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The work of one who consorts with beasts!
Gay marriage is SO 2015. Come on, it's 2017.
True. People don't even have buttsex anymore, all gays do is blow each other the fuck out.
Surprisingly, there are some games that are not shit there.
Also, you can put all your money towards Jews Without Border instead of Gay Muslim Association
>The Smart Girl's Guide to Privacy
the book that tell girls not to be retarded
>Buying le fuck drumpf and fuck white people the bundle.
Price on all these games is going to bottom out, just buy keys for the few you want in a couple weeks
not gonna lie tho, thats a good fuckin bundle
mite get it
You know it's a good bundle when you aren't buying it because you all of the best games on it already
Shit. The Witness as well as the other indie stuff like Guacamelee, vvvvvv, and stardew valley aint too bad.
>Armchair nazis angry at nothing
Oh hey, the Star Wars bundle comes with a shirt
>buying SjWars shit
You should go back to stormfront pal.
>being an SJWposter
Please. The only Star- series i'd ever put money into is Stargate but Universe is shit so my money is safe
Why you care so much is beyond me though
Sup Forums is stromfront, nazi.
>sees Star Wars as PC
>must be a white nationalist
>that time I asked someone what separates being gay from being a fetish
>they say you're born gay
>ask them if they support pedophilia since being born gay means that the kid came out sexual aware
>they instantly change the subject
>Add just $29.00 more to unlock!
>everyone i disagree with is Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is bad
Why are you like this
Don't be rude and call others names. Back to stormfront now.
That's a pretty fucking great bundle, actually. I've already played most of the good stuff in there, though.
30 dollars for all this SHIT
>gays still pretending they don't have freedoms
fuck off
Bruh, really?
Damn, you sure rekted that imaginary person with your complete non-sequitur.
maybe they change the subject because your argument is fucking retard?
I did this shit on a pro gay facebook article. It's amazing how easily people can delude themselves and ignore an argument when it goes against logic
>and ignore an argument when it goes against logic
Well yeah, generally the only response to an argument that doesn't follow logic is to ignore it. How do you argue against an illogical argument?
My argument is what many have already made. They just don't like it cause it contradicts being gay being natural. Remember, the only thing gays try to hold onto to make themselves be close to race and gender is that they want it to be something you're born with and not just another fetish.
Haha, go suck more dicks, faggot. You're mentally ill, you know, how most gay people were categorized in the 20th century by people with actual education.
But by your logic, being straight is a fetish too.
You should buy it but pay 14.88
>rushing to conclusions on my stance when all I was doing was pointing out how quick someone was to label someone else a white nationalist
>bundlestars running a bundleweek where you can see all the bundles available at the end
>picks the retroism bundle, literally a bundle of ancient SHIT
I'd rather buy literal garbage
There's a difference between fetish and base-line sexuality.
>30 dollaroos
>for all that shit
How is this a good deal?
Everything that isn't just putting your dick into the vag, cumming, and disregarding the woman is a fetish. Except the gays flaunt it.
It's our biological imperative, not a fetish, you retard.
It only takes 4 reports to catch a mods attention
Red Wing One REPORTING in!
it isnt
>30 dollars for literal garbage.
No thanks.
He said stormfront not Sup Forums, so unless you are equating pol and stormfront while saying it is good you are only really proving his point.
Liking a person of the same gender isn't base line sexuality. It's literally a perverted fetish. Once upon a time, being gay was literally being a pervert. And so was dressing up like guys and girls.
I'm not against gayness, contrary to the argument. I just think the lgbt community are attention seekers that ruin it for everyone else, and open a lot of moral doors.
get superhot and lords of the fallen (and 3 other not important games) for a dolla fitty at
g2a com/game-deals
>*shits pants* BRUH *cums on unborn child* DID YOU *reams ass with grandma's hairbrush* JUST *inhales farts* SAY DAT *puffs vape* SHIEEETTT
Really, man?
>It's literally a perverted fetish
Link me those scientific studies, senpai.
>wearing pop culture shirts
Glad I have a lot of those games I like, no way would I want 2064 ever near my library of anything.
Odyssey bundle is better.
If you call yourself a PC gamer and haven't played point n' click go gas yourself.
wtf I hate consenting adults having anything other than sex for procreation after marriage now
>talking shit about sid meier's classic games and capitalism plus
literally kill yourself
Sounds to me like you got some kind of disgusting pregnancy fetish.
Do they change the subject to ask who takes care you?
The argument isnt against fetishes. Just that the moment gayness is reduced to being a fetish, it loses all value for being a public thing.
It literally is. Where do you start? Being attracted to women. They start at the exact same place as you, they just happen to be into their own gender. That's their base-line sexuality. You can't even have a fetish without that.
Nigger I got sid meir pirates for like 30 cents in the golden joystick award thing. Also why should I play a fking DOS game IN STEAM when I can play his newer shit like civ 5 and 6
I'm all for older vidya but I have standards fool