>brb smoke break
Brb smoke break
Other urls found in this thread:
>that user who is always in game, all day, even on weekdays
>gets pissy any time you have to leave
>immediately messages you if you go in game with something
>that lonely NEETfag that we all delete eventually
>brb fap break
>brb sleep
>brb bathroom
>Doesnt come back after 1 hour
whos dat girl
>brb wife aggro
>brb wife aggro
Also I got banned for making this exact thread a while ago, quality mods
Complaining about the quality of moderation is a moddable offense (^:
You're a bitch. I don't smoke cigarettes but other people are free to do so and I am not bothered when others interrupt a *game* to take a break for any reason.
You're basically Diane Feinstein.
>1 sec guys i gotta take a hit xD
I really don't care anymore, they just ban for whatever they want and leave blatant not-vidya up
This /thread
The part that annoys people, or me at least, is that its not hard to just say "brb". "brb smoke" is the most redundant "please notice that i smoke and am therefore cool" thing to say.
>brb cops
>Last Online: 4 years ago
>bong noises over the mic for the next minute
>brb gotta pick up mu kids
It's to tell you they're not going take a shit, pretty much.
>implying you wouldn't tell your party if you were stopping to take a shot or crack a beer
c'mon now
>hey can you do us a favour and turn your mic off when you do tha-
>taking shots while raiding
Beer I understand, but what?
I don't think so dude, I think you are just generalizing a bunch of people because you don't like what they do.
WoW made me start smoking in my room, to avoid this shit.
>brb gf giving me a quickie
>online friends think I'm a night person and that's why I'm always in a great mood and really talkative after the sun goes down
>Never told them it's because that's when I bring out liquor.
I smoke too, cunt. And when I take a break to smoke I say "brb" like a normal human being instead of being a desperate poser.
People are allowed to describe their break in any way they choose, if you don't like it leave the server, sally.
>got getting raid-head.
>brb smoke break
>Last Online 1842 Days Ago
People are allowed to eat their own shit too.
>tfw weed break during casual gaming
I fire off a 420 lit blaze it bong hit during que times. If I could ever bring myself to play an MMO again if the raid is longer than 2 hours, I'll want a couple minutes here & there to smoke up.
>brb cleaning out onahole
>Appears after 4 years sending you a friend request with another account telling you to add him
>He only plays NBA games and only plays for another 2 weeks before disappearing completely
I live with my brother who smokes. So for me, everyday is "brb smoke break".
DARE kids need to fuck off
>brb smoke break
>leaves mic on
>hear distent angry female and male Russian screaming
used to have a friend like this
it got so fucking annoying sometimes, he'd get pissy and jealous if I even mentioned I'd go do something else with other friend of mine
I'm glad he got his shit together and just quit gaming
kill la kill second best girl
brb, baby is crying
oh like it is any fucking different that "brb rolling a blunt"
>Tfw haven't had a joint in over five years
>Tfw really feel like having one again all of a sudden and playing vidya
Hmmm. Any Manchester britbongs here? Where I can I get some dank green?
OP is Rob Reiner
>brb Trump esta aqui
>Last online: 24 days go
>smoking cigarettes
s m h............
>getting this prolapsed about literally nothing
Somebody REALLY needs to get laid desu.
Then when you log in he tells you about all the experience he farmed and all the fun you missed
ITT: you arne't allowed to drink, eat, relieve yourself or anything except glue yourself to your desk until OP is satisfied
You sound like you're REALLY fun to play with fag.
>brb, is back in 5 seconds
>acts obnoxious for the rest of the game
Hide all weebcuck posts.
>not "my wife's boyfriends kids"
That's what brb means you demented cunt
>girlfriend calls friend
>hold on guys
>wait for 40 minutes
>friend comes back
>says "sorry guys i gotta go" really fast and leaves immediately
gotta go hard, man
Can't we write a letter to Hiro and we all sign it about the shitty mods on this board?
Enjoying your first day? Good job trying to fit in.
Why say it if you're literally only gonna be gone for that length of time?
I doubt any of the newfags who are butthurt over somebody DESCRIBING that they will be smoking a cigarette are any older than 23 or 24.
>Doesn't turn mic off
>can hear a fucking blowtorch lighting up so he can dab and smoke
>hear glass shatter in the background
>here a gunshot and people screaming
>hear a door get busted down, tires squealing and a crash
>hear more screaming and then crying
Most surreal fucking thing I've ever experienced online. 2 people dead
That's me
>brb gotta do something else, I'll be back sporadically
>Doesn't come back
Fuck you Hannah
>Sorry, bro, did you still want to play that game?
Link news article and quit talking out your ass.
Did you record the audio?
Because spergs like you would complain if I'd be gone without saying anything while you were talking.
Only thing more annoying than all of these things is a whiny bitch constantly complaining.
I swear this generation of males is worse than females when it comes to complaining.
>brb smoke
>every 20 fuckin minutes
i worry 4 him
Kill yourself normalfag.
No, actually they're telling you their break will last around 3 to 5 minutes.
>brb parents are fighting
>last online: 275 days ago
What news article? I'm Mexican shit like that is normal
>that guy who leaves to get some groceries
>in the middle of a csgo match
He's saying he is just stepping outside for at most 5 minutes.
Cool your fucking autism
Not him but I knew it was because you're jealous.
The thing about smoke breaks is that they do it ALL THE FUCKING TIME. If it were once a night it'd be fine.
>Only normalfags can have SO's
yeah nah
Just because you can't understand how it works and that people like us exist, doesn't make us normies.
Who's the first one? (be careful with your answer)
It's always the dumb normals that think everyone is jealous of them for such dumb reasons.
Doesn't matter though, you two will end your relationship at some point and you'll try to get over it but never really will. Here's hoping that day comes soon.
That's right, now leave this thread and do not come back.
>/drinkseverydeathonamultiplayergame/ here?
It kind of improves my aim.
for 5 fucking seconds
how insecure are you?
I honestly just leave the match at that point. I paid good money for my gaming computer, I'm not contaminating it by playing with a fucking druggie.
>brb helicopter
Go get triggered somewhere else, tumblredditor
I never stop drinking, so basically this,
It has happened more times than I can count and I've gotten over it every time.
It's an important part of maturing mentally but I'm sure you know that.
I'm usually drinking during any pause, really. Usually enough that by two or so in the afternoon i'm almost a litre of vodka and a twelve pack deep.
I have a problem.
what does it have to do with anything, fucking nigger?
>Why say it if you're literally only gonna be gone for that length of time?
This, you little shit, is a reddit-tier comment, so it has everything to do with it.
Nonon, obviously.
You're about to know the true meaning of pain and despair.
That wasn't even me.
>I can't talk, my wife is sleeping
>brb neon green light and buzzing noises coming from downstairs
>Last Online: 437 days ago
>brb gotta be autistic on Sup Forums
90% of this thread
I limited myself to only drinking between 5pm-10pm
It's helping a bit
Mods were once only fags, but now they are destroyers of Sup Forums, shredding the platform and dividing the community. Alexa ranking for Sup Forums have been way down from 2 years ago and are still trending downwards hard.
There really is no foreseeable hope for this place, just enjoy the last moments before it all goes black.