Nintendo Switch

Less than three weeks. I still dont have a pre order. Im not going to be able to get one am I?

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You might not get one on the third, just be patient young user

If you have a frys electronics near you theyll have stock ready for purchase on launch day. You cant preorder btw

So will retailers like walmart and target have stock in the individual store locations that won't be available for pre-order online?



Swedish sites have already confirmed that the second batch of consoles will arrive on the 7th, and the one after that will be a week or two after. Just have patience, avoid Sup Forums or other video game discussion forums to avoid spoilers for BotW etc.

>will I be able to get a Nintendo console on launch day

That's John Stossel covering the NES shortage 30 fucking years ago

That's how long Nintendo has been doing this shit.

Consoles are fucking shit day 1. Wait at least a few months for the dust to settle.


Nice try neofag

Why would you want one? Wait until you have games and they offer one with the sexy coloring like the one in your picture.

>tfw paid the whole amount at Walmart for a preorder
>tfw heard later from Walmart employees online that you shouldn't do this as the system won't reserve a unit for you
I-I'm going to get one, right Sup Forums?

Thankfully it's a 24-hour Walmart so I can go right at midnight and complain to management with my receipt if they say they don't have one for me

>go to local Target, Walmart, Best Buy etc
>stand in line for 20+ hours
>maybe get one if you are lucky

Basically your only chance. Most of these stores will get a handful in, and they do "first come first serve."
Just hope they have a limit of 1 per customer, or some scalper can just buy them all up if he is before you.

Because i have a wii u ps3 and gamecube. I have other games to play.

But i dont have botw and want it. By the time i finish that the new mario kart will be close. And splatoon and all that other stuff.

I also want the excitement. Im 29. Ive never bought a console at launch. It will be fun

Buying a console at launch is essentially paying to be a beta tester.

>buy the shittier version of BotW now, so you can wait to pay the same full price for the Switch in 2 months when Spla2n comes out
Nice plan

I work at Target and no, we never hold "big ticket" items online. You will have to come in a pick it up.
Also I doubt we get more than 10 of them in, so good luck!

>Ive never bought a console at launch. It will be fun
No. No it won't believe me. I bought a Cube on day 1 when I was 14. Saved up all summer to be able to.

>buy the shittier version of BotW now, so you can wait to pay the same full price for the Switch in 2 months when Spla2n comes out
Or, you know, be a fucking adult, and be patient for the year it takes to have a few other games out, and buy them with a Switch you aren't settling for. But sure, you wanna project all over yourself and do that, go ahead.

>This is genius, Nintendo should be watching.
Because the super gameboy, and gameboy advance player wasn't a thing?

Really though if the Vita handheld was done better in the west, the pstv could have worked. Like if all vita games wrre compatible, if it had stuff like Netflix and other streaming apps, and if classic psp and ps1 games were cheaper, plus no proprietary memory card I think it would have done well. Especially if they added local multiplayer for ps1 games, imagine hooking up 2 controllers and playing crash racing, or bomberman with a buddy. Yet sadly Sony likes to shit out good ideas in terrible fashion.

This was in the 80s. How come video game coverage is so much more shit these days?

>buy the shittier version of BotW now, miss the launch period of a primarily multiplayer game, and wait to play Odyssey for no reason so you can buy the $299 bundle that comes with Animal Crossing or whatever
Nice plan

Or I can be a fucking adult and realize the year-long wait to play games I'm excited for isn't worth the $50 bucks I'll save by doing it

I did the same thing, but at a Bic Camera in Japan. Hopefully the japs actually reserve shit for people who preorder.

This thing is fucking 500 dollars in Canada. I'm not spending that on an underpowered console I'll never take outside anyway. You'd have to be insane or a rich boy to think that's worth the money.

I think you're safe. What I heard was Walmart specifically doesn't typically do preorders, so instead they use their layaway system. The problem then arises because the layaway system automatically closes orders that have been paid in full, so if they look at a list of outstanding Switch orders I won't be on there.

Anywhere that doesn't use such a backwards system should be safe

>living in Canada
You have only yourself to blame

I really have no idea what you're talking about at this point, nor do I have any idea what you're speculation/projection is based on either. A primarily multiplayer game? What are you talking about?

