ITT: Your worst buys

ITT: Your worst buys

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This thread is going to get 300 replies of smug hipsters talking about how awful this game is. You're all sheep.

Thats not what I would call one of my worst buys OP. Something like Dead Rising 3, a Wii U, or Dead Island would qualify more as worst buys.

Unless you mean you spent quite a bit of money on a game you barely play or barely had fun with, then that's pretty fair to say.

Fuck you.

Also Lords of the Fallen.

>Street Fighter V or IV
>Dark Souls II

Both games were purchased because of my friends telling me how much we were gonna play.
The games are shit.

I just don't get why people can't say "I didn't like it" instead of "Its shit".

>buy overwatch at release
>play for 1 week
>realize its press button to win
>never play it again
>3500 hours in tf2

I bought this shit for 10€ :

I don't know what came over me. I have 4 hours played on it.

V is shit, IV was a legitimately good game.

Sorry you and your friends are casuals and can't even FADC.

It's a prettied up TF2 clone. Blizzard is good at copying ideas and polishing them, but it's uninspired.

Mah nigga.

Overwatch is a POOR substitute for TF2.

because the very foundation of this board is the notion that opinions are facts, and that yours is worth less than mine

>inb4 some Blizzcuck comes and tells us how much money Blizzard made

>when you fell for the intel meme

The irony is that TF2 is free 2 play and when it costed money it was only $20 standalone. Overwatch costed twice that.

Granted I didn't like TF2 since they ruined it with matchmaking, maybe they fixed it but OW just makes me want to go back to TF2.

The endless eight bullshit killed any interest for the rest of the game and its sequel.

Give a single reason that this game isnt currently shit.
Hardmode:no waifus

Fear 3. It's an even worse sequel than Halo 4 and that's saying a lot.

Its fun


Yea 6 man arcade or qp maybe but the comp is shit

It's fun with friends. The server browser is what's really going to redeem it, though.

>amd processors
>after 2005


That's okay, us casuals outnumber you and we will support the game we like and keep it in a way that you don't like :)