Will he be in DBZ Xenoverse 3 to put an end to the menace Son Goku?

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ayy lmao

So does this mean Frieza was actually right about saiyans being monekys and needing to be eradicated?

>plot of Xenoverse 3 is a grand multi timeline tournament
>Zeno says he'll erase every timeline that loses

Freeza was 100% right and so was Zamasu.
Ningen are a cancer.

Well he knew that they were a menace for HIM as an emperor of the galaxy. So he's still evil.

Freeza may have had selfish reasons for getting rid of the Saiyans but he was still fully aware that they're growing out of control.
Beerus actually confirms this in Battle of Gods revealing that it was Beerus that actually commanded Freeza to destroy the Saiyans to begin with.

holy shit is DBS actually getting good?