Tfw you will never play Nioh and Bloodborne on PC

>tfw you will never play Nioh and Bloodborne on PC
>tfw born in the wrong timeline

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw born in Serbia
>tfw no dollarydoos to buy games
>tfw pirate

>tfw you own a ps4 with bloodborne and nioh
>tfw you don't play them just because you have the choice

I picked up yakuza 0 instead of nioh.

yakuza 0 is insane and hilarious, very comfy too

wtf you're dumb

srbe na vrbe

svabe na vrbe

i njih isto


But this is the right timeline OP, you're just in the wrong platform.

All you PC digital plebs make me sick.

Playing multiplats on consoles while collecting the boxes is the true master race.

Enjoy your shovelware flooded steam, cuck.

this desu
>tfw console ''peasant''

>tfw I got both a PC for multiplat and consoles for exclusives
Sometimes playing on the couch is nice too.


>tfw won't play that trash even if you paid me to.

>Playing multiplats on console
People actually do this? Consoles are for exclusives and exclusives only.

Feels good to be an idort.

PS4 Pro is a pretty decent console to be completely honest. It's the PS2 of this generation. I have no regrets.

>tfw you played Nioh and Bloodborne
>tfw you didn't fall for the PC master race meme

But PS2 had more than 2 games worth playing after four years.

Sweet meme, famalam.

>nioh desperately attaching itself to bloodborne
Fucking pathetic
At least now we can stop pretending people like bb because it was a good game
this is clearly just about exclusivity.

>4.2 tflops
Yeah nah kill yerself lil dicky

>I'm not jelly >;(


But I thought you fags said PC master race?
If you can't play those 2 games on PC, then it means PC isn't master race.
get cucked, PCfag.

Compared to the Switch's .4 Tflops is Nintendo even trying anymore? How is that allowed for a home console?

LOL! delusional PCucks and their denial

>.4 tflops
While docked, in handheld mode it's 150.

I don't think Nioh will stay exclusive to the PS4, the signs point towards probable timed exclusivity.

>tfw you realize this is the darkest timeline

Just can't justify buying it for 2-3 games at this point, I'll wait for more games and better price like I did with PS3

>nintendo flopping so hard switch sales measure in teraflops

Stop being a gay ass fanboy and get a psr. You dont need ps plus for those games.

>the signs point towards probable timed exclusivity.

The signs being your ass? I mean it's completely possible that it will go to pc, and I hope it does (I'll buy it again). But there are no signs that say it will.

Nioh is shit tho.
Have a soft stat cap at 20 alone proves they have no fucking idea what balance is and instead chose to make all builds similar.
BB is still good at least.

>Nioh is shit
>Bloodborne is good

Bloodborne is almost unplayable due to the framerate. Also, you have autism if you think either of them is good and the other is shit. If BB was 60 fps It would be GOAT. Nioh at the very least innovates by being the first console exclusive to provide modes for people who actually want to play games instead of watch slideshows.

While 30 FPS is noticeably lower than 60, you have autism.

You know, i got banned for insulting PS4 once, but these cunts will never get a ban for "starting a flamewar".
Really REALLY makes me think.
No wonder Mods can't afford a PC if they do it for free.

>we'll never get 1080p 60 fps Bloodborne
I hate Sony so much

>30 fps

I think you mean 20 on average combat framerate. Why is wanting to actually be able to play games autistic?


damn i read that in frankĀ“s voice

Hey... that's pretty good!
Like this guy for example, no way in fuck that he's going to get banned.

Oh no I'll never play some garbage souls souls clones on PC. What will I ever do.
Nice falseflag.

>Souls clone

Your ignorance is amusing.

>y-you ps4 peasant just can't afford to be PC gamers

Most played PC games:
League of Legends - Free
World of Warcraft - Over a decade old, any toaster can run it, cheap
Dota 2 - Free
CS:GO - Cheap as fuck

Yeah man really upset that I can't keep up with the baller PC lifestyle

I'm not sure user, to me he doesn't seem like he's trying to put on heirs of genuinely preferring gaming on pc. In my opinion he is simply engaging in the charlatanry of reminding people that people that do in fact prefer pc gaming probably won't ever be able to play those games on that platform, the down right scoundrel.

It sort of looks like one to the unwashed masses.
It's not so much a clone as it is a Frankenstein monster of various games, but the parts fit together really well and the heart's in the right place even if they forgot the brain.

One of these games has a monthly sub, others make ungodly amounts of money on microtransactions.

I'd definitely like to play those games, but I can't see myself buying a PS4 just for them. I also don't want to put up with paid online. Overall, it's not a huge loss

But emulator devs currently believe a 100% speed PS4 emulator will be finished by 2022?

I'm not interested in 30/60fps locked games. ew

I believe there is a big nigger hiding in the moon, that doesn't mean shit, nigga.

Holy shit what? I-I thought I was the only one moon nigger spoke to...

>1440p, 144 fps Bloodborne never
Why live?

>tfw Moon Nigger cheated on me with some faggy user.

