What color Switch did you preorder?

What color Switch did you preorder?

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Didn't preorder, I'll just wait till I can grab one in store

Is everywhere sold out already? fuck.

I have major regrets for not ordering one right now.


Didn't get around to preordering one in time, I'll just wait until they get back in stock or there's a sale/bundle.

good on you
I'm gonna wait until the price cut at christmas

IF there's games out by then

Not the autistic one that's for sure.


Found a cool site that does high quality custom decals and stickers so I might trick it out even more

who else is in the color gang?

Gray, neon is for faggots

This. The colors are fine, but i like the subtle gray. Especially if i take it outta the house.

Gray. colors are cool, but having 1 blue and 1 red joycon looks strange


clear, like entirely clear. so clear it's not there.

it doesn't exist levels of clear.

So nothing Nintendo related?

Colour is funner. Grey is gay


Grey. Hard enough to convince my wife it's ok for me to play vidya games at 32.

Neon. My friend sent me a link last time BestBuy had online Preorders so I grabbed the first one I saw.

Was irked that it wouldn't match but the more I see neon in pictures the happier I am with my choice.

This one


That's not a fucking color holy shit I'm so mad for some reason.

Remember the "PS3 has no games" meme?

yea? Then why the fuck would you preorder the Switch?

>people preorder a system with 1 game

>preordering a no games tablet.
No thanks

Wiiu never got a price cut

get the fuck out

Are you an artist? Or autist? Or Aurtist?

Enjoy your nonexistant games you fucking retard

>l-leave my safezone
Fuck you

pussywhipped cuck.

She wears the pants it seems. You fuckin weak bitch.



Woah is that like the switch XL or somethin? Looks pretty gay tho




Did you prelube the handles?


If there was a darker Red color, sure. But it's too bright.

It only comes in Grey model or the red/blue one. Would be nice if there is a transparent one though.

Fuck off you shill

not f**king funny

>neon is for faggots
>but playing games in public isn't

alright user

Can't wait to play it on the go! Where's the screen though?

Ya know on the switch itself the neon doesn't bother me but in the grip they look terrible.

That controller looks so fucking uncomfortable. Literally a square with handles.


>Calls me a shill while being the true shill
You fuck off.

If you are gonna shit on BOTW at least post a different video so you don't look like a fag shilling his own channel

Dont tell me what to do, shill.

Fuck off shill

If a Zelda game ever pulls a MGS flashback or a Return to Shadow Moses (Twilight Princess kinda did it but not exactly) I'd look forward to it. It's a weakness of mine.

>on the go

Is this the #1 phrase now for damage-controlling fanboys? I see this in every damn Switch thread. Portable games aren't a new concept.

Grey for adult sensibilities.

>can't take it on the go

The one with a consistent colour scheme. I would have gotten one that had just blue or just red but screw having two different colours

>can't handle the bantz

I exclusively played the 3DS at home.
Only ever took it out for the play coins, streetpass hits and early 3d photo/video testing. Nobody plays vidya in public.
Switch caters to Japanese transit-goers and isn't properly tailored for international release as it's own product.

I'm quite taken aback that Nintendo has no interest in selling me one of these things.

I have tried to preorder for 2 weeks and I can't find one.

First time in my life I have had to beg to try to get a retailer to take $300.

No it's the fact that video always gets posted which mean it's some fag trying to shill his channel

The problem with the Switch is that it's being sold as a distraction system and not as an entertainment system. They don't expect you to be playing it extensively whereas developers of video games around the world who aren't hugely money-grubbing shits aren't interested in developing for a platform that's being advertised as such.

Can't wait to scalp mine for 4x the cost :^)


They have plenty of switches tho

The out of stock you see everywhere is 100% artificial by nintendo themselves to generate more hype

L2marketing scrub

I got a grey

(You) deserve at least one reply

Fuck off tarak you shill

Amazon only had the grey one so that


>TerakJK will never stop shilling here

The neon one.

I can't wait 19 days.

Do you guys not think the games are insanely expensive? For most games it's £59.99 to pre-order Mario Kart 8 or Splatoon 2 for example.


>Do you guys not think the games are insanely expensive
Not really, considering Nintendo games keep their value

There are "why didn't you preorder/did you preorder" threads every fucking day. There's absolutely no way you can't convince me actual shills aren't making these threads. Even more so since the switch sucks absolute dick.

I guess I'm just spoiled by the prices on PC then. Only really have a PC and a 3DS so.

the dbrand skins for it looks pretty nice


>new console with new games coming out
>people are excited
>Breath of the Wild won E3 and Gamescom, people are excited for it
Oh fuck off

>Nintendo refuses to drop their prices
T-they keep their value

What a lil bitch


>2016 looks the best

The only game it has all year doesn't come out until the holidays.

what is Zelda?

The fact that no one is bitching about not being able to pre-order kinda implies that demand is extremely limited right now.

And yet magically everyone in these threads is getting one at launch. I'm glad it'll work out for all 150k of you. Totally will sell more than the Wii U ;^)

Gray, once I uncase one I'll just 3d print a full unit in the color of my choice.

Objectively incorrect

>The fact that no one is bitching about not being able to pre-order
We've had dozens of threads about this


Sorry. Splatoon 2 and then odyssey.
So two games the entire year.
Unless you really want me to count multiplats and shovel ware. Which I won't btw.


>unannounced games
So fucking rekt.

So much this

>We've had dozens of threads about this
Yes, and all of them have nothing but people who miraculously were able to pre-order their Switch. If the Switch were so popular, there should be tons of people in here whining about not getting a pre-order. Where are they?

Oh right, they don't exist because no one besides diehards want this thing. I doubt you're even a diehard, you're probably just a marketer since only a marketer would give a shit about a dumpster truck full of indie games from yesteryear

>get BTFO
>get mad
As clockwork

>Yes, and all of them have nothing but people who miraculously were able to pre-order their Switch
Except all the ones who couldn't

I'm sure we'll find where they went
*tumble weeds*
Not over here, hmm....

Not an argument

My best bud couldn't get a preorder, but she's not enough of a sperglord to use Sup Forums