face it,
Face it
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You're a little late.
>but dies too often, thus isn't reliable
>dies and everybody starts twiddling their thumbs waiting for Goku to come back ten times stronger
Goku was the only reliable thing in DBZ
>Wii had potential
Wagglan has no potential.
Well Piccolo's my favorite character so I guess you're right
oh sure wagglan could have been fun, just a different kind than only pressing buttons. i'll admit it was a gimmick, but the idea of adding another element besides pressing buttons might have had some fun games come out
i liked wii bowling more than any bowling game i played on ps1
>Goku not reliable
Goku was the only character who fucked the bad guys. Everyone else were there just for saving time. You could cut 3/4 of the cast and they wont be missed during a fight or encounter.
>Goku is a villain now
>MS are villains
Really ripens the apples
So piccolo is the weakest and least relevant while being the fedoracore's choice? Sounds right to me.
seventh generation in a nutshell
>less than 1/1000th the power of the PS3 or 360 by the end of the generation
You didn't really think this through huh
barking at the wrong tree
i need to see your numbers, please
PS4 & PC Right here
piccolo is completly shit and under powered he's nitendo
It is almost like power levels weren't considered when making this, which is why they didn't get mentioned at all outside of Gohan's potential.
Vegeta is my favorite DBZ character and PS3 was my main console, so this works out for me.
Manchild who rather let his friends and family suffer than do a job he's qualified to do
Crybaby who thinks he deserves everything because who they are not because of what they earned.
Raising another man's son.
It's funny if you keep the same brands and bring it up to the current Dragon Ball Super
Goku - Xbone - Dosn't die anymore but is still unreliable, drops the ball constantly, people seem to not like him as much besides the blind fans
Gohan - Wii U - All he does is play with his kid
Vegita - PS4 - Not as cocky but still arrogant, actually does some things worthwhile. People seem to like him the most.
Piccolo - PC - Meditates all day, baby sits Gohans kid, Helps Goku train and get his shit together.
>raising another man's son
Trunks seems to like Wii most
According to the wiki all half Saiyans and quarter Saiyans has the opportunity to become Super Saiyan 3, 4, and God without even trying but they do nothing with this because for some reason once they hit puberty they all became gay normies that hate fighting and training. Fucking Toriyama.
>PC = pic related
Fixed that for you
I thought it was because an unexplained explanation that once the parent has achieved super saiyan, it's easier for their kids to do it. Like they're stronger, so they'll have stronger kids.
if Goku and Vegeta keep fucking sluts 'til the old age of 100, in between training, their oldest kids will be strongest from birth. maybe not most potential
>Goku dying too often
>dies the same number of times as pretty much about anyone else
er, not oldest kids, youngest kids
Goku could've killed Frieza, Cell, and fat Buu but chose not to.
I have never watched Dragonball
Does the Pickle ever do anything ever?
That's weird and yet I believe it.
PC is the weakest
makes sense
Piccolo is by far the most underused character in any kind of media ever. The reason I lost interest in the DBZ saga is because Piccolo was not used in the Buu saga. By far the best parts of DBZ was Piccolo vs Freiza and Piccolo vs Cell. Talk about wasted potential just using the boring humans with tails and their boring stupid children.
I wish Toriyama would have used Piccolo instead of Vegeta and have Vegeta as a side character (just like Piccolo became)
There was an evil magic demon wizard trapped in a rice maker then reincarnated is his demon son/clone in an egg who was slightly less evil until a brain damaged money man barely won and then found out the magic demon was not a demon but a slug/plant alien that became obsolete because a monkey race was superior...sort of.
Pc is more like Beerus. It's the strongest fighter without contest but fighting is only one minor task that it does for fun.
Oh yeah I forgot to say, no he does not do anything important except kill Raditz and beam clothes on people.
Yamcha is the Switch, desu. After having been thrashed in terms of graphical fidelity and processing power, Yamcha understands that he can't compete with the main consoles in that way and goes off to do his own thing, becoming a highly successful baseball star and maybe even handheld device.
>it's a Vegeta beats all the foes using his skills but he jobs to the big bad so goku can save the day episode
Can we get an updated version for the current series and generation of consoles
There are more stronger entities now.
i like bandit yamcha
DBZ,DBGT,DBS is trash. DB was the only good shit.
He's like a server.
So Super is Z-tier or GT-tier?
Piccolo is our nigga.
All I see is two PCs there- oh wait, you mean that thing Beerus is picking out from his teeth.