>pick up your souls after you die
>shrines are literally bonfires
>combat is basically based on stamina management and avoiding attacks and punishing
>consumables are basically ripped from souls
>developers even stated they were heavily influenced by souls

Totally not a souls clone. Keep being delusional I guess.

>>tfw you will never play Nioh and Bloodborne on PC

I literally don't mind waiting 20 years. I still emulate 20 year old snes games on my pc. In 20 years I'll be 46 and enjoying the fuck out of Nioh and Bloodborne on my ps4 emulator.

And I'm fine with that :)

>game has similarities
>"It's a clone!"

It's you who has the delusions. Why are you making yourself look even worse? You've clearly never played the game, so why don't you shut the fuck up?

both games have
>Wheel enemies
>Parry system
>Healing items
>HP bars
>Leveling up
>Multiple stats
Fucking exact replica, my dude.

Dear Sonycuck, Nioh is a shitty Soul clone.


>tfw halo will be forever held hostage by xboner and w10
>tfw armored core will never be on pc and from would rather let it die
>tfw if theres any fun console game companies will keep it hostage

the butthurt is glorious

Got any PC exclusives pulling high 80's in the first quarter of 2017?

>souls invented stamina
>souls invented the idea of hitting the enemy and avoiding getting hit
>souls invented consumable items

I mean, come on man. I'll give you shrines and graves but even those operate differently from Souls.

>those things are literally ripped from souls
Keep being a delusional retard I guess.

Nice strawman.

Don't fucking remind me of AC, I hate how they almost killed it with Verdict shitfest.

Maybe you should stop being a faggot and join the PC + PS4 masterrace

I posted proof it's worse than the latest DS game though.
>muh exclusives
Retarded Sonycuck. I'm still enjoying DS3 as we speak. Seriously stop wasting your time on this shitty soul clone and continue playing DS3 or BB on your PS4.

Still won't get me 60 fps Bloodborne

Nope. But it popularized those things in a package.
I mean look at the consumables:
The equivalent to homeward bones, darksign, Souls (that you hold in your inventory and pop for later), Elemental resins, prism stones, and the blood vial/estus equivalent with elixirs.
You have to be pretty fucking delusional to deny this.


Kill yourself.

What the fuck is with everyone crying for 60 fps bloodborne? Are you all autistic biscuits? sure the game has drops but it's not unplayable and it still looks great, fucking crybabies holy shit.

>he doesn't realize we'll have cycle-perfect PS4 emulation in 20 years at most

60fps should be mandatory for fast-paced action games

>muh fraymes per microsecond

PC tards are incapable of appreciating games on artistic and gameplay levels and only care about raw performance because that's what makes a game good, right?
Half of these Steamcuck millennials have probably never seen a 16-bit console irl.

>Why would you want the game to be in an acceptable quality when it's already somewhat playable?
>Stop being so entitled.

Please stop this "other timeline" meme. They all end in nuclear extinction.

What the fuck is with everyone hating technical improvements? Why do you want games to be barely playable instead of enjoyable? Autism is defending 20 fps on average.

>cycle-perfect PS4 emulation in 20 years at most
Why would you think this when not even PS1 cycle-accurate emulation exists now?

>somewhat playable
What a fucking meme, I like how you faggots haven't even played the game and you decide if it's playable or not, nice.

>20 FPS on average
>game is barely playable
Both are fucking false since the game runs on 30 fps the majority of the time and it's highly playable and enjoyable as is, I'm not saying I don't want 60 fps but saying the game is shit because of FPS is the most pathetic thing I have ever read here.

>tfw waiting for ps3 and ps4 emulation

>the majority is wrong, I'm the only authority on this subject
and yet you wonder why your immature elitism never got you ahead in life

>my PS2 stopped working
>Ps2 emulator can't run Armored Core : Silent Line and Last Raven

When did I say I was the only authority? A metascore is not fucking proof you absolute fucking retard.

That's literally all shit from way the fuck before souls, though. Starting over from your last save/checkpoint is a basic-ass gameplay feature. Elemental weapon buffs are old as fuck. Spirit shards are best used to charge your living weapon and just happen to be tied to amrita as a result - not to mention items that exist only to be turned into currency are also old as hell. And healing items? Come on man.

What, are you goinrg to try and say souls invented fire bombs too?

Perhaps some people dont like combat souls games have.

and what else should be, gaylord?

PS3 emulation already exists:
It's not that great but it's getting there.

Try and stop me consolecucks

nothing, because opinions aren't "proveable". Try getting an education and then not making such uninformed, retarded posts.

I'm not saying Souls invented those things dipshit, it popularized them together. You have to be pretty retarded to think Nioh isn't heavily influenced by Souls when even the devs stated so.

You get what you give Pcfriends



>own a high end pc, ps4 and most recently a ps4 pro
>enjoy playing BB and Nioh and some anime games on ps4
>most high spec PC games are boring as shit or only need high requirements due to a shitty port job and all I play nowadays is overwatch and indie games on my $1500+ pc

They're both pretty shit tbqh but having them together makes up for the other's shittiness. Good thing I have the cash for it.

before pc


after pc

>own both games on the ps4
>still wish I could play them on my pc
stable framerate and free online.