Your most played steam games

>Go to your steam profile -> games -> sort by playtime
>Post your top games
>Judge other people's lists

Other urls found in this thread:

1 multiplayer with over 1000 hours
2 random multiplayer games
2 bethesda games

>looks like a bunch of standard normie shit
>fuck, this kid's whole list is absolute garb--
>Train Simulator: 76 hours

Overall a pretty good list, though ~500 hours in MW2 is very questionable.



Arma 3 redeemed the list.


Should it even be possible to own a civ game and have less than 500 hours on it?

I have a full-time job, wife, and kid. I'm doing the best I can.

I'm also an idort so there's tons of console games with probably even more hours. The wife usually plays on the PC so I get more time on consoles than Steam.



Such is the fate of all Steam play time threads. It's almost as though multiplayer and Bethesda games tend to soak up a lot of time.

Extremely boring, but at least there's Mabinogi.
Is Starbound a good complete game now?
XCom is good
Fallout 3 is good

just fuck my shit up

I rarely get a game this high because I like to make sure I keep working on my backlog. I haven't played CSGO is almost two years and it was all I could run when I had a shit laptop, so I'm truly embarrassed it's at the top by such a wide margin.

I don't really know, I have barely been playing since the full release. I've mostly been dicking around with a couple of friends during the beta/EA stages. I doubt it will ever be truly "complete" though.

>mw2 on PC

fuck you and the cancer you helped start

Damn bruh, that's a lot of Total War time. Since there's no Shogun or Warhammer in there do you just specifically like medieval and Roman settings?

I don't blame you for no Empire, and I never played Napoleon even though I heard it was decent.


>500 on MW2
that's a low playtime on civ 5.
lol skyrim
again, low playtime on civ 5

It was sub-100 but I got another 40+ hours (and counting) now that Long War 2 is out.

Those are further down the list. I liked Shogun quite a bit, but never legit bought FoTS so it never tracked any of that playtime.

I'm still 3k x]


I wish solforge hadn't been raped to death.
Also, I feel like at least 10% of this fucking skyrim time has been getting mods to play nice.

Different user here, but I had a toaster for the longest time, so rome and med 2 soaked up a lot of time.




>tfw have none of this on my most played
>got bullied because of it


>lol skyrim
It was fun. I haven't played since 2014, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. Those myriads of autistic mods nowadays make me cringe though.


You've got a pretty A+ list other than Stardew and Wasteland 2 stinking it up a bit. Even Borderlands 2 can be forgiven but Stardew I just can't understand and Wasteland 2 still makes me angry.

Ah, that's understandable. And cool to set a bunch of SotS time, still pissed they dropped the ball on SotS2 so hard. Even though it was eventually made playable and had a few cool ideas, it still was god-awful compared to the first.

Not terribly surprising given Kerberos' track record (Which I loved the terrible Fort Zombie. God help me even with the bugs and all) but still.

Unironically the best taste this whole thread

Stardew, IMO, is just a polished up Harvest Moon, which used to be my favorite SNES game when I was a kid. I talked mad shit about it at the video store and then my buddy rented it and we lost our shit at how addictive it was. Can't help you with Wasteland 2, after I finished it I just sort of shrugged, but I also like slamming my dick in a car door, so.

>231 hours

Mein bruder.

No idea why Warframe is so high. I fucking hate that game now.

The next part



100% OJ is a multiplayer game.

What the fuck is solforge?

Im off dota for 3 months now

Maybe that's the difference. Since you played games along those lines growing up you were into it, but since all I had was a crusty old Atari 800 I've got a bigger fondness for pick up and play games than I maybe should. People try to tell me Enter the Gungeon is shit but as soon as I start playing it Robotron fever kicks in.

>400+ hours on Dominions 4

I'm a little ashamed of the time I used to play MW3. Also, about 80-90% of my Dota 2 playtime is from watching tournaments in-game.

I don't think I will ever pass Rust with another game.

who here /pleb/


>12,844 hours on Train Simulator


No kidding, SotS2 is Master of Orion 3 level bad.
I actually think that both games had similar problems in development.

