Game gives you a choice between male and female protag

>Game gives you a choice between male and female protag
>Choose female every single time

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Damn CWC looks like THAT?!



Did we pay for those things?

I play as a futa not because I want to self insert as it but seeing it fuck/rape other futas and women or being fucked/raped by them is really fucking hot.
This is why I mod most of my games.

Sadly there's no fixing these retards. They're basically closet homosexuals.

I love to stare at male asses


Before anyone asks, CWC is still alive.

How does not wanting to look at a dude's ass make me gay?

What did she mean by this?

Because that's not the real reason you're doing it, you closet homo.

There are different levels of this
There are some people who just like watching and playing female characters and other people who make female versions of themselves.

That is the line.
The moment you go "well I have blonde hair and I am lanky so I'll create a lanky blonde women to play" that is when you are a fagget.

I know user said don't reply but I find hilarious how far you go to justify your own insecurity.
Stay on denial, my man.

I play as a female because its fun and different

I imagine all of Sup Forums will know of his death, when he appears on national news for a crazed action related to sonic, transgenders, or barb dying.

I only play as a female in MMOs because I love cock and pleasing men, and I simply have more opportunity as a female character.

I use to give blowjobs on the regular in City of Heroes, it was great.

No, you're really just a homo.

On a scale of 1-10 how gay are you
Be honest

If while playing as a male character you stare at his ass the whole time, it makes you very gay.



>barb dying
This is when his downfall will well and truly begin. Shit man I just realized that could occur this year. Is 2017 the end of the saga that is CWC?

What if I make amazonian muscle women and I'm a manlet

Snake's ass makes me do hard.

It means you have patrician taste.
Bonus points if you're the dom.

We entered the last arc of the sonichu saga ever since the sonichu financial crisis, it's only downhill from here. Keep your eyes and ears open for the cwc crash.

no bonus points

Faggots in denial


I kinda hope he makes a book where Trump's forces invade but it'd probably just be a repeat of issue 10. Just one more book man.

Did anyone else have a hard time understanding that or am I just retarded? English is my first language and I couldn't make sense of much of that.

>female usually gets the better looking equipment
>better looking customization options
>females are naturally more pleasing to look at
It's the same problem with finding character art in tabletop games really, women always get the best character art unless you want to play generic faceless dude in armor.

Chris has confirmed there will be no comic about Pmurt.

Chris is very lazy.

Chris is a goddamn hypocrite, Cwcville used to be antigay.

Can we pay for a more aggressive hormone therapy?

He used comics as an outlet for his power fantasies. Now he just uses legos to act out those fantasies, it's less stress for him.

ok fuck this you we doing this now?

>Chris made Lego versions of Pmurt and Ecnep and hanged them


Please don't post his clit

everything is better when you're a cute girl

>Please don't post his clit
nigga don't you're only going to make them want to do it

We need Hillary Clinton STAT!



I think you actually want it to be posted, don't you?

This is why Barneyfags need to be killed.

Chris is the classic example of a useful idiot.



How do we go from this...

That's what happens when you stare into sheer madness.

The wacky punctuation doesn't help xir case. this?

How the fuck do you read his comics? From bottom to the top?

what does he even do all day?

Fuck I lost it


>Male style
A bulky mess,mostly used by posers and "1 on 1 with my main!" squeakers
>Female style
A wall of tits and dat ass,mostly used by lazy and also smart people who pretends to be a girl and wants to be carried,get free gifts from wallet warriors and to troll posing squeakers

Also female chars on some fighting games have better fight styles than male chars which sometimes do require more skill than the average mass of muscles

Is she the best thing to come out of Sonichu? I love the vast majority of things the fans have put out regarding Chris' creations, yet I can't feel like there isn't enough of Slaweel Ryam.

These pages are read bottom to top because they're in an elevator going up.


you have been slacking lately, spending to much time browsing pony images?


Its only okay to play a female character the second time around

is he still selling his 'paintings' on ebay?

If your male character's ass is so distracting you have to play as a female character then you probably have some repressed homosexuality

>sex: f
No fucking way
How the fuck

Is there no requirements to this shit, can you literally just claim to be trans and given female status?

Has anyone contacted his parents to tell what the fuck does he posts on the internet? Also how did they reacted to all his other madness?

The laws vary from state to state.

In Virginia, you have to submit a Gender Designation Change Request form to the DMV, which needs to be filled out by a licensed professional qualified to diagnose you with gender dysphoria.

>his parents

They're dead m8

There's only Barb. And she was done giving a fuck as soon as she laid her eyes on the little menace.

>dresses in mainly feminine attire
>acts like a girl

I will never understand this fad, at least the actual mental trannies go by either male or female

Oh innocent child, you have no idea about the Chandler family.....

His father is dead, and his mother just plain doesn't give a shit.

Both of his parents enabled Chris' bullshit his whole life. When a 10-year-old Chris wanted to legally change his name because an animatronic bear accidentally called him by the wrong name, his parents fucking let him. That's them in a nutshell.

This is going to be everywhere now, thanks to that screenprint t shirt

Barb is still kickin.

>what are traps
Kill yourself, newfag.

Depends on the state. I think some are pretty good about it, and require multiple doctor visits, psychologists, and several months of time.

It's all Barb, she's white trash.

Bob's other kids actually lead normal lives.

I want to be the cute girl, that simple.

>a liscnened professional gave Chris the OK
What the fuck, was he threatened at medallion-point or something
Oh right, this useless ass state is just lined up with hacks, how could i forget when i live 30 minutes away from Chrissy-boy

A few years ago, yeah. Now he's even balder and fatter, albeit with his frizzy, thin hair grown out and dyed a sickly blue-green.


Were they claiming to be a trap though? They looked more like those fags that are in those dumb tumblr videos where they constantly go and forth with fake arguments of
>Soooo are you a boy or a girl
Don't you dare try and school me on traps you faggot, i know my shit

Wait, are we talking about the trap in this webm?

>the Atkins diet book
Whelp that didn't work out, obviously

>have to go to class
>dick is max erect thinking about fucking all you guys who want to become girls


Virginia is a blue state despite being the coal mining capital of the US. Chris should spend some time doing labor, would be good for his pansy ass

Are they a trap though? That's what I'm asking
A trap is just a dude dressed in girl's clothing who can pass off as a girl or at least androgynous enough

Fuckin genderfluid fags dressed like girls aren't traps they're just faggots following a trans fad which has nothing to do with traps

>Are they a trap though?
Don't worry, i'm going to track down that trap right now and ask him whether he's a genderfluid faggot because you are throwing a bitch fit for no reason at all.

Who are you quoting?

The fuck are you on about.
Yes, there's annoying tumblrinas, what does that have to do with an user posting a dumb webm of a trap?

uhhhh isnt that Anzu?

who here would suck off bailey jay?

Fuck me daddy, make my asshole gape.

Seriously, how do you get tits like that? I get that he's fat but Jesus Christ. Unless you do steroids like this guy did, I don't know how you could have gotten those bitch tits.

>throwing a bitchfit
What? How? I asked a question nigga

>are you a boy or a girl
>rolls eyes
I assumed they were some tumblrfag i dont know who that person is

Hypocrites are anyone who's changed their opinions right?

>rolls eyes
No, he gets nervous.
Because he's a trap.
That's the joke.
Jesus christ how can you be so autistic.