
>Some members of the team carried the opinion that it should be Toon Link since it was a handheld game
That's not really a compelling argument. The choice of platform dictates what Link it is?

The handheld games always used Toon Link since Minish Cap, classic Link was never used since the Oracle games.

Every post-gameboy handheld had a toon art style up until ALBW, so it's not hard to see why they would feel that way.

You guys all bought triforce heroes, right? RIGHT?!

This is how Link should look like in Breath of the Wild

Triforce Heroes is shit and nobody bought that

Toon Link being in shit games like WW, PH, ST and Triforce Heroes is appropriate

Yes, it was fun albeit with no replayability.

imagine the amount of salt

I would've gotten it if the online play wasn't region locked. Seriously, what the fuck?

And twilight princess is great, right?