I'm on primal and in the past week I've been seeing unironic ERP parties in PF. Why the fuck is this allowed? I got away from Aether for this reason.

ERP faggots need to be thrown into an oven and pushed into a gas chamber. A good reason I left Excalibur.

Also stay away from Fairie.

>Male playing female character
>getting creepy /tell from lonely guys
>fantasia to male
>get creepy /tell from gay guys


When reapplying enochain without Raging Strikes on a raid setting, do you [SC]F1 > enochain > [FS]F3 > 5F4 or enochain > F3 > 4F4 and hold on to sharpcast?

>a9s learning
>takes 15 minutes for the OT to learn to stand with the MT for faust
>spend another 30 not even passing the first scrapline because either they don't DPS the adds fast enough or they get decked by scrapline
>everyone leaves after what must've been the 10th wipe
i just wanted manifestos

I only /poke people during downtimes. Don't call me weird!

I'm jelly , also get off of balmung

Funny enough, even gay guys can be lonely cringelords. Sup Forums, for example.

Sup Forums please contain your 'tism in roulettes. They're shitty as is.

those are jokes user. we don't advertise in PF

How is early access going to work?

Is it only for people who preordered digitally?

nope you get a code, to dl the early access.

forgot to add, yes this is for physical. i've bought physical pre-order for arr/hw and gotten into early access this way.

Stop saying unironic. Say sincerely or genuinely or just don't qualify it.

Did [Your local video game store] give you a code?

>get kicked for talking during roulette
>stop talking
>get kicked for not talking

>get kicked for dpsing as a healer
>get kicked for pulling aggro from the tank as a dps

sorry i pre-ordered online and got my code that way, but i do recall folks getting their codes from their local store as well for those who pre-order through gamestop, bestbuy, etc.

I never bother doing that since i can just order online. So I can't tell you when they get their code.

close, I'm on Faerie

That is literally the LGBT server. No joke.

Hang in there friend.
Sup Forums will one day hide their power level and stop being shitters.
Or nah.

>play on Faerie
>surprised when it's full of fairies