RIP PC graphics
Horizon Zero Dawn
A pc would not be able to handle something like this without problems, too risky to do a port.
> being this fucking retarded
Spotted the new retarded young generation.
Looks great and i'm glad to see devs figuring out how to push the hardware.
I did see noticeable framedrops during some of the webms though but here's hoping that gets sorted out. If Horizon Zero Dawn looks fantastic and plays great it will be a great vehicle to make console devs stop half assing and making excuses for their low view distance sub 30 fps shitheaps.
Never owned a playstation and dont plan on it but my point still stands.
Where have you taken this picture OP?
I think it's amazing that PCucks keep boasting about how consoles are holding video games back yet their exclusives are shit like Undertale, and then you look at the ps4 scene and you see stuff such as this, Uncharted 4, God of War, etc.
Its so fucking blurry, post-aa without sharpening is fucking cancer.
Damm...Why even build a PC at this point?
GG is so good at graphics. Hopefully they stepped up with the gameplay.