Other urls found in this thread:
>My shit looks less shitty than shit shit!
>I'm winning!
>console fags
Oh no the sparkles are missing!
Sony should be scared that a portable device looks so close to their $400 Bloodborne machine.
The opposite of shocking.
Not even close
You mean all lighting is missing.
Too bad no games on PC otherwise I would get one
the particle effects on the portal might take time to kick in?
Dumb nintenyearold, that "portable" now costs more than a PS4
t. nintencuck
>$400 Bloodborne machine.
Nice meme senpai, I hope you have fun with your $360 Zelda (not exclusive) machine.
nintendo shit
news at eleven nine
Why did she turn into a fucking nigger
Bottom looks better
>is missing extra effects
>but is more or less the first two games with perks from both (ala Power Stone Collection)
>is portable, especially the first game, which wasn't on the Vita
I'd rather get the Switch version than the PS4 version, unless we're not getting that one in the US.
It still looks fine imo
To make ninteniggers buy the game.
What did you mean by this
Looks pretty okay to me desu
>I'd rather get the Switch version
Thats because you are a dirty drone.
Let's just conveniently ignore the lighting, texture quality, resolution, framerate and downgraded mesh quality which seems to be significantly worse on the Nx version
You could redo the effect by using an animated 2D texture shell and a strong point light.
But seems like they're going into the "let's just cut shit" route.
> damn
OP realizing that shit looks like shit.
> damn
OP looking at hist disgusting little dick
So... this... is.... the.... power..... of.... the..... PiiU..... 2......
Despite the fact I said I'd get the PS4 version if we didn't get the Switch version. I just think the extras in the Switch release outweigh OOOH WOW GOOD GRAPHICS. Also, portability.
>PiiU 2
xD lul
>Portable device
>2 hour battery life
bing bing
1-up 1-up
And here we see Sonyggers once again caring about graphics because PC is not involved. See us on our next episode when graphics stop mattering while we compare the PS4 to a PC game.
And i bet pokeman will last at least 5 as will be pretty much a straight port with better textures of the 3DS version.
>graphics because PC is not involved
Oh nooo, how will PS4 compete against undertales graphics....
Stop hiding behind PC you dumb nintenigger.
And here is a cuck bringing up his cuck machine which has no actual games to play. Watch as he mentions titles from the last decade that can run on a laptop as an example of PC exclusive gaming.
But user, not only does it look worse, have no lighting, no particle effects and runs at 720p instead of 1080p, the PS4 no longer costs 400$.
The OG and slim, which are both more powerful than the Switch, are cheaper than the switch.
>2 hour battery life
fucking drones. it's 1.5 hours
Battery ain't replaceable, if it fails you have to send it to Nintendo. I wish I was joking.
Well, looking at that video without the ps4 version right next to it makes the switch version look pretty normal.
It would be ok if they downgraded them so it could run better but not only it looks worse but it also runs bad.
Just give it Hyrule Warriors Legends graphics for easy 60 frames, looks don't really matter for portables.
fucking shill it's 30 minutes. fucking kill yourself
I typically hate shitting on consoles but this is so true
You can play Dragon Quest Heroes on PC and actually make it look good
Ninteniggers... hiding.... behind.... PeeCee.... again....
You have a PC.
The only reason why you don't use it to play the actually good games its because you're too much of a graphic whore to dive in.
The ONLY reason to get a PS4 is if you want better graphics.
You can't even play Vagrant story on it.
It reminds me when DW8 was released on the vita and everyone was shitting on it for looking and running bad.
Never change.
They have to make their money on hardware somehow these days because relying on software sales alone for profit fucks their business model royally.
That's Dragon Quest Heroes 2
>good games
Stop hiding behind PC you dumb nintencuck.
>switch looks like shit
>somehow I'm a nintenyearold
weekend... sub...
>switch looks like shit
m-m-muh grafix!!!
>sonygger arguement
What's up?
