Black History Month

Let's celebrate Black History Month
Who is the most well made black character in all of video games?

Pic might be but probably not related

>in b4 Donkey Kong

Here's to you.

Rope day for the nigger race is coming, I can't wait for those disgusting jiggaboos to be cleansed from this planet.


is inevitable so let's get it out of the way now
Also Plastic is a major qt3.14

Nikola and Bart

Black Mage


This is going to be a really epic thread, OP! My keks are already getting topped!

I have an r/Sup Forums tab open to post the epic screenshots!

Damn. I gotta play Mirror's Edge now. She does things to my heart.

Black "History"

12,000 BC - not a great deal happens until
2000 BC - Egyptians show up. Blacks get enslaved
800 AD - Arabs show up. Blacks get enslaved
1300 - Portuguese show up. They go away again with a 'I have a cunning plan' look on their faces
1500 - Portuguese show up. Blacks get enslaved
2012 - Black people start pretending they used to be Kings and Queens

Dude why are you shit posting?

Oh shit I forgot the bit where the Brits, French and Belgians show up and take their continent from them.

No character in Mirrors Edge Catalyst is the most well made anything. Everything besides the gameplay and music in that game is simply the fucking worst. The story, the open world, the butchered art style, the voice acting... just awful.

On topic, Franklin.

No one cares. We're talking about video games. If you know any video games where you play as a cute nubian girl trying to escape white Egyptian slavers, please tell.

>Black History Month


Alyx from Half Life 2

>YFW she's better looking than Faith

Donkey kong



Say nigger XD I love IDUPEZ XDDD


Brought tears to my eyes


>all that SFM porn coming out lately with real nigga Coach

>Kingdom of Kush

Google it.

Yes they were indeed Kangz and shit. Just not in Egypt.


All blacks in America are descended from Sierra Leone niggers.

>the butchered art style
nah it's p. cool

>Who is the most well made black character in all of video games?
My trainer in Pokémon SM, I made her extremely cute.

does not compute

This actually. East Africans are just as much a separate race from West Africans as both are from Euros or Asians. And the Bushmen are arguably another one.


>all the butthurt comments
It's like starchild sfm porn all over again. People getting mad that lill nigga is banging their fictional waifus

east africans were much more similar to west africans before the arabs invaded and took everything over in the east

google "american inventors" and see blacks have a wonderful and important history that should be celebrated when it wasn't depressing and horrible obviously

also valygar was useful as fuck

Not really. The easterners are the product of a back-migration into Africa. They've been a separate race for tens of millennia, just as much so as Euros or Asians.

No doubt the Semites affected their later development though.

Because of course, niggers invented everything what whites use nowdays, right?
They even BLACKED Benjamin Franklin on onw of those photos, kek.
Good job at lapping up dat nigga dick propaganda

What game was she the final boss of again Sup Forums?

Sam Hyde, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be crying over white women dating niggers like usual?

Every month in America has a special significance. Most of them are forgettable, but the ones people have always made a big deal about are February (Blake History Month) and March (Women's History Month)

I want someone to bang my fictional waifu

Nadine from Ucharted 4

Dude she's fucking terrible


I cant think of any other black mc's

Best post in this whole thread. Memes aside, Lee did feel like a good character and his arc felt well done. The ending especially destroyed me.

Das raycis dude

OP doesn't say MC. Any character will do.

yeah it doesn't compute because you're a retard

not your fault

facebook comments are just grunts and emojis
it's hilarious

final boss of being in court for yo bitch ass

That's not facebook retard

thats instagram

I'm from a 3rd world country, what is a black history month?

Who is this? Why is she significant

I hope one day you can get a good enough education to move to Russia as a well respected and prestigious nuclear physicist working directly under Putin.


relates to

I need some context here

That's how niggers communicate

white people abuse them too.

and by numbers alone, they are winning

That's also how ghetto white people and normies communicate.

Damn she's cute.

Sounds annoying as fuck.

>ghetto white people and normies communicate

that pretty much encompasses almost everybody.

What's the difference?

When's white history month? Or asian history month?

A country in Africa that was under colonial rule from the Belgians, gained independence 50 years back. Though the Belgians left behind great infrastructure and technology, the Africans neglected it and lost all the Belgians left behind.

In short, white colonial powers left Africans a first world countries and the African regressed to a shithole without the whites. The Asian guy is just calling them out, saying that the blacks are lazy assholes that can't see past the weekend in their scope of life.

>a chink talking down to anyone about infrastructure

instagram is more of a popularity contest, where you can show off your sluttyness.

facebook is more family oriented now

we don't need month we have schools to teach us history

It was kind of annoying as a kid but it was no big deal. Got to learn about more historic black people because of it. Now it's bad. People use it for their political agendas. My Facebook feed is nothing but black propaganda right now. Annoying.

>black history month
>get reminded each year that someone owned your ancestors ass
>be taught about your inferiority
Really useful event


March to January

Exactly, and the blacks managed to be worse than your pic related.


they're exactly like niggers


To be fair it's probably not that great when all the infrastructure is aimed solely at getting ivory and diamonds from the middle of assfuck nowhere to the shore, and also white people cut your hands off.

There's Asian history month, but nobody cares because diversity=black

Same thing happened in Rhodesia and South Africa

Lol you're black
Are you good at fighting games?


>and also white people cut your hands off.

Yes I'm sure every African in that country got their hands chopped off and couldn't work. Excuses.

They had the technology of a great railway system and they let it rot away.

Damn she cute. Who is she?

Niggers were doing worse things to each other before based whites came and saved them from savagery.


This, I hope after the Academy awards they realize the complete hypocrisy of diversity only means black people.

No. Africans cut each other's hands off, and burn each other alive for minor crimes like stealing food or if they suspect someone is in league with evil spirits

Black History Month is a part of the segregationist victim mentality that's been at the heart of black poverty and black crime. If you care about lifting black people out of poverty, killing identity politics should be at the top of your to-do list.


Nigger you can't be serious right now

Or like you monkeys say :
Bruh... u cnt b serius rite naow my nigga dud

Photoshop McNiggers

I'm serious. I'd have sex with her.

Read up on how the Belgians ran Congo.

>Black History Month is a part of the segregationist victim mentality that's been at the heart of black poverty and black crime. If you care about lifting black people out of poverty, killing identity politics should be at the top of your to-do list.

Spot on.

Enjoy aids you ape loving faggo