Whats next for the Final Fantasy series?

Whats next for the Final Fantasy series?

Raping and mutilating Final Fantasy 7


Milking FF7 for the next 10 years

FFX doesn't need a remake. Would like an FFX-3.

When's ff9-2?

Any updates on the Lightning collection?

Pretty much. They've already said how they plan the FF7 remake 3 separate games at least because "ZOMG, so much content!"

What's worse I'd that it'll work and all three parts of ff7 remake will sell gang busters, because consumers are fucking retarded. Especially video game consumers. They walk into these rip offs willingly time and time again.

Fucking everything up with stupid remakes. When FFVII REMAKE finally comes out, FFVI REMAKE will be anounced.
At the same time we'll get some ports, like FFXII HD and FFXIII HD...
THEN DISSIDIA will be announced for PS4. And it will be perfect.
Then they'll make some cool spin-offs like another Tactics, another Treathrythm and so on.
By 2019 they'll realize what is wrong and make FFXVI and it will be GOTY.

This is Square now. They release a great game, like FXV and then fuck everything up.

>a great game, like FXV