This is literally white genocide in video game form, prove me wrong
Protip: you can't
This is literally white genocide in video game form, prove me wrong
Oliver Lewis
Easton Cooper
more upset about playable humans only tbqh
Samuel Perry
You're wrong and retarded.
Brandon Johnson
tell me that again after I get 500 replies
Grayson Wright
They are just trying to pander to every *minority* group out there, manlets, blacks, landwhales, shreks, autists and everyone else.
Joseph Diaz
I will never understand why people want other playable races. Being a human is what Mass Effect is all about, and being a different race would offer zero changes in terms of plot for this game.
Christopher Butler
Replies won't make you any less retarded m8.
Justin Jackson
Don't particularly care what you do or don't understand
Ryan Clark
As a manlet I don't feel represented by that literal midget.
Jaxson Myers
If you like this game then enjoy condom in ass.