Not dead enough because your faggot preteen ass still wants to talk about him, whoever the fuck this worthless e-celeb is.

I don't think he considers Youtube his career. He releases one video every few months and makes $200 a week off Patreon. It's just a well paying hobby for him and that's why the quality of his videos is always high. He is smart enough to understand that if he forced himself to create videos all the time instead of at his own leisure it would cease to be fun and just be a normal job.


you know the guy has a real job right?

>whoever the fuck this worthless e-celeb is.

Calm down mate. Some people actually produce good content on Youtube and Matthewmatosis is one of them.

>I don't think he considers Youtube his career
He literally quit his job to do these videos.

i think it depends from person to person, joseph anderson takes it more seriously than a hobby but still has quality.

>Some people actually produce good content on Youtube


>quits job
>then doesn't make a video for six months
>patreon income doesn't budge
Patreon and Kickstarter shouldn't be allowed to exist because there are too many delusional suckers out there. It's truly mindblowing anyone gets away with this shit.

Vidya commentary videos aren't even that important or interesting, so why the dedication?