How was I supposed to know that I had to jump through the painting?

How was I supposed to know that I had to jump through the painting?


Do you have a brain?

Played the game for weeks before someone at school told me i had to jump through the paintings, spent my time jumping around and climbing trees.

It was the most prominent object in the room and it rippled when you walked towards it.

>hmm a room full of paintings
>can I interact with them?

The rest is history

You had to look at the back of the game case.

Doesn't the story in the opening expressly tell you that the painting are connected to different worlds?

You guys new eh?

Just because modern games coddle the player through the most trivial of mental exercises doesn't mean they should or always have. If you're not smart enough to play a video game you are not smart enough to live.

it shimmers when you walk into it, like a pool.

I feel like this is a reference to something but I'm not sure what

No I just spend less and less time here as I get older. I don't keep up with the newest and hottest hip memes posted around here anymore.

One of the toads tells you

Is a reference to MGS1 for Meryl's codec number.

>rent the game
>have to look at the back of the game case
>I only have a shitty case with the video club logo

Then why didn't Mario take his clothes off first?
You wouldn't jump into a pool fully clothed.

"newest and hottest"
try 2 years old

it's a jojo reference!!!

probably miss quoted, but ill answer your retarded question anyway.
if things shimmer like a pool, that doesnt mean that it is ACTUALLY a pool.

didnt the cashier tell you when you purchased it? he explicately told to jump into the paintings. it was the best experience, like, ever

Yeah it does.

Name 10 things that shimmer like a pool but aren't a pool.

We're playing pretend in this thread user, as we have done for the past 5 years it's been posted.

My sister, cousin and me didn't even enter the castle

All we did was run around it looking for something

>calling someone "user"

this is the gayest newfaggiest thing to do, step up your game, kid

And? I don't give this place as much attention as you, someone who can spot a Mario 64 meme and correct someone on its date of creation and insist on how new someone is, all while taking delight over correcting someone over something so dumb. All you are is a meme Nazi, no different from those who correct the boring and unimportant mistakes people make when typing, only this time it's about a clubhouse joke rather than correcting someone's scholastic education.

*and i

underage scum

English is not my first language sorry about that

you seem upset

Are you bevagina'd, may-chance?

not him, but YOU got angry over being called a noob, he didnt

if you werent a noob, you wouldnt be angry. by responding like this its shows hes objectively right

>gets called newfag
>throws a fit about it
yep, newfag confirmed

You're literally the reason children still die to brain cancer.

if english isnt your first language, then please post in your first one instead

then we'll use google translate so we can communicate properly

Why is that cat so determined?

Just tired of people actually. Everyone is so focused on correcting others and their ilk instead of realizing the patheticness of it and focusing on your own shit. From those experience the ones quickest to talk about others and their wrong have the most fixing to do themselves.

high energy

Google translate es una mierda con oraciones completas


is this what your government assigned best friend told you to repeat in the mirror every night before bed? grow up and get real, or get out, kid

I've been here longer than any sane person should have, and yet the wheel keeps turning. Its funny how much this place changes and just how much it stays the same.

im on my phone so its a pain in the ass to translate

i apreciate it though

You should go out and experience people, the real dregs if this world, then come back to me with that shit. I'm arguing with teenagers so I'm not any Better through.

put down the big book of fancy sentences, kid. the real world doesnt care about you.

i have been here a long time, and i can tell you arent able to say the same, and not lie at the same time

Would it kill you to admit a joke post was played on you at your expense? No one is impressed that you've been on the internet longer than others, getting insecure about being called new isn't doing you favors either lol.

Sorry, would you prefer "user"?

Holy shit is this a new meta.

Google translate is a piece of shit for completing words. Not going to lie Mexibro that doesn't make any sense. Also your people don't have a word for zip tie.

i experience real life, in fact, i swim through the sea of experience, while youre drowning in the kiddie pool of INexperience

you are nothing but a fish for me, a shark, to eat

its really cringy gay and newfaggy to talk someone you dont know by their name when you dont need to

when youre talking to someone, do you say theyre name after you finish each sentence? fucking autist

Whatever you say, user.

lol badass

You should be the president of Sup Forums.

it said so in the printed manual.

Chillax user

Lol. Sorry my big words scare you. This is how I talk because I'm educated and read a lot. Just you even bringing that up shows just how irrelevant and immature you are. Learn to make some real point and have real understanding instead of using someone's intelligence as a means to mock them. Calling me kid everyone time to try and act adult like and bug only nets you the opposition perception amongst your peers.

Did I ever say otherwise? My patience for others bing so quick to correct others has no relevance to what you're claiming. Yes, I got played, but to hark on the importance of how I did and why, and the looking at the Mario 64 image just makes me feel indifferent. Its a stale joke that only this place would find funny or important enough to continue a long line if arguments because of someone voicing their opinion. But no, that's not enough, let's then make fun of his vocabulary and how new he must be simply for not fitting in with this cesspool you calla video games board. Anyways I'm done u was just taking a shit (literal shitpost) and here I get all these people parroting things that have been said for years here. Its a waste of time and so are all of you.

AI technology is advancing too fast for the cat, it needs to undergo rigorous training to keep up on both a physical and mental level.


that actually means a lot to me, seriously

im sorry i got angry at you, i have flaws too. im the president of Sup Forums so of course i do haha

lol nice cover newfag

Fuck autocorrect, but I assume you all are intelligent enough to derive my posts meaning though

we like to have fun

You're a faggot dude

If you say so.
I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing for 8 years.

Go to any general thread.
CTRL+F " user "
several results per thread. It's how you're referred to here on all boards.

>Writes a fucking blog about not being a newfag
Yeah, you're a newfag

8 years?! pffff fucking loser

Because they did it in the commercial.

I wouldn't have to be the userbase acted like humans instead of edgy 3 year olds. Act like a kid expect to be treated like one.

Seriously you are a fucking faggot

The way you type and the way you react reminds me of a gamefaqs poster coming in here for the first time taking everything seriously and literally. It's not even about remembering memes and copypastas, you just don't know how to take things in stride. This is the worst place on the internet to have that sort of personality.

I accept who I am

>writing a wall of text becasue someone called you a newfag
Wew lad

Is this a DSP thread?

It's a reference to Dark Souls , so If you played DaS you wouldve know.

Had the same problem. Noticed that every code started with 140 though so I kept trying one by one until I got it right.

Hey guys, I just need to you to copy this mark onto your map so we can continue playing Phantom Hourglass.

that puzzle was bullshit

>tfw I tried everything I thought was possible and then put my DS in sleep mode to come back to later

don't listen to the haters, you rock


It made me really angry then, too.

Never stops being funny, ever. Ever. :)

>Buy the MGS collection for PS3
>get to the part where I need Meryl's codec number
>it isn't on the back of the CD case because it's a different case
>remember metal gear awesome 2 where ego says "140.15... okay, cool!"

thanks for saving me a google search arin