I'm playing DDD for the first time and suddenly remember why i dislike BBS so much
>tons of new gimmicks
>tons of commands
>tons of attack option
But all of it just boils down to a few commands and dreameaters feel useless at least in the few hours i've played.
I wish they made PS3 KH games, BBS and DDD had so much potential.
Kingdom Hearts Thread
>Dreameaters feel useless
I like DDD a lot because Flowmotion is fun to fuck around with and I liked raising the Dream Eaters, the level design left a lot to be desired though and better command balance would've been nice
DDD is one of my favorite KH games, best music in the series and it was nice to have such a plot significant title not only be Riku centered while also getting to play as Sora again after a while but also to have that game lead directly into 3. I still loved BBS but it wasn't as refined as DDD
Hopefully KH3 will let us play with all the keyblade users and not just stick us with Sora while everyone else does actually important shit in the background while we fuck around in the worlds like in KH2.
Nah we're Sora only, that's what a numbered game implies.
Can i miss cutscenes and shit by not using Drop or do you have to drop at some point, cause i just got new cutscenes just by switching to Riku
Numbered titles are Sora, Donald, Goofy. And I'm glad it is that again, those 3 have the best dynamic. DDD proved that Riku is boring and Sora is pretty shit by himself.
You have to drop at some points but it'll be obvious when.
They should have you play as kairi for the tutorial as she's training and then sora for the rest of the game.
After beating 0.2 I sold 2.8
DDD is the worst Kingdom Hearts I ever played which I thought would remain BBS.
At least 0.2 is good or I'd drop this series.
>playing ddd
>normal kh story
>last chapter
>suddenly insane time travel and everybody is xeanorth
the fuck was all that about?
>DDD is the worst Kingdom Hearts I ever played which I thought would remain BBS.
DDD HD has a lot of improvements though. 60 FPS, enemies enter hitstun/flinch a lot easier compared to the 3DS version, camera is pulled back so you can see more compared to the 3DS version, more content, drop meter lasts a bit longer, etc.
See, people keep saying this, and I understand why, but literally all of the important revelations and plot points are tied to Sora.
I suck so much at DDD i can barely beat the first boss. Combos are below KH1 tier and the flowmotion is just weird
>DDD is the worst Kingdom Hearts I ever played
At least you haven't touched the mobile shit or Days
Well its pretty simple, xehanort time traveled to gather different versions of himself and his vessels together to be the thirteen seekers of darkness and he tried to make sora the final vessel.
Also FYI Kingdom Hearts uses the closed time loop version of time travel so you can't alter events that have already happened which imo is the only way time travel doesn't fuck up a story.
While a lot of the revelations were tied around Sora, Riku ended up saving him and it really was his form of a redemption arc so I think it's fair to say he's the protagonist while Sora was the deuteragonist
git gud
Well, i'm trying, but gitting gud is not fun in Osaka games
You aren't supposed to be standing waiting for your commands to start, keyblades actually do decent damage compared to BBS and flowmotion help give out damage while letting you escape attacks.
what he means when he says that is go get a few Balloon spells
Well i just want to level up and get new abilites, not farm items for dreameaters and abilites and craft dreameeter and abilites and level them up then farm some more
But, what would it take for me to be like... the other shitposters?
>getting into the games
>beat KH1
>start playing R:CoM
Just fucking kill me.
Re:CoM isn't bad. Once you get it, it's fucking fun making decks and cool card combos.
Just take some time.
Literally can't beat Hockomonkey, fuck the camera and everything in this game. Lost all hope for KH3 years ago
This is a childrens game. Kids far younger than you have beaten it.
If I already have KH1.5 and KH2.5, do you think it worth it to buy the PS4 version? Especially when Nier automata is in the same month.
If you're having trouble with the first boss of all things just drop the game now because the combat only gets slightly more tolerable once you grind dream eaters for Leaf Bracer and Second Chance. Are you using Flowmotion? Are you using the Dream Eater team up attacks? Seriously he's not hard at all and I don't mean that in an elitist way.
No way.
When will Sora and Riku finally fuck?
