Make cover of a game that would make you instantly buy a Switch (or that would reaffirm your decision to buy one...

>make cover of a game that would make you instantly buy a Switch (or that would reaffirm your decision to buy one already)

Other urls found in this thread:

Gonna post a few of mine while I wait for other people to make theirs.







id buy this right away, no doubt about it

Would buy two switches.

This nigga gets it.



This would be awesome.

this but a new one

It hurts real fuckin' bad

This one without a doubt.

>wanting to ruin a perfectly finished series




This is some deviantart shit, isn't it?

After the massive, crushing disappointment that was 3, it'd take a return to form with 4 being an improved version of the best game in the series, 2, for me to even consider a switch. Also it needs to have gamecube controls, none of that fucking wagglin' bullshit.

Any of these I guess. JoJo is a joke though it would never happen.

This is the only thing that will make me pay for online (not necessarily XX but a new mainline MH)

haha nice one dude


Made it even better based on suggestion from a friend.

I just can't wait!



>Waifu simulator




MH5 when. It'll be an instabuy for me.

you are trying way to hard

>A return to form
>3 is more like superior 1

A lot of people liked 1 and a lot liked 2.
I'd say if they make another Pikmin game, there should be an option when you start a file to have it be either timed escape like 1 or timeless collection like 2.

>1 was devoid of content and had gimped controls
You have my condolences, it must suck only ever playing the NPC versions of Pikmin.

7 remake would get dunked all over by 6 remake

There's going to be a new one, but it's sort of like Kirby Mass Attack and that Chibi Robo platformer spinoff.

>A fuckin good Paper Mario
>Metroid 5/Prime 4
>The Last Story 2
>Dokapon/Mario Party Online
>Kirby's Air Raid
>Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Jesus, Nintendrones are pathetic...

I'm sorry, I forgot the GOTY accolades and 10/10 magazine review scores. To be fair, there's not a lot of space left on the box.

2d metroid
New smash bros where you can play all the old ones on it (basically bringing melee to switch), would need to keep melee as ABSOLUTELY detailed as it was as possible, no changes.

A good paper mario.
Pokemon hybrid game with samurais or something.

Are we supposed to believe OP isn't going to collect all these and post them in a fake chart to fuck with people?

fuck off yakuza shill


>implying this wouldn't be enough to make all of Sup Forums buy one

I'd run to the store so fast to get me a switch, holy shit.

as if

Metroid Prime 4 (includes remaster of Primes 1-3)
Metroid 5 (includes remasters of all 2D Metroid Games)

Mario Maker (dont know if this is already going to come out for it)

Fire Emblem

I like 6 but that is just an insane statement. 7 is much more marketable to new customers, especially younger ones.


That's exactly what I want to happen though.

Nothing would really make me buy a Switch really, the console looks like overpriced garbage. Maybe down the line if it builds a decent library of good games but I wouldn't bet too much on that considering the launch titles.

That said I would really love a comfy Spice & Wolf game where you travel around with your fluffy tailed waifu and just jew around people. Would even buy an Xbone for that.


>double cross

Seek mental help. Generations was shit, and so too will be double cross.

Fuck, that actually sounds like a fun game.

boku no pico: the game

dickbutts thegaem

>Generations was shit because I personally didn't like it
Meanwhile in the real world, it sold just as well as 4U did, so people do like it.


You have no idea how much I want this


>Ctrl + F
>No Punch Out

The Wii game was fantastic tbqh


People will pay for monhun simply because it's monhun now.

It has no bearing on if it's a pile of shit whose online died faster than you cum.

This would be great.
Something short with high replayability on the go?
Sounds perfect.
Yeah, I agree.
Not only that but between a PC full of roms, classic fps games and rpgs and a hacked 3ds, I have more vidya than I know what to do with. As much as I want that new SMT I'm hellishly cautious because of SMT x FE.

They could have made a crossover game better than project x zone 2 and they just fucking blew it.

>I don't like game, therefor everyone else that bought game only did so on brand name alone. there's no possible way they could actually genuinely like the gameplay


never ever

for everyone ;_;

This could actually breathe some life into the library, and give devs a better idea of what different audiences want to play.

That jetstream sam DLC was fucking amazing.

Fuck, I'd even settle for a port of Bayonetta 1&2.


Also Nier Automata, need more hack/slash.

Is nintendo so incredibly out of touch as to not see that this will serve their core audience if even one of these was a launch title?

You need less video games if anything

I personally enjoyed it. The new arts did a decent job of separating X from 4U, without moving too far away from the original design.

I still hope that Capcom will bring it back to the console. The 3ds pad is total shit for long play.



it's funny because I dropped around 300 hours into the 3ds version. I don't know why mario golf is so damn addicting, but that shit gripped me good. the tennis game was also fun, but the online seems dead these days.

Id buy another Soma "Fag-ula" Cruz Castlevania game or four.

The wii controls are objectively better in every way.

actually laughed at this. good shit, user.

Short answer: Yes
Long answer: All the backlash and asshurt from FE: Fates and Smash 4 has led them to believe that they shouldn't care about their older audience and continue to make garbage like color splash, mario party, splatoon, metroid federation force and #FE.

And just like the Wii and WiiU it's launching with a fuck-ton of shovelware. People are sick and tired of the gimmicks unless they are actually done well.

Nobody cares about motion control, gyro, sixaxis, and VR anymore.

Why tho? What would the switch add?

If you have a sub-50 IQ, maybe.


I was more of a hot shots golf kind of guy myself growing up and never really tried any of the Mario Golf games. Would be totally willing to give the 3ds one a chance.

Oh god, this so much

this tbcauhwy (to be completely and utterly honest with you) famalam

Switch has a light sensor
Make it fucking happen Nintendo

I wish I could still be as optimistic as AW fans that want a new game. Tell me, what makes you think AW:switch would be good instead of Other M or Fates tier?

jesus christ, 10/10 post

I'd buy this so fucking hard

They already did their reboot. This one will be the return to form game.

I was thinking along the lines of a prequel telling the story of one of York's previous cases. Or a spin off with one of the characters from the first.

>crushing disappointment that was 3
>2 better than 3

what is your mental malfunction, user?

You know, I actually thought they were going to do this for the whole "year of Luigi" bullshit. Would actually be interested in this.

Pretty much just gonna get it for Splatoon 2, handheld disgaea 5 seems fun too.