>a handheld game doesn't look as good as a game for a console three times the size
shocking, OP
>weaker than PC
>hardwares still meet the industry standard
>devs can port multiplats to PC/PS4/XBoner with minimal tweaks to game build
>the weakest console
>hardware barely better than last gen's standard
>hardware is too weak to handle current gen's AAA multiplats
2.5 to 6 actually
Fun fact! The 3DS and Vita battery life was 3-5! Noone brings it up!
You will be able to play Dragon Quest Heroes 2 on PC and actually make it look good
Nintenigger arguements
>Weakest console
Strongest handheld
yeah i guess it isn't portable with the detachable controllers attached and with a fucking tether not even allowing it to go into the pocket
>N-no PC d-doesn't beat my P-PS4
I own a Pro by the way you cucks. Your console wars are the most petty shit.
>muh size
It's $3000 "portable" you can't even fit in your pocket.
>which has no actual games to play
How did you guys convince yourself of this?
Why would you put it in your pocket if you're playing video games on it? Why can't you just carry it as you walk? Its what I do with my 3DS. I play video games as I walk down the sidewalk between locations.
>Only handheld (actually a shitty 2010 tablet)
Fixed that for you and heh, nice acomplishment shitendo.
PC is all the games of the past, except some from nintendo 64.
And they were better.
Also Switch is quite shit if compared to certain portable PCs in the works.
>It'll be more portable when you have two detached controllers to lug around
>A- also the tether, guys!!
Stop hiding behind PC, you filthy nintencuck.
>lug around
So are the joycons to big or too small? Is the systems screen too big or too small?
>no touch screen
>takes game cartridges
>just a screen with controller parts
Its a handheld with detachable controller parts. Its more powerful than the Vita, which is already a great system
Sorry, forgot Star Citizen and Civilization VI. Can't believe what I'm missing.
>ass pocket
sasuga sonyggers. no class.
>I play video games as I walk down the sidewalk between locations.
So this is the power of a nintendo manchild
and yet again sonyggers are mad.
but why? you guys are like kids throwing a tantrum all the fucking time when nintendo do something.
What PC exclusives are you playing right now? Im honestly asking because its barren a fuck.
>Having two things to carry around instead of one means it's more conveniently portable
> turn the brigtness up on he bottom pic..
> hm, only actual difference is the particles
Not bad for a small thing you an hold in your hand VS. a home console. I'm impressed
>own a PC for high quality visuals
>own a Switch for gaming on a go
>own a PS4/Xbox One for ???
Nice work OP, tDevs already said the Switch port was a rushed Vita port.
That's what I was thinking. It's obviously not the same exact scene since the character is Lv 20 in the top and Lv 40 in the bottom shot. Maybe the portal just isn't active in the Switch shot.
that's still not going to be practical
I really wish console war faggots were banned or for fuck sake pushed to containment board
>nintendrones thinking it's the sonygger again
you guys are fucking stupid can't you see it's the pcfags falseflagging again, psn is actually up for once those fags are busy.
>no touch screen
It has a touchscreen.
>takes game cartridges
>just a screen with controller parts
So... a tablet?
>Its a handheld with detachable controller parts.
Its the exact same tablet that was shown off 2 to 3 years ago.
Games are on a fucking cartridge, what did you expect?
Hai guise
Cartridges hold more data than bluray discs and can load content faster
How does it look on PC?
>own a Switch for gaming on a go
>Has no multiplats the PC has, or anything other than Indie trash
PC is for multiplats, PS4 Xbone for exclusives
Switch is for Nintendo exclusives you cuck
Where's this nigga post at?
>Shitch is more expensive than PS4, wtf?
>I-it's a console, duh!
>Shitch has weak, shitty hardware, wtf?
>I-it's a handheld, duh!
Don't forget to grab Nintoddler Simulator on its launch day, Nintoddlers.
>buying hardware based on merits that are not their own
>3hr battery life
This console gen has been pathetic so far, not even 15 exclusives worth playing across the PS4+XB1.
He's too scared to do this, of course.
The real question is why the fuck are people forgetting that bags exist.