I for one am very excited for the new Fire Emblem because Gaiden is a cool ass game and it'll piss people off who've only played awakening and fates. Like, I know the mechanics are weird sometimes but I think it's fun and one of the more interesting games in the series just because it's so quirky
Also it has one of the best battle themes in the series
Started up the original. So far it's alright. It's weird but that was to be expected. Alm is a pretty cool and useful guy for being the games lord
Ryan Cruz
Gaiden really isn't good. The poor design of the game won't be what scares away Awakeningbabies, just the lack of MU and marriage.
James Martinez
I think it's a good game outside of the context of the series it belongs to. If it's judged against other Fire Emblem games then yeah it's not as good but it's good as it's own thing
Isaac Stewart
Why the fuck they had to add this shitty dungeon exploring crap.
Cant wait to fucking spend my time waiting for endless loading screens between fights.
Also the UI looks like shit.I want a new fire emblem game and not fucking remakes,if I want to play the old games I download them just on my PC.
Brayden Cooper
Maybe some of us don't want a new game because IS has been shit recently and Fates was a disaster
Grayson Thomas
I disagree, but I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. I feel like not much thought was put into making the game, without comparing it to any other FE. Much as I don't like it, I might be inclined to get it if it has a Lunatic mode. Between that and the game presumably going to play a lot faster, the experience might be enjoyable enough for me.
Owen Jenkins
then fucking go play your retro shit.
Justin Garcia
The shitty dungeon exploring was already part of Gaiden. It was more like just walking through a box though. Whatever they do will be a welcome change.