Gee, this Velvet Crowe person sounds pretty scary! Good thing that she's dead, right?
Gee, this Velvet Crowe person sounds pretty scary! Good thing that she's dead, right?
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can't wait for these generals to die, so much cancer in the last thread
Get the fuck back to Sup Forums, no one cares about the show.
So, why'd this guy only tell him Velvet's name and conveniently left out Artorius?
start reporting it
Who's that with her?
How the fuck does malevolence work again?
It's clear even early on that Velvet still has feelings and a sense of her past self, but Rokurou is a fucking sociopath who admits he doesn't remember what he was like as a human and only cares about getting stronger and killing his brother. Shouldn't he be oozing malevolence?
Is this anime original territory?
What's the point of throwing Velvet into Zesteria's plot in the anime when her story has been done for 3000 years prior? Oh, god, don't tell me the next Tales of game ill be putting her and Soray together in a new game with yet another new cast.
Thread theme:
You don't need to know
Fuck, don't tell me it's
>another Berseria crossover episode
comfy times are over, kill me now
The point is you got BTFO you hilarious autist. So SURE you were right about Velvet not appearing in the anime, so SMUG about "MUH PACING."
...Not very smug now, are ya?
It works pretty much like how it does in the Zestiria game, it just goes more indepth. Being infected with malevolence to the point where you can't be purified is when a person begins to actively forget who they were and only focuses on the one thing that caused them to be hellion to begin with.
It's just that Berseria doens't have a legitimate sociopath fucking up the world building.
Depends on the individual and mentality.
Therions are special because they are living beings who eat malevolence because they are the "heads" of Innominat.
1000 actually.
Seraphs in the Heavenly Realm are the real bad guys.
While you were right about her showing up, it's was only for two seconds, nothing to celebrate about.
Two. Don't forget Symmonne.
Fuck Jester.
Why isn't Rokurou some mindless monster then? He's already at the point where he forgot his human self and was fixated on killing Shigure for years.
Well it was because the anime promised to have her show up in some form. Will it actually matter is the real question here.
It's only 20 seconds no worries.
I guess it's different for every person? Dyle turned into a fucking lizard man but he's still relatively "human" so to speak.
You do know that Zestiria had a lot of human hellions that didn't go feral, right?
>rokurou dual-wielding stormquell and stormhowl in the epilogue
Fuck, Why couldn't we do that in the game
Not even that much.
I jerked off to some spicy Velvet r34 today
He was "purified" of all his edgy issues when he became a daemon. He says as such. Only beating Shigure remained. Made him a better person ironically.
Very obviously set up for Sorey to learn about her.
Share my man
Because it's CROSSOVER you silly dove.
Zestiria the CROSS
It ties Zestiria with Berseria.
If the story actually focused on Sorey, okay, but we've gone right back to being the Alisha and Rose show.
There are like 5 episodes left and they aren't even halfway through the game...
It's just me, or she and Eizen have a mutual thing gong between them?
We all know Eizen is into little girls, and she needs someone who stands hard on the ground.
Season 3 coming soon!
It's just you.
Sauce of full pic?
Well, next time they meet Zaveid he'll spill the beans.
He should be near Ladylake because of Eizen anyway.
They aren't following the game anymore, they're doing their own shit.
He is the one who is most forceful in bullying her
They still are though, hell they're even going back to cover an event that they neglected to cover in season 1.
Does GameFAQs have better taste than us?
I'm more interested in the best girl poll
>Everything is malevolence and there's nothing we can do about it
Does anyone else hate how fucking stupid this plot device is? Everything is straight fucked ALL OF THE TIME. I don't think there's a worse Tales world to live in.
Every other game has something going for its world, but Zestiria/Berseria just leads to an inevitable wasteland of shit and negative energy which in turn fucks the world up even more. It doesn't matter if you have some fancy shepherd going around and trying to save the world, it's not going to change a single goddamn thing.
Mayachi (Amuriya) I think. I don't remember, but it's her style
But Phi managed to make things work out, it's why he became apple dragon.
...Never heard of her. Definitely didn't kick my ass
Didn't you play the Ex Dungeon? The game is rigged which is why Sorey, Velvet, and Third MC need to kick the seraphs shit in
Malevolence was entire controllable t one point in time. It was the Seraphs of Heaven who turned it into a plague that can easily destroy the world if left unchecked for a few hundred years.
The weakness in human hearts is both a wondrous and terrible thing.
I want to fuck this brown monster
I wish they had, but I think Eizen hates magi.
Phi worked everything out, and Eizen made it stick, but then Lailah fucked everything up.
And if they follow the manga then Sorey and Mikleo have made headway in Seraphim-humans relations and certain people Heavenly tenzoku aren't too happy about that. So they're going to have to wake Velvet up to kick some ass.
@heke on twitter
Mana also exists user and the earth isn't the real world.
Heaven is the true world. We apes and our lower plane of existence spawned after theirs already existed for awhile.
what a sin, putting best girl to worst girl side by side like that
How old is Magilou anyways? Someone tell me, you probably won't spoil anything for me since I'm at the point where I've killed both legates, it's just that they casually mentioned Magilou being a lost legate 10 years ago and no one was surprised unlike when Melchior said he was stronger 100 years ago
why can't they just let Zestiria universe die?
worst shit ever.
Supposedly, she is ~30 but her body stopped aging in her teens due to a pledge or something. Do her sidequest, a lot of things are explained
Why are angels such dicks?
Because berseria redeemed it.
Great, so the next Tales of game this year will be involved in Sorey and Velvet's world. Jesus Christ, it's like Bamco is trying yet another go at their "Tri-verse" shit again. I hope the third protagonist is at least actually interesting and well rounded compared to Velvet and Soreay especially since they'll have to share screen time with them
Any tips for the final boss of Berseria?
The fact that there's two of them at the same time really fucks me over and Insubstantiate is basically one-shotting people (or two-shotting, stunning people on the first hit and then blowing them up).
Up until now I could crutch anything with Velvet if needed, but that isn't working here, add the lack of weaknesses on the boss and I'm having significant troubles.
Playing on Evil, if it matters any.
>Velvet:Kill them! INNOMINAT!
>Sorey:Now calm down Velvet. Let's try talking things out! Then kill them if they don't stop! Oh I see ruins over there let's explore first!
Next game will be the characters fighting the seraphim of he heavenly realm who are actively trying to undo all the good that Sorey and Velvet have achieved.
I'd actually pay to see that.
Craft some high + gear for your main character and forget about wearing stuff with skills you need to learn for that fight. Having high + number on your gear gives extra max/starting BG/SG which makes a huge difference.
I'd buy it
Malakhim MC when
This is by far the dumbest world they've come up with
I despise Zestiria but absolutely love Berseria
I guess I be willing to put up with a third game to finish things off once and for all and to change the shit world they live in
But who knows, they might make something completely different and say fuck it
I'll take either choice
Why do birds fly?
To escape into space when the Heavenly Realm Seraphs begin killing everyone.
I beat them on Chaos too. I killed Inominant first. Spammed R2 with Velvet and whenever he used an arte I used Spell Absorber with Magilou. I used some soul bottles as well.
I like Velvet and Eleanor, but I'd still fuck the shit out of Alisha
Can Malakhim and Humans have children together?
>no ass
>no chest
>boring as hell
shit taste.