Assuming the glitches and load times are fixed, absolutely. Even if they aren't, I still think it's worth it for the 60fps.
I've been replaying KH1 and 2 and it just makes me angrier about the newer games. Why can't Osaka stop being fucking stupid and just make some sensibly designed gameplay? How difficult can it be?
I suppose the loading and drive form problems will be 100% fixed since there will be a mandatory install on the ps4, I hope they fix the reaction command that were broken which seems like it should be simple fix, but I am a bit worried that the 60 fps will cause some other shit to break, which it probably will so here's to hoping they catch that shit and fix it. There really isn't any excuse for this port to be buggy like last time considering they have more time to make them and maybe it isn't literally 2 dudes working on these ports this time.
To be honest they should just keep kh 2 gameplay but add different abilities and magic to each game in instead changing it entirely.
Nomura believes that handheld and spin-off titles should have different gameplay from the main games.
>good gameplay
Play Ninja Gaiden faggot
Stop this meme
fucking osaka team man... 0.2 felt like it was built around bbs with it's clunky as fuck movements and terrible combos, the patch however is a good fucking sign that they are at least aware of the problems, they got a long way still but I pray that III will be fluid as II
Watch Parajanov faggot
Handhelds don't have enough buttons and hardware for that though.
Not an excuse for your shit taste in games. Play Ninja Gaiden faggot.
How does the DDD HD have more content over the original 3DS?
Sometimes using a sub optimal choice is fine for funs sake. You can beat most of any Devil May Cry by spamming E&I but you'd be a retard to play it like that
Sure, but BBS and 3D aren't fun regardless of how you play them
Hardcore gamer please leave
0.2's combat feel is perfectly fine, the real problem is that there's no gameplay variety at all since it's just a short demo. I can only do so much with 4 spells, 1 attack combo, 1 shotlock, and 2 command styles before I get bored.
My patience would run out before that would happen. People who spam guns on Cerberus actually amaze me. I would never have the patience to do that.
If you hate fun or you're an autistic speedrunner sure.
BBS got cool looking attacks that function well enough and a cute girl. Pretty gud to me
New Dream Eaters they added you can raise.
What a shitty analogy. Using E&I is suboptimal and in DMC (1 and 3 at least) a good majority of your options are useful. In the KH Osaka games, optimal gameplay is spamming a few OP commands and playing under restricted conditions is just tedious due to the atrocious balancing and enemy design.
I don't hate fun and I'm not a speedrunner. BBS is just a slog.
All the cool attacks actually feel like shit to use and most of them are pretty terrible to boot.
Another equivalent would be jump canceling Beowulf killer bees on everything. It's faster, it works and it looks stupid as hell and it's boring
It feels like the handheld titles are built so that players would be forced to use their decks more. It's basically the opposite of the main games, where it's mostly X-combos and spells are supplementary.
Ok. For reference what does a cool well designed attack look like to you? Any answer beginning with the words "not" or "isn't" or some variant don't count
So you're devoid of the ability to enjoy things in your life
The X combos are the most boring complacent shit in KH though. Does anybody really want to go back to mash X to play?
Yes, that is one of your most powerful options in DMC3 but there are several other useful ones. It's in no way comparable to Osaka KH games.
>adds a bunch of flashy, poorly thought-out shit that's actually really terrible and lacks depth
Kind of like the story. Makes you think...
If you're mostly using physical attacks in KH1/2 you're playing sub-optimally.
Why bother using them when killer bee works? Throw in E&I spam and you got most your bases covered. You can play the most boring efficient playthrough of DMC3 yet! Also Osaka KH will never catch on as a term
A lof of things feel unresponsive to me, it's like when you move near a ledge and then it refuses my jump input and I just end up falling down, shit like that which makes the controls feel kind of unresponsive or slow. also those hedgehog looking heartless are annoying as fuck it seems like they block your shit randomly without any tell and the stun thing is really annoying, I also really hate multi hit combos that you can't break out off, might as well just make them attack once and do a ton of damage instead of getting stunlocked
There's no point in doing anything else if you can just stinger your way through everything. That's why DMC is a shit series. Style is for autists and comboing is pointless because it devolves into fan fiction tier jumping and LOL SO CUHRAAZY XD
Yeah, but magic isn't that useful in KH2. Other than Reflect and Cure, you're not gonna be using magic as much. Maybe summons.
