How the FUCK do I beat him?

how the FUCK do I beat him?

>find the bonfire shortcut to reach his room
>use your soapstone a few times to practice, understand attack patterns and quickest way to kill dogs, earn some souls too if you survive the aiding and level yourself a bit if you want
>kill the dogs first
>kill the dogs first
>summon if you're still struggling
>git gud

directly sprint for the stairs and dodge the fucking dogs. shithead will follow you, jump down and try to kill at least one of the small fuckers. repeat till kaprafuck is the only survivor. congratz you nearly beat him

Pick the biggest weapon adn shield you can find (Black Knight sword and either BK shield or Eagle Shield).
DOn't move from where you wnd up after crossing the fog wall. Hold your shield up, one of the dogs will attack you. He will hit your shield and stun. One shot him.
As long as you don't move you won't enter the other dog's agro zone.
Capra will attack you. Block and punish until he dies.

Ignore the dogs, stay in the center of the arena, and try parrying.

trips have spoken


>mad dash to the stairs and then kill the dogs
>kite him up the stairs then jump down when he reaches you
>dodge his attack
>counterattack once or twice

Run up the stairs and pick off the dogs.

Most Dark Souls 1 bosses are only difficult because they have auto aim attacks or wide aoe.

By auto aim I mean they can build up a strong attack and still do a 180 and hit you. I don't know if there is a word for this but it is not fun and only encourages being lame, which Im sure the developers intended for the game in the first place.

Is this a meme or wat?

Capra is ez as fuck just hit and run up and down the stairs, kill the dogs when he is dead.

Yeah i used the meme dragon tail sword but this bitch is ez.

Don't listen to this guy. If you ignore the dogs, you'll get ripped up in two seconds. Kill the dogs then fight the demon with parrying or dodging.

Go through fog gate, roll towards 10 o'clock, if you survived go up the stairs and kill the dogs, then drop down and strife around him and hitting him when he whiffs.

I feel like this thread is an ironic callback to the launch days.

run to the stairs kill the dogs remain in the stair and kill him with the claymore

>Black Knight sword and either BK shield

Yeah okay, let's just assume he either got lucky enough to get both of those drops, or he ground out said weapons by playing through to the black knight like 80 times.

You don't need a big shield, you just need one with a little stability. Baulder shields are fine and farmable.

Dark Souls 1 is the least offensive in regards to tracking. DS2 and 3 have atrocious bullshit when it comes to that. Watching an enemy pivot while standing still is fucking infuriating sometimes.

took me 3 months of not playing to beat him
first time i boot up the game in months i beat him

Just wear stone armor set on and keep attacking and healing as nececary.

Dodge a bit later and don't panic like a bitch. It's not hard.

>tfw on my latest playthrough i just kept him for later and he died to two soul spears

Or he can eat a bunch of humany (twin humanities + all the ones you find on Firelink + the ones in the burg + others I don't remember right now) and between the burg knight and the two on the asylum he will have a mostly guaranteed drop

pretty sure you dont need to fight him till way later on anyway, thats what i did completely overleveled

to defeat the caprademon, shoot it until it dies

You can skip him and skip the whole Depths by using Master Key and alternative path to the second bell

This is probably the worst boss fight in the entire series

Say what you want about the Bed of Chaos but every single aspect of this boss fight is awfully designed. There isn't a single redeeming factor about this shit