why havent you hacked your Wii U yet Sup Forums?
no excuse all you need is a web browser and SD card to get
>free Wii U, Wii, Gamecube, eshop and virtual console/emulated games
>dlc free
why havent you hacked your Wii U yet Sup Forums?
no excuse all you need is a web browser and SD card to get
>free Wii U, Wii, Gamecube, eshop and virtual console/emulated games
>dlc free
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Find me a way to do it without buying some shitty VC game and sure I'll do it
I need to buy a 64GB SD and 128GB USB.
How do I do this? Spoonfeed me, I'm thinking of getting a refurbished one from NOA.
You dont need that shit to play free games, that's only if you want to avoid having to open up the browser every time you boot up
don't do step 5
Some games require RedNAND to work.
Is 5.5.1 the latest patch? I haven't checked in a while. Also, can I still go online with a hacked Wii U now? Those tickets from XCX online are helpful as fuck for not grinding and I still play Maker every now and then.
What if I want to play eShop games then?
>tfw lazy
I did my 3DS though, so I'll probably get to it eventually.
Is installing rednand possible without buying a DS game?
follow the other guides online too so you dont fuck up
>get SD card
>put files for the homebrew launcher + other apps on it
>go to loadiine.ovh and launch
>this is the homebrew launcher, itll show programs youve installed
>i recommend downloading WUP installer this lets you use the "brazilian usb" hack, as its called to install games to your internal HDD or a USB drive
>download games off nintendo's servers using a NUS tool and get the game ticket off of wiiu.titlekeys.com
>or download it from a forum like wiiuchaos
>Get signature patcher app to play VC/eshop/region free games
It's just the shitty eshop games and games with DLC.
Do you have to be offline once you hack it?
Nope, you can even play pirated games online
What am I missing?
I have Wonderful 101 btw, I'm just too lazy to make a new screencap.
Fast Racing Neo
Lego City Undercover
Devil's Third since its free anyways
LEGO City Undercover
if you like rhythm games you should check out taiko no tatsujin
the average Nintendo fan is too much of a corporate bitch to pirate games.
Is cold boot haxchi safe yet?
how big of an sd card do i need
For Rednand, 16GB SD for an 8GB Wii U, 64GB for a 32GB model.
Better advice would be to skip steps 4 and 5. Also just do the first 4 or 5 steps of the Starter Pack because everything on the starter pack is reiterated throughout the rest of the guide.
Be advised that in order to get the most convenience, you'll have to buy Brain Age on Eshop and be sure to have a Wii Mote handy if you want GC and Wii games.
/hbg/ is your friend.
I gotta convince my friend to do this for me already. I had no idea there was a Wii U freeshop available. Too bad I bought most of the shit I wanted already.
Don't listen to that other guy--you don't need RedNand. Just get a 32 and up SD card and you'll be fine. If you're gonna put games on a drive that's even less reason to get a big card.
I will never not read /hbg/ as Heavy Bow Gun
What's the best way to hack it now? I'm still using the 5.3.2 Loadiine method.
So how long till we get a Zelda leak? My Wii U is quivering with anticipation
Can I have free games without having to go in shady websites where you have to create a account and post a message to access their shitty link?
Brazillian method, which you can use on the latest firmware. Lets you install games to your system memory or external HDD and you get DLC and online multiplayer.
I see some outdated info being propagated in this thread. I just hacked my Wii U, let me tell you what you really need.
Get a 32gb or higher SD card if you plan on loading from USB. If not then you'll need a big ass SD card.
Get either two external HDDs or two flash drives. My externals are each 160gbs. If you choose to do external HDDs they either have to come with their own power source (plugged into the wall) or you' can buy a Y adapter
You'll need a Wii Mote if you're planning on getting older Nintendo games.
Now when you read the guide, the only steps you should worry about are 0-3, skip 4 and 5 and then do the rest. If you don't want to buy an eshop title then skip step 3 and do 4 instead, but if you do that your SD card has to be a certain size ("For 8gb (white) Wii U models, this requires a 16gb+ SD card. For 32gb (black) Wii U models, this requires a 64gb+ SD card)
That's it. Don't worry about shit other than that and you'll be ok.
Is there risk of bricking? Also can you link a guide or something if you have one?
You can't play Gamecube games with only an SD card.
You need a physical Wii game.
wii u usb helper
The risk is extremely low and the guide has been posted in this thread
just emulate the gamecube, who cares
What's so great about a hacked Wii u? can it play this? youtu.be
The OP lied.
He's spreading misinformation.
don't do coldboot haxchi and you won't brick it.
>no excuse
I choose not to do it.
Is gamecube emulation on there even any good?
can i still play online?
>You can't play Gamecube games with only an SD card.
Yeah you can.
Just a cou0le of questions
1) Is it quick to do? Approximately how long? 3DS took me forever.
2) Can I load games from an external.
Should I get a WiiU guys, it seems like most of the games for it will get ported to Switch.
I have but there's nothing to play on it that I don't already own.