In KH1, you're likely to be more reliant on magic for certain enemies, but your go-to spells are generally Aero and Cure, both of which are entirely supplementary.
In KH2, battles are more about timing and correct usage of Reflect Guard and the Reflect spell.
>Ton of damage
>Enemies having I frames out the ass
>Enemies never getting stunned
>Enemies breaking out of your combos cause they feel like it
Why the fuck do they think this shit is fun?
See I think you're kind of agreeing with me. Reflect and cure aside if magic and other commands are underpowered then you just spam X. And spamming X was and is always boring
Agni & Rudra's Aerial Cross, Beowulf's Swordmaster attack, DT explosions, switch/RG cancelling Spiral, Kalinna Ann, and a slew of other stuff are useful in optimal gameplay. The game is also enjoyable to play under restricted conditions because bosses actually stagger and it doesn't suffer from shitty stat balancing.
>the tutorial island in KH1 has better gameplay than the entirety of BBS/DDD
Really makes you think
I dunno. Battles could be pretty exciting on KH2FM Critical.
Magnet+Thunder nigger.
>Agni & Rudra's Aerial Cross, Beowulf's Swordmaster attack, DT explosions, switch/RG cancelling Spiral, Kalinna Ann, and a slew of other stuff are useful in optimal gameplay
You don't need that shit though. You can win just killer bee canceling and shooting E&I. Hell it's a safer option and takes less time to learn
Not that useful against bosses, which is where the bulk of the fun lies.
>Hit X
Wow so gameplay. Such deep
Certainly not long animation locks that leave you completely vulnerable (especially when just randomly break out of stagger on the rare occasion the don't just brickwall you) and can't be canceled while taking up two deck slots, having a long cooldown and being completely obsolete because commands with none of these drawbacks that also deal significantly more damage exist. At the very least if your cool super move is clunky as shit, there should be a real payoff, but there isn't. All the cool shit in BBS does nothing except look cool and get you killed.
>try DDD
>pokemon tutorial
>pat the fucking pokemon
>close the game
>try 0.2
>now, this is KH
>3 fucking hours
>welp, there's one more part
>plan to start that third part of the disc
>remembered the usual kh plot as xehanort xehanort xehanort xehanort ansem ansem ansem ansem darkness darkness DARKNESS LIGHT - so i didn't bother and ejected the disc
KH 2.8 is such a scam, holy shit.
I've only played kh1&2 and the card game one for gba. What kh games are essential for the story leading up to the eventual kh3?
>moving the goalposts
They're useful spells. Most of the games are fighting trash enemies that they help dealing with. Don't be a fag about it.
thank god i only paid $30 for it then went go trade that in for breath of the wild
Finish this sentence Sup Forums
I know now without a doubt, Kingdom Hearts is ________
for faggots
Play Ninja Gaiden faggot
Blizzard is very useful in the Pirates world in KH2 and against Barbossa.
You know what I agree with you for the most part that the super moves should hit harder and be invincible while in progress. Or at the least have more super armor or reduced damage while in them etc. But I also said to not use the words not or isn't so this doesn't count
Name one gay thing about KH you faggots
I don't give a shit about what you said I can or can't say you turbofaggot. It's not my job to make the game not shit
This guy
all the gay Disney shit for preteen girls
all the gay anime shit for teenage girls
and literally everything else about it
You also forgot
all the faggoty gay videogame shit for neckbearded NEET losers
Why doesn't he hit Wakka's balls back?
Why are you so upset? :)
He did once
Balls are for filthy degenerate al bhed, ya.
shut up poser
if there's one thing wakka likes more than hating al bhed, it's blitzball
Shut up Wakka, I'm not touching your balls.
why is he using aerial combos?
Because they're faster. A better question is why you would ever not use aerial combos.