So when is Nintendo going to stop holding Monster Hunter hostage and let it be on actual hardware that can really let...

So when is Nintendo going to stop holding Monster Hunter hostage and let it be on actual hardware that can really let the series shine?

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I know that feel bro ;_;7

It's capcom. They only care about money so they're obviously gonna release it on one of the most popular console in Japan.

Nintendo boogeyman

maybe you should make a petition?

too bad that the only PC monster hunter is that shitty chinese mmo

All I want is Monster Hunter Switch
>Playing a game like Monster Hunter on a 3DS
>Hands get really sweaty and I can barely grip it
>Nub on my n3DS works responsively 40% of the time
Monster Hunter on PS4 would be a dream, but I don't see it happening any time soon.

There will be an MH on the switch.

unless their partnership with capcom is done...i honestly forget how llong that was supposed to last.

>implying sony and microsoft normies would appreciate monster hunter

Don't forget Dauntless!
It's super radical with BADASS designs!
And don't worry, it takes out all those annoying things that Monster Hunter has to make it appeal to a wider audience!