Bloodborne gets the DS2 treatment

Suppose B team is tasked with making a sequel to Bloodborne without any input from Miyazaki. How does it go?

>50 weapons but less than 10 are actual trick weapons
>all the bosses are hunters
>gothic horror archetypes way more on the nose now
>frankenstein's monster

None of that shit happened in 2. In fact, Bloodborne is closer to 2 than to 1.

If it means that it'll have the large selection of weapons, armors that have unique effects, useful upgrade paths, and more hunter tools.

Definitely, do it.

>no Cosmic horrors
>multiple enemies
>shit animations
>shitty level design
>shitty durability
>lifeless world
>no memorable npcs
>terrible music
>flat lighting
>linear as shit

it can only be better
fuck grinding for shit all the fucking time and million loading screens
the only good thing about the franchise is the dark souls 1 until the lordvessel


>le cycle meme

Sonyggers would still praise it because "muh exclusive"

It would probably still be a great game though

Considering DS2 was better than DS3....

Why is the B-Team meme still a thing after 3 years? It was proven untrue ages ago. The issue with 2 was the incredibly fucked up dev cycle and the fact that no one wanted to make it. Same with 3 but it had a better dev cycle, though you can tell no one involved wanted to or enjoyed working on it.

>it's superior in every way but buttshattered Miyazaki fanboys will cry about it for years to come

>muh metacritic

>muh fanboyism

quite literally what 1 nd 3 are about too. That is in no uncertain terms the point of the series.

which is funny because 3 rehashed even more than 2
it's ok when miyazaki does it though since it's supposed to be shit


Nope, other guy's right. If you listen to reviews you're a peon and it's clear you're the fanboy here.

Bloodborne shills neck yourselves, Splatoon outsold your game by more than double.

>muh quantity over quality

I wish you faggots would die.

>implying anything was quality about DaS3

laughing out loud

You could say it would be a real... horror show. *dadum tust*

>game where you have access to 10 different bosses right from the start
lmao out of all the things you could say you choose linear?
What the fuck is the word for das3 then, by your standards of linearity?

It's now Dark Souls III

Assuming it follows the same pattern as DaS->DaSII, it would be much better. I'm all for it.

By the way, just in case someone needs a reminder: 2 > BB > 3 > DaS > DeS

>warping from the start

Oh wait.

>things that describes every souls game
>or none

>area layout that makes no sense
>unispired level design
>promised features not in the final product
>online system will be wonky as fuck
>reused assets everywhere
>copy-paste bosses
>useless shortcuts
>huge variety of armor pieces/ fashion souls 2
>all the best looking armor are rare drops from non re-spawnable enemies
>lame npc's

Please don't post this image ever again, fucking critics have no idea what they're doing, AC : FA was a fantastic fucking game, I'll never forget the soundtrack and some of the pilots like Old King.

>b team meme

God I hate souls fans

>hehe dks 2 is bad xd

Fuck off with this garbage meme, it's a very good game if you played SoTFS, the DLC is incredibly fun and the base game is fun as fuck.

>b-but it's not an exact replica of dks 1 :(

where would the lore fit in though
havent they exerted every possibility from bloodborne +dlc lore wise
will they take a shot at a prequal-like scenario with bloodborne 2 i wonder..

When you say right from the start, exactly when is that? after defeating Father Gascoigne?

It'll take place on an entirely different continent and setting. Untold years have passed etc.

Right from the start in DaS2 it is possible to access a total of 10 bosses in any order you wish.
Right from the start as in from the beginning of the game. In Bloodborne it plays differently, but would translate to after you reach Hunter's Dream from the first lantern.

>tfw bloodborne 2s whole gameplay is procedurally generated like chalice dungeons
oh the keks to be had

Wouldn't NONE of the bosses be hunters if it was in true DaS2 spirit? And 100% oversized.

>frankenstein's monster

You say that like it's a bad thing.

A multiplayer casual game about kids who are also squids shoot squirt guns at each other sold more than an action rpg about cosmic horrors?

No, you don't say?

>It'll take place on an entirely different continent and setting. Untold years have passed etc.
id still woudnt mind a prequal
may be playing as Gerhman is his early days

>quantity over quality
>has the highest build variety in the series

Sometimes I wish people actually played scholar...

