

>that's not groovy
did ethan have autism?

>"That's not g- ohhh I get that reference. Nice one Jack."





Just replayed RE5.
Near the end of the game. Right before you face Priscilla and she turns into the boss. You find a "notes". I believe it was about near the end where it states who had level 9 clearence. And Ethan W. Was on there, but it said he was deceased. Don't know if has anything to do with RE7 Ethan tho.

So can someone explain that dumb ass ending? And why Chris was there? Lol

umbrella corp was onto tentsu for quite some time. not sure as to why they didn't engage before eveline mutated though.

>give me your gun officer!

its deputy


ole dr robotnik lookin ass

Nice car Ethan!

>nigger, i'm getting murdered here!

>take weeks to construct intricate death trap maze to make a victim kill themself and realize it as they die
>rig some mines right infront of it

>Clancy in the Happy Birthday tape
too good for this world

RE7 takes place years after RE5, and Ethan is just a civilian


>Wow, Ethan, great moves! Keep it up, proud of you!

i like how he's already used to the horrific, disgusting mutations and is acting like a hero.


Im sure he just wants you to explode yourself unconscious so he can drag your knocked out ass to the party himself.

he atleast seems kinda scared of jack. whenever marguerite did some crazy shit he just goes "what the fuck? that's special"

>ok what is going on?

Damnit, Lynch! Remember to take your fucking medication once in a while!

>explode yourself unconscious
u wot

>Now hol on dey, meet me in da garage so i can get murdered face ta face

who else feels bad for Jack, Margueritte and Zoe

fuck Lucas desu senpai

yeah well lucas was concious the entire time. i wonder why marguerite wasn't in the room when ethan got to talk to jack in the hivemind

Why wasn't Zoe fucked up?

She's still pissed he didn't eat her food

More importantly, why does [/spoiler]giving the serum to Zoe do absolutely nothing?[/spoiler]

because they scrapped zoey's boat segment

Does the same thing to her that it does to Jack. It sets her free.

I think that section was intended for a different part of the game or something. Like, after Jack and Zoe died, or after Marge died.

In the ending, we see that the Umbrella corporation is running and that, presumingly, Chris Redfield and Albert Wesker is working under that company. We have also learned that there's another corporation named tentsu is working on bioweapons.

So here's my question: Is Resident Evil 7 a reboot or a continuation of the Resident Evil franchise? Will the plot from now on will be the Umbrella corp. fighting against the Tentsu corp.?


So how did Eveline not know that Lucas wasn't under her command?
Surely she'd of known when she can't fucking control him.
Am I missing something here?

Soft reboot/continuation


>Ethan is just a civilian






Continuation of what part specifically?
I can understand if it's a reboot but I find it weird to call it a continuation since I'll be surprised on why Chris is working with the Umbrella Corp. after all the shit he had to go through.

Lucas did mention somewhere that he can trick Eveline pretty well since Eveline's as smart as a little girl, which means that she can be deceived pretty easily.

that's one fine ora ora.

just finished it last night

where exactly is this Tentsu company mentioned?

most of the late files had squares instead of letters so I don't know where you guys got the Tentsu company name from

I don't see how that's a party.

>No Lucas bossfight where he's in a giant mech suit of Eveline that breathes birthday candles

I'm 14 yrs old. Will RE7 scare me?

Quick, what witty one-liners would Leon have come up with if put in Ethan's situation?

I'm 500 eons old and I cannot day. Every day i wish death upon myself. Nothing is interest any more. The universe is a gray wasteland and every year passes by like a second. I wish to end it all.


I'm 25 yrs old and I was spooked a couple of times by molded monsters and Marguerite v2.0.

"MY right hand comes off?"

you'll shit a brick at the opening credits

i have a 200 word essay due tomorrow and i cant stop playing this game what should i do?

Write the plot down and hope for the best no matter what the assignment is.

>watching Lucas get his arm ripped off
>"His right hand comes off?"
>about to be force fed the food
>"I'd rather skip to dessert, bro"

She's been infected too long.

The serum isn't an antidote, it's a weapon.

The curing is a side effect for early infection.

Read the notes more thoroughly you communist.

It's a continuation. Capcom have repeatedly and explicitly stated this.

Umbrella Corps is a new company that has taken up Umbrella's name. Canon stuff from the Umbrella Corps game.

Tentsu has always been around, just as an unnamed competitor that HCF has been working.

It's not certain if Redfield is Chris or if Capcom is pulling the wool over our eyes. Wait for the Not a Hero DLC and Vendetta which takes place before 7.

>Wife chases him with chainsaw
>"here comes the old ball and chain-saw"




It's certain that he's not Chris, stop acting like its even a question. It's called dramatic irony ya fuck.

but why

I just remembered that you don't even get to kill Lucas.

Play Umbrella Corps. The new Umbrella has nothing to do with the old Umbrella other than name and its mostly just a mercenary group that deals in bioterrorism.

Wesker is alive and is the head of Umbrella

>jack with 53 eyes show up
>maybe you should have kept and eye on her

>"Nice car, Ethan!"
Why wouldn't Ethan just take the compliment? Is he autistic?

It says Chris Redfield in the credits.

100% legitimate.

>Wesker is still alive

Does this mean he became a good guy now or is it still a part of his plan?


Because the real Chris is overheard on the Radio, the "Redfield" at the end isn't Chris.

It's obviously him and they put him there to spark interest for the upcoming DLC that will show his reasoning, or part of it, for working with Umbrella.

You don't really pull the "it ain't me" thing on a character that appears for a few seconds.

But he says Redfield, it's not like he would have the exact name or lie.

This is Capcom we're talking about.

So then why did Mia not die?

No idea, plot hole or maybe Eveline somehow prolonged the effects of the infection to have Mia serve as her mother.

I dunno.

What happened to Grandma Baker? Did she die before Eveline came, or was she removed so Eveline could replace her?

what if they replaced the current yard puzzle with a grave, and when you solve it you find the corpse of grandma baker wwithout further explanation so whenever you see the old lady again you might begin to think about who the fuck that is

i should direct these games.


who t f knows but i can't wait to see the look on her face when i break some news that i was asked to tell her


> jack and his family is more interesting than ethan and mia

> ywn play as the sewer gators attempting to escape the house for real instead of dying in dumb situations

>ywn play as jack trying to find and kill sewer gators sneaking around

>tfw no sewer gator adventures having to split up to solve overly complicated puzzles
>tfw no sewer gators watching each others backs as they navigate waste-deep swamps and other horrific shit
>tfw no end of the campaign where they're about to escape but an alligator blocks their path

>enter car hole
>deputy be lootin'
>jack stands his ground
>blm descends on baker residence
>nigger zombos e'rywhere



>Son (likely) of Albert Wesker
>Will probably join Umbrella Corp now
>Has the E-series virus in him, but without a controller, and it's probably stalled so it won't turn him into a monster. Meaning he gets the super strength and super healing without any of the downsides
>Probably has other BOW viruses in him just from being Wesker's kid
>Wesker himself is also implied to be alive

Are you ready for the tag team father / son antagonists next game, Sup Forums?

Their logo is on some stuff, like the black crates that contain the shriveled fetuses, and the one that makes the E-Necrotoxin you use to kill Eveline.

Probably still trying to either plan an extraction or find a way to replicate the virus.
Once the Bakers were all dead they began to initiate containment protocol.

Put your hand over the bottom half of his face and his expression is normal.

There's already hints that something's up with the old lady, like her not being in any of the family pictures. Also, the only pic you find of her has E-001 written on the back.

i take it lucas escaped but what do you think happened to zoey (in good ending)? did he bring her