can't even survive in society.

Nah, I'm pretty sure it was more colorful/cutesy than that. Thanks for trying, though.

Heres another:
RPG game.
I remember killing allot of men-like beasts, there was a centaur boss at the beginning i died to allot (dumb kid)
Box art was a guy fighting a dragon with allot of heads i think.
Also remember walking out of city gates into a beeach with piles of bones that gave you loot
This must have been atleast ~9 years ago. My brother got it around release date. For PC btw

Mushroom thread? Pic related may look familiar to you guys. It is the white Amanita known as the Destroying Angel, the deadliest mushroom in the world.

No idea what you are looking for, but
>Box art was a guy fighting a dragon with allot of heads i think.
Was likely a hydra.

No, this is the deadliest mushroom in the world

Hybrid wars?


Yea that

More info:
Game was maybe set during roman times in places like Sparta. I remember going to a spartan war camp or something like that and helping them kill more beast men

They are very closely related. Also Amanita


Main char is not female but.. I tried.

hercules game of disney

No, it had graphics like RA2 (voxels) and had classic RTS controls

Also try:



No its definitly on PC, not cartoony either.

Man, I almost wanna say that's it. The little bar at the top with the icons and stuff seems particularly familiar. But I dunno, it also seems pretty different from what I remember as well.

Probably not the game you are after, but it kind of sounds like Wrath of the Gods, but that is a point and click adventure.


>When this war is over, I'm going to go live with my wife and kids.

It was his own fault.

Thats the one.
Thanks user im going to replay this now.

that pic actually made me shake wtf

Be sure to get the immortal throne add on.


Rts on pc
If u have units they passively eat food
Archers have bigger dmg shooting from uphill
Each faction has some kind of late game demi-god u can buy for a lot of resources

Age of Mythology?


RTS/rpg don't remember
You play as a hero going thru a dungeon it was semi cartoony. I remember the narrator having a semi deep voice. And something about going thru the dungeon to kill something

How deadly are we talking?

Not as deadly as a mushroom with a machine gun!


Probably not what you're looking for but reminds me of MW4

If you had just said it was a diablo-like I would have gotten it instantly

It's time for you to take your nap.

Yes, The eternal nap that saves me from underage children.


Ive never played a diablo game

Aww, poor cwanky babby needs a nappy nap.
>tfw getting called underage in my mid 30's

These fungi looks like something you'd find in Binding of Isaac.

>he's not 262
No way, fag.

>Oh boy, can't wait 'til I'm done killing people who more or less share my ideals and culture so that a hundred years from now I can become a minority in my own country

When things in nature go out of their way to look delicious, it's pretty reasonable to expect the opposite.

Why are oldschool pixel games so comfy?


It's not this. Sorry. It was more sci-fi like.

This is the opening of onimusha 3

>Magical Pop'n
>Fairly mainstream
Good game though.
Too bad it's fairly short. I think I completed it in one sitting, about two hours or so.
also, princess a cute


I love these things

And they love laying eggs in your brain

sounds hot


>non edible

>but also non toxic

then why the fuck isnt it edible

Because it doesn't provide nutrients you sperg

Because it tastes nasty and you'd probably puke after eating it.


non-nutritious =/= non-edible

Diablo is shit anyway

wtf is a plant made of it has no fiber, starch or sugars

thank you for making me regret my own misplaced sense of remorse

Mushrooms aren't plants.

I hope someone knows it, because that sounds kinda neat