It would be natively played as the gamecube hardware is in it
Forgot, you'll also need to buy a certain Eshop game (guide will tell you) but if you don't want to do that then do step 4 instead of 3. It's worth getting the eshop title though.
i feel like i already own every wii u game worth playing. what good gamecube games are available?
It runs GC games natively on the hardware. The Wii mode has all the functions of a regular Wii, including the ability to play Wii games. Nintendo basically flipped the switch for GC compatability off, but you can install Nintendont and turn it back on.
>get ds game through utik
>install with wup and move to the wii u's internal storage
>install haxchi
would this work? i don't want to pay to hack
Oh shit, I'm sorry.
It was my information that was outdated.
That's pretty good news.
1. It took me 4 hours but that's due to unforseen circumstances. If you're a typical tech savvy shut in who built his own computer you should squeeze through in 2 hrs tops
2) Yes,
>1) Is it quick to do? Approximately how long?
Couple of hours.
>2) Can I load games from an external.
>Oh shit, I'm sorry.
Sorry for what?
Am I still stuck having to use loadiine to play DS games? Going through that web browser exploit fuckin' sucks.
It's because there's no gamecube controller/memory card ports and they're too lazy to somehow add bluetooth support in gamecube mode and Wii Classic Controller re-mapping
it's got like three exclusives worth looking at
even if i can get them for free that's still not a good deal
Thanks. I'll get to it right now.
>including the ability to play Wii games
*GC games
well they eventually released a GC adapter and Nintendont can emulate memory cards so surely Nintendo could do something similar
>he still uses loadiine
I can't tell if these are meant to be ironic
Am I being rused?
USB loading is 100% flawless and perfect
Thanks for killing the industry fags
nope you can install them to your system/HDD with brazillian method
thanks user
How does pirating games on a dead console hurt the industry?
I did say "lazy" for a reason
Although, It's still weird. They could sell gamecube games like they sell Wii games, but they choose not to. I know there's no analog triggers, but that'd affect maybe 2 games I can think of (F0GX and Sunshine)
Because I don't have one. If I did, I'm sure I would enjoy the 10 games it had though.
That's why it's dead retard
Cool, thanks. May just do this than.
My friend. The point of hacking this system is that you'd pay 200 or less to have access to any Wii U, Wii, GC, some N64, and DS games for da free free. And if I'm not mistaken, it's even capable of emulating a few other games from other systems.
It's an investment.
Are you fucking stupid? Piracy on Wii U didn't happen until late last year, and the only games that came out after that were trash games like Paper Mario Color Splash
Is that your dick?
Because I'm not a poorfag and own all the worthwhile Wii U games.
Not to mention that VC is the only reliable method to emulate N64 games.
Where do you work, user?
>Free Wii and Gamecube
You will also need Super Smash Bros Brawl, a Wiimote, a PS4 or regular usb controller and a 2gb or less full size SD card for that
Source: I had to buy two out of those four in order to play Mario Sunshine again.
I do too, I hacked mine so I could get the few games I missed, as well as VC games because fuck paying for ROMs
Plus I can play Wii and GC games with USB Loader GX and Nintendont
Plus I can use the GC adapter for games other than Smash
Honestly have no idea why you'd own a Wii U at all without softmodding it, even if you want to buy games
yes, don't listen to these pussies
>Color Splash
Spoken like someone who don't play games.
But you're still right, the vast majority of console video games sales are within the first month. We're talking nearly 90% of a games sale. Pirating anything now doesn't really affect anyone. Except Breath of the Wild, but who cares.
Seriously, I personally prefer emulation for convenience and bonus features (gamecube games with significatly better graphics), but a device that can play nearly any nintendo console games (and other emulators) on your TV and on a handheld (around the house) is pretty fucking great.
>SS Bros Brawl
I heard you don't need this anymore
Not on the Wii U it fucking isn't.
>Except Breath of the Wild, but who cares.
They're pretty much only releasing it out of obligation, considering the trade-in deal with GS they probably expect most Wii U owners to get it on Switch anyways so I don't think it hurts anything
I'm a landlord, I work from my home.
May eventually hack mine (and my 3DS) to play imports, but was there much on the Wii U that wasn't released stateside?
Don't do it, this nigga is not gonna replace your bricked system.
user... It's 2017...no one cares lol
Does anyone have a copy of the EU version of Fist Of The North Star Kens Rage 2? (Brazilian Method)
I can't download it at home and have to use a tablet to browse the internet.
How did you go about owning your own property? Was it hard?
Waiting for BotW to see if new firmware comes out. If not I'll hack.
this and Yakuza 1 & 2
Is the yakuza release in English at all?
>Was it hard?
>Go about owning your own property?
Worked 2 retail jobs until I was promoted to inventory management at one of them, along with getting into a relationship. Fast forward to now and we've moved into a bigger place and I manage the work renting out our previous home to some family friends.
>Went through the trouble of replacing the sticks.
>still left no analog triggers
How is it?
But that doesn't require constant work every day right? So you kind of get to be paid to chill out?
Can I skip the blocking updates part of the guide since there will probably be no more updates?
Unfortunately no.