Oh, and I meant to add that Fall of the Samurai is probably my favorite total war game. Don't really like nappy and empire, Atillia and TWW are both pretty good.
M2 and Rome just feel like longer campaigns. Either that or I was a lot worse at the games.
Dude, I'm the opposite of cool. I'm that guy who reads history books on public transport.
It was this really neat F2P digital card game. The big gimmick was that cards would level up as you played them, you discarded and drew a new 5 card hand every turn, and every 4 turns discard piles would shuffle back into your deck so you got to use the leveled cards.
The big resource system was that you only got 2 cards a turn.
The devs decided to put every single staple card, not just big splashy bombs, at the highest rarity, and the game just died as a result.

Watching is even worse

card game but apparently it's getting shut down. never played it

>CS/Dota/TF2/CoD/some survival multi
Every time.

>tfw you've played a game 30-40 times and you still can't let go

>all that time on dirt rally
how? I put about 10 hours into it before I was too bored to keep playing


oh man oh man oh man

I never did pick up Fall of the Samurai. Always hoped there'd be some bigger discount on it itself since the best deals I found always bundled it with other Total Wars I owned, so I always missed it. I've been pretty lax on my modern Total War play since they moved away from having fluff traits/retinues/etc on generals and agents. It was a good move gameplay-wise (I thought Shogun 2 was really elegant and even had an excellent map. Lots of choke points and ambush spots and not just tons of open space) but it took a lot of enjoyment out of it for me. Some of my favorite shit in Medieval 1 was having incestuous retarded nobles leading armies, it's most likely why I shifted almost entirely to CK2.

Did pick up Total Warhams from the Humble monthly though, should be enjoyable. Waiting to finish Dragon Age Inquisition so I can delete it and free up room on my SSD, since I heard the load times are pretty brutal.

You're worrying me, user.


i dont remember playing that much dota



I pirate 99.9% of games I play.

>7.1 hours
>3.1 hours

You really don't play much but TF2 and Terraria user.

jeeze, that is a lot of terraria.

Play me at KoF?

guess I like this shit




Yeah, I don't play much on steam other than Terraria, and until a couple years ago, TF2.



inb4 autism

I figured out lethal league is fun


My steam account is 12 years old, which makes this shamefur dispray even worse

> heures en tut

As a German, please accept my rage

Rage gladly accepted.

>I hate Stardew valley because its new.
You didn't gvie me any other piece of evidence to suggest otherwise, Its safe to assume most of Sup Forums hates new games because...they're new not bad.
Unless you can convince me otherwise because Stardew is pretty solid game.

wow am i really this pleb


>I shared my account with brother for some time
>Now in my top played games is counter strike, something i didn't even played for 5 hours and tf2 in which i would have 150 hours max
>Steam obviously couldn't count for how many hours i played older games like Soulstorm and Medieval II when they weren't added to steam, so now it looks like i prefer newer ones im the series.

I know that no one care about how many hours i wasted in vidya but it still triggers my autism.

fuck steam

That's not why I hate it at all. I hate it because it's full of unrepentant waifuism and soul crushing pointless grind justified by my comfus womfus, of course. My comfus womfus.

The other user said he grew up on Harvest Valley though, and even though I have the same feelings toward that it was a reasonable explanation why he liked it and we got along amicably. Unlike with you. You despicable weeb. You disgusting swine. May the yeast infection clinging to your balls permanently discolor your thighs.

Rome turned out to be shit, FYI.

Hi, i am new.

In just under 100 words you still managed to say nothing. I applaud you.

Judge me, I'm ready

You're ok. Exept for H1Z1 and borderlands

It's funny, if it wasn't for mods I don't think I'd even have an hour on skyrim.

casuals, all of you

What about me Ringo?

I like strategy games

Left my computer on a lot when playing Marvel Heroes, which is a shit game.

How can you play that much Fallout 4? There is nothing to do after the 40 hour mark

feels like i'm looking at the same list over and over


>it's a 'pcucks prove they all play the same handful of shit games' episode


At least we got a handful of shit, to throw at you! Yes you, console scum peasant-ocrate!
