>check catalog
>no webm thread
post webms
>Every single game get teamed up on by two or three of the enemy
>try my best but of course with three people button spamming I get killed
>finally find a single guy to take on
>two enemies come in and kill me
>say fuck it and go into brawl matches
>teammate gets killed and I'm left alone with two
>the second guy waits by watching while I fight only one of them at a time
>comes in once I kill his friend to duel me
I lost in the end but that was still one of my favorite moments in the game, too many people just ganging up on one person
not defending the game or the ganking, but it's something you kinda have to expect in any mode beyond 1v1. It's not something that only the other team can do, so you have to counter gank as well. Funny that the main game mode in a game called For Honor encourages dishonorable backstabbing.
Feels good when you get two gankers
not saying it's impossible but two on one is pretty damn hard when one is a speed class and the other is a tank. I don't even play dominion anymore, usually a duel or brawl
>tfw no one bumps webm thread or posts webms
Because you don't start a webm thread with just one.
behold, these are bumps
me playing games
I appreciate your contribution and advice. I'll do better next time.
>chopping the heads off of every fag that spams the bleeding effect with orochi and runs away
feels good
just when I thought wheely skeletons couldn't get any worse
>tfw Nioh has better pathfinding and combat than Souls
still love Souls/BB more but man they did a good job
now that is some fuckery right there. what the fuck
Sometimes when you just want to run through a place youve been lots of times and the enemies chase after you longer and have a much wider agro range is just not fun most time
>Still 3MB limit
>Still no audio
Just go to /wsg/
This is one of the areas Nioh is more challenging than Souls. You can't dash through as easily.
In a 2v1 situation what do i do against unblockable attacks line raider spin.
They should just make it so that every additional enemy who is locked onto you gives you a massive damage buff.
To the point that if you have 3 or more people on you, any hit will one-shot them.
It wouldn't make it impossible to dogpile someone but it would make it a pretty bad idea unless they're a bad player.
Unfortunately the enemy AI is complete dogshit.
Especially revenants. They just spam light attacks in whatever stance they spawn with unless you're a few weapon-lengths away.
Special mention goes to Onryoki who literally CANNOT HIT YOU if you just lock on and hold forward.
Someone dump some soulsborne/nioh webms
I find them comfy.
>not being able to look down and see your boobs
Into the trash it goes
that's dumb
eh, that sounds a bit imbalanced. And it kind of already exists with the revenge mechanic, though I think that needs some tweaking. Too easy to abuse, currently.
What you suggested would make dominion boring, with each hero holding a lane the whole match.
What's dumb is that it is objectively worse to spread your team out.
In a game called For Honor.
That revolves around 1 on 1 melee combat.
Fuck these fire wheels.
Did they really just ripped off Souls down to skeleton bikers?
>Not posting any
something about that death animation gets me every time. It looks like he forgets he's supposed to die, and then melodramatically acts it out to make up for forgetting.
bitch I posted the first one
What made DS2 so much more hackable than the other two games?
>DaS too good to hack, perfectly fun without hacks
>DaS3 too bland to be saved even by hacks
>DaS2 perfect amount of quality to warrant hacks to mess around with
Not sure if I like the new direction For Honor's taking.
don't kid yourself, there were tons of hackers in 1. Especially since there was no anti-cheat measures.
you should have been around for the beginning where people could make weapons that set all your stats to 0
I meant it in a way that DS2 had so many more ways in which hacks worked, not just invulnerability or curse hacks.
And I hoped for a more technical answer, not just memes. Oh well, whatever.
I was thinking more for PvE, I didn't see people modding the game to make the crazy spells people created in 2.
polygon retards aside Doom is still a terrible fucking game
wish more people played this instead of the typical garbage
for honor, anons, not with honor.
get it right
>Ubisofts downgrade release of For Honor
whoa calm down edgelord
Did this game just come out or something? There's been like seven threads where the OP pic is of it.
It's in open beta afaik.
Stop spoiling GR2, please. I haven't bought it yet.
Gladio's Implus would've helped.
Wonder Project J2, I think.
T. Buttmad sonigger in denial of Exanima's superior gameplay
>all that atrocious UI
Let me guess: Ubisoft?
Those people have serious issues with UIs I swear.
What meme is that?
Is that DEFCON 2?
what game
Dragon's dogma
implying there's anything to look at
Dark Souls: Shadow of Monster Hunter.
>Wonder Project J2
thanks dude
Holy shit.
So what Platform should I play on for this game? It looks pretty fun.
No you idiot that's a demon from Japanese mythology. Wheel skeletons are also inspired by zombies that Guts encounters in Berserk.
>KB+M elitist using a controller for the first time
Orochi has bleeding effect 0.o ?
holy cow, I played Orochi to level 16 and didn't know that
Such a poorly designed game
Why are you here
What's funny is they put in the effort and created this Mountain Blade knock-off system and then it's only properly utilized in a single game mode while being completely dropped in another.