See footage of Doom months after I beat the game

>see footage of Doom months after I beat the game
>hear the music
>see the demons
>my heart starts beating fast and I get anxious

Wow, that was a good game.

Other urls found in this thread:

Right on, brother.
Fight to slay evil!

is that a console screenshot or something

>actually buying into Doom's shock and awe approach
how sad

I bet you like watching characters talk in a video game.

what kind of games do you play

>if you don't like X it must mean you like Y
get fucked
anything that puts the gameplay first has variety in player actions and interactions with enemies/enviroments without getting bogged down by gimmicks
In short Doom 2016 didn't learn anything from the originals which are the gold standard fps formula
did you think I was gonna try and prove my "gamer cred"? this isn't reddit m8

>anything that puts the gameplay first has variety in player actions and interactions with enemies/enviroments without getting bogged down by gimmicks

Sounds like NuDoom to me.

>did you think I was gonna try and prove my "gamer cred"?
>Right after some garbage about how Doom 1 is best shooter
Okie dokie, buddy.

Fuck off nigger, we won't buy nudoom, qte glory melee kills in "fps" hahabahs gag 's g """""((((((shooter)))))))""""""