No-bullshit attitudes
Other urls found in this thread:
>im le strong female!
Fuck Poland and the shitter 3
>All female characters should be weak and unable to get shit done
t. reddit
fuk wo u got me xD
>pic related is pepe
Reddit doesn't use pepe.
>tfw no option to hatefuck her
Sigh, if this was Witcher 1 you could've done it.
>reddit doesn't use pepe
Why didn't they save Fringilla for Toussaint so Geralt could have a nostalgie bang?
Because she's garbage.
Except you have the choice of talking back to the dumb bitch as Geralt.
As much as I liked that DLC, the plot felt slightly retarded with characters acting like morons. Detlaff is just cringe worthy. I had no empathy for Sianna whatsoever, she was a total bitch and vendetta-meme is never an excuse. I feel like her death should be mandatory, together with Detlaff.
Also that time skip was pretty confusing, I thought I could at least choose my own way instead of getting forced into going through the town assault.
Reddit doesn't use best pepe
>anime virgin can't handle strong females
Yeah guess what, faggot. In real life they are not mumbling autists like in your chinese cartoons and can shit all over you if it's needed.
The writing took a nosedive compared to Hearts of Stone, that's for sure. Still, the content is really exceptional.
>no bullshit attittude alright
>retard who absolutely refuses to accept her sister is an asshole despite overwhelming evidence that she wants to kill her
She gets what she deserves and more, the ending where she dies is better than muh happy ending.
Because hiring people to do dirty work is such an obnoxiously stronk thing to do. You people and your sjw witch hunting, I swear
>get to the point or die
>geralt asks an another pointless question
>he actually kills geralt
The absolute madman
>laugh lines
>individual pores
>you can see make-up over her skin
This game will never not surprise me
The fact that he's so far above Geralt or Regis' power level is what genuinely scares me. It's not like some other RPG where you can go "Yeah right, lol" and kill the NPC outside of dialogue and then reload once you're satisfied, this guy is completely in control of your situation.
Also when you visit him after, you'll die without any questions asked.
>The fact that he's so far above Geralt or Regis' power level is what genuinely scares me.
>that's cute
it's actually apustaja
Another REDDIT comment, you're on a roll.
Pretty spooky
is it really explained anywhere what this guy actually is?
> no porn
no sale
>ywn fuck a female like her
>Are we through here?
why did they turn shani into a man
>The fact that he's so far above Geralt or Regis' power level is what genuinely scares me. It's not like some other RPG where you can go "Yeah right, lol" and kill the NPC outside of dialogue and then reload once you're satisfied, this guy is completely in control of your situation.
Being just powerful doesn't really mean anything.
It's not about powerlevels.
On a larger scale he'd use his powers to build a jewish company, not beat everyone in 1x1 fight.
some op as fuck demon
>seeing men
Some sort of demon or djinn. He has insane powers, but I don't think he can use them freely as much as he'd like. He needs some suckers who fall to his word traps.
He is the devil himself. Many aspects of his character and things that he does/are associated with him are the same as things associated with the devil in much of European folklore.
crossroads demon
She's actually my gf
This is a decent female character done well though.
dude, she is like the only girl in the Witcher world that cannot be raped.
he's a demon.
Gaunter or Unseen Elder could definitely pull it off.
Right lads, Motherfucking gaunter o dimm VS the most unseen of unseen elders. Fight!
Nah, even Detlaff or Regis could do it.
it's a queen or something.
There was one Polish princess who murdered 3 husbands and 4th one murdered her and she was only 15.
If Gaunter can essentially control time at his whim then he obviously has the advantage. Somehow I doubt even the top vamp pre-Conjunction could touch Gaunter if he did not want to be touched.
Literally Satan.
K I'm biting this.
Please tell me how is that a le strong female type.
What I'm seeing is "I paid for you to get shit done'.
Annarietta is a spoiled little cunt with hardcore cognitive dissonance.
Fuck off syanna
man you can't be fucking serious and try to deny that
she's all sweet then when you learn her own sister was goading a vampire to kill the knights she doesn't want a word of, literally goes lalalalala can't hear you witcher, get out of my sight
>fucking Roche
this game had excellent characters.
Can anyone list fuckable females in the Witcher 3?
I want to fuck em' all, help me achieve this.
>The third game absolutely shits on all your decisions if you pick iorveth
I played it recently and the entire time I thought he was an all powerful demon or the devil, but the professor you talk to clearly states he is the embodiment of evil. As in a force of nature. He takes pleasure in people's suffering because killing them doesn't satisfy him. And he does these contracts to increase their suffering and keep human souls, what he values more than than anything else including the entertainment.
I will never understand the reasoning behind this game.
Or which point it tries to take.
Iorveth path existed purely for second playthroughs, it's not supposed to be serious.
It mostly tries to shock you but also be sexy for pedos
The guy that died to help nonhumans wasn't supposed to free the hands of the nonhuman? I don't think the devs played the first game then.
>hurr why does a duchess have more power than your average peasant