Every soulsfags love for honor, mad sonyggers are bashing it because it's not an exclusive

Every soulsfags love for honor, mad sonyggers are bashing it because it's not an exclusive.

Huh? Ps4 got to play it too retard. The beta was fun, the game has some flaws but it was nice to try before you buy. Nobody cares it's not exclusive at all.

I'd hope so, since Nioh is the same game we've been bored of since Dark Souls II came out: weeb edition.

Ie watch me memorize a few attack patterns and press dodge a lot, then brag about it online like the games are hard.

Souls games are pretty shit. At least For Honor is trying something different.

>people unironically call this moda a figthing game

No people are bashing it because its shitty p2p connection and its fucking 60 dollars plus a 40 dollar season pass. Its a rip off.

weebshit or based western /our new guys/ ubisoft

Dominion is a moba with buffs and projectiles and everything. The 1v1 and 2v2 is a fighting game.

Did you even try to find it cheaper. Also I agree, season pass is bullshit, although what it gives isn't worth it at all.

>The 1v1 and 2v2 is a fighting game.

1v1 me on this Figthing Game called LOL

>Trying something different
You mean copying Mount and Blade and slowing it down?