>frankenstein's monster
i actually woudnt mind a take on frankenstein, dracula, werevolfs version of bloodborne
sort of like in spirit of van helsing movie

desu worst case scnario itl be like ds3 still playable and fun
best case scenario it could blow the first bloodborne out of the water and bring hope in the b team

>all bosses are hunter
you know what... if theyre skillfully matched and at times unpredictable in combat and have great character and liekable charisma and awesome backstory which you find out through npcs and having the combat with them be more dynamic with the environment that lasts a while where the boss may escape at times an you`d have to fight him as you progress further along then this coud have potential

Ah, missread the conversation there abit. Also

Did you enjoy BB alot? I desu dont wish for another bloodborne game.

>Tons of new characters who were never referenced before appear
>All the new characters are essentially the same as characters from the previous game
>The final boss is a new Great One with a cliche-design who literally tells you the lore as he fights
>"Praise the Moon" becomes a gesture
>The game is resold for full price a few months later under the title "Bloodborne 2 and the Great One's Curse"
>The new game only adds one new NPC

>circle strafe to kill every boss
>what masterpiece we got from BB1's old hunters dlc is reduced to 3 different versions of garbage
>no more interesting npcs
>questlines that make you puke
>shitty mechanics like tieing dodge and roll to a stat
>dogshit floaty movement
>5000 greatsword 6 million straight swords 20 katanas 3 guns and call it a day
>arcane becomes op
>story doesn't make sence and is shit
>lore is shit
>items are shit

as long as those hunter bosses have stamina bar and equally limited items at hand then am ok with that

>graphics are a big step down from 1
>artstyle turns into bland vomit inducing trash
>blood memory
>all the bosses are hunters but big, great ones changed to big humans same with ayy lmaos
>2 or 3 beast bosses

when you reach the elevator to the altar of despair, it goes up instead of down

>all the bosses are hunters
this would be an enormous improvement

they're big and slow like those pthumerian dudes you fight in chalice dungeons

also if they have gascoigne like fazes
with final form being a great one/beast or something along those lines

Nah, I didn't like it too much. It's an ok game, but a bit too dull imo, and the lack of colours and contrast made it unappealing to me. I doubt a sequel trying to copy those BB aspects would be too great of a game.
I'd still give it a playthrough though.

>and you fight Cosmos: the father or Ebritas

It would look like shit, play like shit, have shit characters, and shit dialogue. Though you will have weapon and armor variety.

Out of curiosity what 10 bosses are accessible right from the start in ds2?

Also, it would have no quality control

It'll look worse in screenshots but at least it'll actually be optimized

that's like saying that twilight is more popular than bloodlines, means ass

The Pursuer
The Last Giant
Royal Rat Vanguard
The Rotten
Old Dragonslayer
Scorpioness Najka

would still be better than loudly flailing shitnugget

>highest build variety in the series

Which means jack shit when PVP duels were legitimately unplayable in comparison to both DS1 and DS3

1 is not about cycles, its about the end of a world, the end of fire, heat, its the fucking heat death theory not "the world dies and then is reborn" trash.

Not really. I play scholar on Xbox and the PvP works very well.

If you're talking 100% DaS2 treatment... A couple of things are guaranteed to happen (probably none that will actually make the game bad though, I imagine.)

Expect ugly character models and animations, that's just a given. A lot of poorly telegraphed movements and stuns you can't tell are happening. Balance will actually be good and most builds will work but there's no actual horror and little lovecraftian stuff. Outfit selection will be large but underwhelming.

Massive selection of disjointed levels with no plot relevance. All really memorable, most for the wrong reasons. Most of the bosses won't match the area they're fought in.

Beasts will outnumber every other enemy type seen in Bloodborne II, everything is just mutated hairy people and there's few edritch horror abominations or entities. Very little sense of descent to madness. Blood will serve very little part in the plot until the end as well.

>heat death theory
Then what's "the Age of Dark", nigga?

woo cycles (fire goes and comes back) are established in das3 as well via the age of dark ending

also cyclical nature is a major fucking theme of das2 (giants, kingdoms, etc) and to mistake that death and rebirth dont apply to the fire means you're not paying attention

in das1, there is no cyclical nature to the fire, it eithers continues or GOES OUT. FOREVER. BECAUSE THAT TIES INTO THE FUCKING MAIN THEME OF THE GAME.

das2 is shit and anyone who defends it is an idiot

you're stupid

You can't access Double Dragon(rider) right at the start - you still need to open the Shrine of Winter, which takes progress either way you do it.
Unless you mean by using the skip, which isn't a good argument.
Same for Aava and Darklurker.
Pursuer isn't technically a boss fight until you kill the Last Giant.

Why is he called Dragon Rider if he doesn't ride dragons?

¨The Shrine of Winter will open at a million soul memory, it is possible.