Hey Sup Forums, been mostly PC Gaming for three-ish years now, recently bought a PS4 for some exclusives...

Hey Sup Forums, been mostly PC Gaming for three-ish years now, recently bought a PS4 for some exclusives. I'm in the middle of the Uncharted collection so that I can play nutty dog's movie game 4, and I'll be playing TLoU:RE and Bloodborne.

Any other games that I may not know about that you guys recommend? I know about most recent releases, i mean like gold from a couple years back or niche weeb shit.
Also if they aren't PS4 exclusive and are good controller games, that's fine as I like physical copies.

>inb4 I'm recommended more movie games

Other urls found in this thread:


>recently bought a PS4 for some exclusives
I'm so, so sorry.

Fuck off retard

Did the same recently.
Also got that new Miku Hatsune, Nioh and Last Guardian. Gonna get Nier and Persona 5 next.

This last quarter had my dick hard and my wallet open, so I couldn't resist.

I mean, at least I didn't buy an xbone.

If you want honest answers try making a thread without a flamewar insignia as the OP

Both Gravity Rushes

I was definitely gonna get them both, I wish the remaster for GR1 wasn't expensive for the physical copy, but that's what I get for waiting so long I suppose.

Digimon World: Next Order

First post is literally the most honest post. Sony's exclusives tend to feel empty and soulless.

Naughty Dog studios was purchased by Sony but has a legitimately good team working on games at any given time. Every other studio, however, tends to release overhyped garbage.

Oh, hell no! That game is destined for the bargain bin.

I at least had some games to play, fag.
> MCC Halo
> Gears
> Forza
> Sunset Memedrive

Enjoy your kino & Souls rehashes.

Sorry, it's everything the PS4 has to offer.

Here user, this is your real face

Fuck off

Digimon games
Dragon Quest builders
Uncharted which you are already playing
Dunno if this pic has anything not multiplat or movie

People like 343 Halo?
I dont really feel a strong connection to Gears either, so I've confidently skipped over xbone.

I can see what you're getting at, I've been having fears the TLG won't live up to my Ico/SofC expectations. but I'll decide that for myself I guess.


thanks for reminding me Builders exists

wrong tag lmao

Import a European copy

this image i think is pretty much exclusives

If you like Ico you'll probably like TLG, ignore SotC for the purposes of this equation.

Despite the console wars faggotry, this is the truth right now with this gen

Ratchet & Clank and Infamous Second Son. World of Final Fantasy and Gundam Breakers 3.

im stupid to not think of this

thanks for the reassurance

My feelings are shaky about this gen, I feel like I'm riding a confusing wave of shovelware and gold

thank you for the recs, I didn't know there was a gundam game this gen

>Sonyggers don't know how layer blending works.

Ratchet and Clank is just 6-10 hours if you 100% it at a moderate speed though.
Honestly, smells like half price bait.
Watch the movie if you aren't super strict about canon.

>i mean like gold from a couple years back
ps4 is only 2 years old m9
anyways exclusive games I enjoyed
>infamous ss & fl
>the order is okay but really short
>digimon cyber sleuth
>odins sphere
>little big planet 3(if you have ps+ you'll get it for ''free'' witha couple other games)
>yakuza 0
>let it die(it's free in the psn)
>try the nier automata demo
>dq builders
>gravity rush 1&2
etc etc

>are good controller games
literally every game is better with controller besides fps and rts desu

No etc etc, post the rest, retard. Not OP, before you go LOL FUCK YOU OP WONT POST CAUSE YOU MEANY.


I'm not sure if the others are exclusives and I'm not going to look up every game also there are exclusives I haven't played like the last guardian or uncharted

I think gundam breaker 3 and street fighter are exclusive but like I said I don't care that much tho

Fuck off
This is a serious thread, we are mocking the console war bullshit, so go back there, shitposter.

Just make sure you play TLoU on either hard or survival.

Yakuza 0

>operative keyword
when did a couple necessarily mean more than the number 2? silly boy. But you're forgetting it's 2017, pretty sure its been 3 years.
Also I played the Nier demo, its one of the things that got me to buy the PS4 to begin with. Thanks for the other recs as well.
>literally every game is better with controller besides fps and rts
I mean, you're not really wrong, but i thought it simpler to just state "controller games" than get into semantics.

thanks for havin my back and understanding the nature of the thread

Only children and women play on Easy and Normal, lol. But will do.

nevermind ps4 is exactly 3 years old it came out february 2014

It's ok, I'll forgive you for your errors this time my friend.