This cannot come soon enough

This cannot come soon enough

>inb4 shill

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fuck off shill

Fuck off with this mobile game shit you shill faggot


Your game looks like shit.

Is it a gacha game?

If not it will fail.

looks way more boring than FTL, art is shit too

I loved FTL but this just looks like a poor man's xcom.

Agreed. FTL was great, this looks like trash

>op using inb4

maybe if it's less RNG-fest that ftl was

it's looks exactly as fun/boring as FTL

What part about FTL would you say is unfair RNG?

I'm looking forward to it too user.

starting from encounters to what you get and shop. Everything in FTL is cointoss simulator unless you played enough to know how to abuse system

seems really cool!

None of that is unfair RNG.


>every event is literally a 50/50 "you get a small thing/everyone is dead and your run is over"
>literally and not figuratively

At most you lose one crew member. Often it's just some hull damage.

And that's if you're dumb enough to use a white option instead of one of the blue ones.

Git gud

>they got Ben Prunty again
great, looking forward to it


what is this game about? I'm too lazy to click link.

basically FFT or disgaea clone with kaiju and giant robots

Same guy who made the FTL soundtrack, which is really good.

Looks nice

>basically FFT or disgaea clone with kaiju and giant robots
I honestly can't stand FFT or Disgaea, the combat is so fucking long and boring and I know Disgaea forces grinding.

Looks like a puzzle game. Why do you get XP for killing the enemies? Is it to try and lure people in with wider appeal by disguising the game as something more than a simple puzzle game?

>and I know Disgaea forces grinding.

So you don't know.

I played the fucking Detention one, that game forced the fuck out of grinding in the beginning at least to build up.

That guy is fucking god-tier, half of my FTL enjoyment comes from the soundtrack.

Disgaea hasn't forced any grind since the first game.

only the postgame requires grinding in disgaea

Looks good, thanks for the mention. The orthogonal-only attack range is going to bother the fuck out of me, although I guess it makes sense.

>Advance Wars for children

Go home shill.

>At most you lose one crew member
>3 encounters later
>there is no crew left

yeah, he should git gud at rolling dice, I always roll 19-20, what about you?

>Nintoddler trying to play the mature gaymur card

That's a new one

>so ill click it 3 more times!