Or he can just pull a stupid stunt and let the big bad get stronger like in the Cell saga. I guess that was also Krillin's fault.
what is it with black people and piccolo
PC still doesn't get the same games as PS4/Xbone so it's not really an omni system
Beerus fits more as PC.
It's low on the Z-tier
Nothing is as bad as GT.
somewhere in between
it's definitely fanfiction-tier though
>tfw weeklytubeshow is back
Well kinda.
360 is krillin, because he uses destructo disk.
Raditz was the strongest when he appeared. He's probably like the Super Nintendo or something.
Or let the evil wizard half control him just to power up himself via steroids and fight Goku, leading to the world being destroyed.
He looks and sounds like a black person. At least that's what my mind as a child thought.
Piccolo died more than Goku and also did less.
Swap them around.
I have no idea, maybe it's the turban but that would make him more Arab.
What we need is something that can play every game ever made perfectly to represent Zeno
The fact that Androids are not smartphones somewhat triggers me.
you are 11 years too late senpai
Trained Gohan, trained Goten and Trunks. Now he babysits Pan.
Frieza and Buu yes, but not Cell.
Granted he did give him the senzu
It's above both.
Nothing can be as shitty as Z(Keyword, Kai fixes almost every problem I had with Z). Yes, GT is better.
why do negroids love dragon ball so much?
>Trained Gohan for a year
>couldn't unlock any power
>Goku trains him for a few months in the RoSaT
>becomes the strongest Saiyan at the time
only correct opinion in this thread
It's been pretty shitty so far but the new tournament arc seems to good. Animation is kinda weird in this show, characters look different some times like eyes too far wide, hair different etc.
Oh come on. Z is fixed if your autism will allow you to skip around to get to the parts you want to see.
those parts existing does suck, but it was only made to give the manga time to catch up.
the only thing we should blame is Japan having to adapt every god damn popular thing right away instead of giving it time to finish. Ace Attorney came out in 2001, and the anime came out in 2016. it was an adaptation and it worked
You see white female/males being autism about Dragon Ball, and black males, but never black females.
Because naruto was gay and one piece was retarded.
DBZ was some serious shit.
DB > Z => Super > Movies > Games with unique stories > Toriko x OP x DB > GT
>he doesn't like filler
fugg off, you loved it
Who wouldn't love such thrilling tales like Bulma fighting a giant crab?
hey buddy, I liked GT and Evolution. I admit they're bad, but everybody likes some bad things
except Giru, nobody liked him
>being this dedicated to Bejita
>When you can't take DBZ seriously anymore cause of TFS
My guess would be hype culture
They think it's "lit."
because it didn't happen
i know NOTHING actually happened, but then you start shit with people who only read the manga, only consider what happened in Z as canon, taking all of DB/Z filler as canon, those who watched GT, everything is in consideration
you have to make sure who you're talking with is on the same page as you when you talk about this damn series, there's too many variations
In his defence a lot of filler in DBZ was extending the fights and the shouting.
I mean most of this scene was filler.
No, the problem with Z is that while it didn't overtake the manga, it dragged on and on, to the point where even Kai couldn't get rid of most of the fat without the footage being overly choppy. Kai is superior in pacing, acting (at least in the beginning of the dub)and the only thing it loses to Z in is the music. Kai 2014's new score kicks ass, too.
But the manga blows them all out the water.
>tfw have loads of money unlike Sup Forums
>tfw buy all of them and sell the shit you dont like
Must be hard being lower class
Beerus is the only good thing to come out of super.
You're retarded if you think black people only started watching Dragon Ball this decade.
I first watched Dragon Ball in 1993/4 on UPN before Funimation dubbed it.
Just saw Resurrection F, it was way worse than BoG. At least Beerus curbstomped everyone and had funny lines, Frieza is just the usual master edge with the ebin new form that still loses
Also how the FUCK is God Goku affected by some bitch laser?
>owning consoles made after the ps2
hahahaha retard fuckin casual
I do prefer the manga, then kai, then Z, but Z also gave me some shit like Goku/Piccolo driving, and Goku playing with metal linked puzzles during the cell games, and the Home For Infinite Losers
Shit arcs
frieza revives
muh ningen
good arcs
6 vs 7 tournament
meh arcs
battle of gods
If you think that's bad, you should try watching Super
>tfw you thought dragon ball af would be cool but now finally a new series has come out you're disinterested
The DBS anime is trash, read the DBS manga.
>Also how the FUCK is God Goku affected by some bitch laser?
Did you miss the part where Frieza kicked the shit out of him for the best part of that fight?
Basically fatigue, injuries and all that.
Found the poorfag.