There will be no purchasing of the Wii U version of the game, because I am not an autist who needs to play a game on day one to impress Sup Forums. Also, fuck giving Nintendo a single cent more towards their abortion of a poorly managed system. Personally, my plan is just to wait because the quality of BotW isn't based on my excitement to play it. In fact, letting the hype die down a bit might help me enjoy it more when my playthrough isn't based on hype as much as the actual content of the game.
As for Odyssey, there was nothing in that trailer that made me want to buy it either, so when I buy a Switch, it certainly won't be for that. Maybe it'll be for Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but there is no way that isn't getting delayed. When I buy A Switch I'll play to be dropping a minimum of $400, because I'll be grabbing it, BotW, Pokemon, Xenoblade Chronicles, and a new Monster Hunter. I'll be doing this so that when I buy my Switch, I have the thing getting used for at least 3 months straight if not longer, unlike my Wii U which went half years without use between two weeks of use. Now, you may think I'm going to be sitting on my hands playing no games while waiting for the day I buy a Switch to arrive, but you would be wrong.

>You have only yourself to blame

Funny. But I blame Jew Japs and Americans.

Don't tell me you missed on based GameStop's event this past weekend?

>$50 bucks I'll save

It'll be closer to 100$ saved at least with pack in deals and price drops. Adults don't like to spend money on things not worthwhile. children do though

I pre-ordered mine yesterday.


>A primarily multiplayer game? What are you talking about?
Obviously Spla2n, the same game I talked about in my previous post
>a bunch on stupid bullshit
But you're still not understanding my point, which is that no matter how long you wait, you're still basically paying the same amount. Obviously there's the time value of money and possible bundles down the road, but the only benefit you get out of waiting is maybe $60 at best for a bundle, while the cost is waiting to play games you're interested in playing. You may be so poor that you're willing to wait a year to play something for $60, but to me I just don't care that much. I'll eat that cost to play BotW now instead of next spring.

>Price drops

>500 loonies
>Nintendo products

Looks fair to me


Real fucking Nostradamus aren't you?

>portable 360 with maybe 3 worth playing games
>500 loonies

>Obviously Spla2n
Another game I have no interest in. Good for you though. I thought Spla2n had a built in legitimate fanbase that continues playing it, and wasn't flash in the pan. Guess I heard incorrectly?
>a bunch of valid points I can't refute and will therefore resort to dismissing as stupid bullshit

>which is that no matter how long you wait, you're still basically paying the same amount
>the only benefit you get out of waiting is maybe $60 at best for a bundle
That sure sounds like what a game costs, so that is certainly value to me.
>while the cost is waiting to play games you're interested in playing.
Or it isn't, because I have another system I with games I am also interested in playing. Want to try to pull something out of your ass to criticize me for not being able to play all the games I'm excited for at the same time?
>You may be so poor
Again with the projecting...
Also, the concept of patience seems completely lost on you. Some of us don't live day to day in need of constant gratification.
>that you're willing to wait a year to play something for $60, but to me I just don't care that much.
Neither do I. The point you're missing is that I'm not waiting a year to play something that costs $60. I'm waiting a year to play a game on something that costs $300, because I don't want to spend $300, use it for two weeks, then let it collect dust, when I have something that cost me $400 that I have used the vast majority of the time I've owned it, and can use the vast majority of the time I continue owning it, until the $300 item has enough product that it can be used comparably. It's not an issue of cost, it is an issue of value, and for me, buying a Switch to play BotW on Day 1 stops bringing me value the moment I hit the ending credits, and the Switch stops being used until mid-2018 at the soonest.

I won't be surprised if soon Switch will come inside a cereal box.

Try again

You're assigning some cost to having the console "collect dust" which I don't understand.

I mean there is a very quantifiable cost to that, called the time value of money, that's pretty easily calculated. The cost of making a $300 purchase now instead of a year from now is simply $300*(1 year interest rate), and the yield curve today pegs 1-year US bonds at 0.81%. That means you're losing out in $300*0.0081, or $1.63 by having your money tied up in the Switch instead of out in a risk-free bond. That's the only "cost" to buy it early, unless you wait long enough for the actual price of the system to go down.

Now, if you don't care about BotW or Spla2n, then by all means don't buy it. But don't act all high and mighty because people who are excited by those games aren't following your illogical nonsense to save the price of a cup of coffee by waiting a year. Most people don't assign so psychological weight to "I'm not using this" because that's stupid

Shit, I'm an idiot, $1.63 should by $2.43, but you get my point.

Is that switch seriously glossy screen?

As if I needed any less reason to buy it

Has there ever been a handheld without a glossy screen?

