What video games have an "eclipse moment"
What video games have an "eclipse moment"
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Okami. I almost hate saving after that moment because it's too fucking dark.
Literally Dark Souls 3, though I don't even think it's fair to mention a game so heavily inspired by Berserk anyways.
Dragons dogma, people say there's a load of new content but the over world turns so shitty I just can't stand it so I rush into ng+ everytime
I don't think he means a literal eclipse, but rather a moment in a game where shit hits the fan so hard and everything becomes so helpless you stop and wonder how the fuck you'll ever recover.
FFVI is about the only one I can think of off the top of my head.
yes, thank you that's what I mean. A moment that has such a drastic effect on the characters and world that they are changed forever.
LITERALLY Drakengard Ending D and E
Drakengard has a very Eclipse-style apocalypse towards the end. Its some pretty weird shit.
Yeah, the different Drakengard endings were basically competing to see what kind of cosmic horror story could be most horrific by the end.
This af
After grigori with all equipment maxed and a fucking dragon claw sword I had to waste 10 minutes on some hell wolf outside of cassardis
Shit's fucked
The climaxes of several of the Silent Hills give me a similar vibe. Seeing the world around you take new form when facing some dark truth about the characters and/or fighting against some ungodly abomination.
as another user mentioned, Final Fantasy 6 is the closest example.
Kefka betrays the disc 1 final boss and ends up ascending to Godhood. He then fucks up the world and literally changes everything in a matter of minutes. When you wake up, you can never explore the old game map as the new one is different, more dangerous and has stronger enemies.
technically the bad guy won.
Nocturne has one in the first 10 minutes of the game
Rule of Rose's finale.
This is so bad it hurts.
yeah, that part fucked me up when I played it as a kid.
Drakengard gets pretty grim.
You...only you...made me forget my dream
Idk what games have the best betrayals. Kloana comes close
For all its faults, Far Cry Primal had a breddy gud eclipse boss fight.