I thought he was middleaged Sup Forums
I thought he was middleaged Sup Forums
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If he was 26 when Melee came out, that means he's like 41 now. Near enough middle-aged.
Didn't Miyamoto state that Mario was 24-25?
So does this mean that melee is at the end of the mario timeline?
It would explain the Mushroomy Kingdom in Brawl.
He and Peach are roughly the same age, so if he was middle-aged Peach would probably look pretty different.
It probably stretches over many years. In some games he may be 26, but he may also be in his teens or his 30s or 40s in other games.
The average age of a Nintoddler then.
that makes them 10 years older than half of Sup Forums
did you know Yoshi is 40 years old?
I doubt Sup Forums hits 16 even on average.
All the Yoshis from Yoshi's Island are long dead
Well he took care of Mario when he was a baby, so I'm not surprised.
Yoshis are long-lived like dragons.
no they arent , they can live till 100
>Mario and Peach are in their mid 20's
Wait, then how old would Bowser be then?
I thought he was 50 or something
no teenager has a mustach like that. Unliss its fake
>although it's never really confirmed
>except for in this game that confirms it
Smash isn't canon
same age, tidy bit older
Around the same age. he's basing it of that yoshi game which is set when everybody are babies.
He's like, younger than average nintendo fan
A middle aged man isn't going to have the energy to do everything mario does.
It's fiction. old people could be more op than Mario.
Are you kidding me? he looks fine af and his skin is fucking smooth, no wrinkles or nothing.
what made come to that conclusion is it seriously the mustache you literal child? or what? he's a little overweight? did you never see slighlty chubby mustachioed 20 somethings in your life?
With his fat ass 26 might very well be middle aged.
>My crappy licensed kid's show should take precedent over Canon
You're almost as bad as Dobson.
Maybe it was the Super Mario Bros. TV show
i wish my fat ass could jump over cars and fences like he could
This poster surely is underage, ironically.
Here, your real life Mario.
Born in 1962, this was 1982, so he was both figuratively and literally 20 years old.
No wait, he was 1963, so that's 19 years old.
>that post
What did he mean by this?