I can't think of one other than the touch screens on the DS and 3DS

We get it, user. You just started your upper division prereqs, and are eager to get some use out of the Financial calculator your prof told you to buy for the class. Wonderful. I've been there too. It's wonderful that you understand time value of money because you'll be using it a lot. Fortunately, buying something today versus tomorrow doesn't matter to me in the sense of getting the most for my buck. What matters to me is seeing something I bought getting used or not getting used. That's how I determine an items valuation.

Personally I'm psyched to play BotW. LoZ is one of my most cherished franchises. I'd love to play it on day one, but frankly, I don't have enough faith in Nintendo's corporate culture be be comfortable buying a Switch on day 1, and in my subjective analysis, my skepticism of Nintendo when put against my excitement to play BotW, leaves my willingness to buy a Switch in the red. Now as more games are released, it will eventually get closer to the black. Hell, if the release a solid black Switch like the one OP posted, that'd also take it closer to the black. While it sits in the red however, I'm not willing to jump on board.

Now you asked me not to
>act all high and mighty because people who are excited by those games aren't following your illogical nonsense
Would you care to point out where I did so? As I recall all I did was () ask user a benign question and give the same advice many other anons on Sup Forums do regardless of company or console.
>Don't buy on Day 1, wait for a fuller game library.
Are you trying to say that is illogical nonsense?I didn't get into my own personal plan and reasoning for it until you twice incorrectly inferred what that was, and acted all high and mighty towards me for feeling the way I did. Nevermind the fact that your savings valuation certainty completely disregards Black Friday deals, or buy two get one free sales, as well as other sale pricing that savvy consumers are often able to find.

This is such bullshit. I just want to buy the thing the day it comes out without a special reseveration

>What matters to me is seeing something I bought getting used or not getting used. That's how I determine an items valuation.
>I don't care about actually thinking about things, what matters to me is how I *feel*
Stopped reading there

To quote yourself:
>You may be so poor that you
need to factor in time value of money in your decision to buy things. Others do not.

Rather not waste memory on my ssd

>wait until you have games
Launching with Zelda

Games is a plural, user.

If you did a random survey to test the relationship between "people who know what the time value of money is" and "income," I think you'd be surprised at the result

>avoid spoilers for BotW
Link defeats Ganon

Let me guess. There would be a strong positive correlation between people familiar with it and people with higher income right?
If you did a random survey to test the relationship between "people who aren't concerned with the MSRP of a home console they intend to purchase" and "income" I think you'd find similar results.

>Ive never bought a console at launch. It will be fun

Launches are fun, if you pre-ordered and are picking up your console at midnight.. If there are like 10 consoles and you're #10 in line, then it's going to be the most harrowing 12-16 hours of your life. Me, I got mine pre-ordered, so I'm looking forward to playing DS with people and chilling.

One of my favorite gaming memories was the Xbox 360 midnight launch at a Best Buy. Several people had hooked up TVs and the whole night, there was multiplayer Halo CE, FIFA, etc., other people were playing movies all night. YMMV, this was a hood launch, shit was basically a big party.

How many of you would cancel your pre-order if you knew the console was going to flop? (By flop I mean Wii U-ish sales)

Not saying it will, just a hypothetical scenario where you were 100% sure it would fail


I wouldn't, the Wii U still had 7-8 fantastic games.

I'd be bummed though because I really want the Switch to pick up all the weeb anime games now that it'll be the only handheld on the market as the Vita and 3DS are phased out

That's my basic thinking

I kind of wonder if Nintendo could survive on Wii U-tier sales, especially when they're making profit off the hardware accessories and online service, and their attach rates for Wii U were so good. It might work out either which way

No. The N64, GameCube, and Wii U all lost their respective generations and collectively have some of the best console games of all time.

I think the Switch will at least come in second place for the 9th generation though. It could do better than expected if the percentage of people who will be dissatisfied after the PS4 Pro and Xbox Scorpio is big enough. The post-2007 console gaming scene has been getting shitty enough that it's about due for a backlash and correction.

Screencapping it so on the off chance it does succeed, I can post compilations of dire predictions.

Friendly reminder there are no good games coming out this year for the Switch and anything that seems good will get delayed like Mario Odyssey.


I don't know about the event but I went and traded in my 3DS+Wii U and it paid off my Switch preorder plus BotW in full.

Fucking Gamestop?

>100% sure I can just rock up and buy one if I feel like it

Just don't feel it's worth it as I own a wii u. But getting a new console feels so good.

Why does UK hate Nintendo

Does it?