Well, do you Sup Forums?

Well, do you Sup Forums?

Disgaea thread.[/spoiler

Yeah, I like how slut like Magic Knight is.

I like that and how fun she is to use.

At least from 2 onwards. I really wanted to like them in 1, but that echo effect was lackluster.

It was amazing just how much she improved from the first. Still she can be fun to in 1 for solo runs though.



Replaying D1. I never noticed how disjointed the story was before.

It's like, despite being in the same group, the humans and demons/angel have zero meaningful interaction. Even though D1 I'd ostensibly about Laharl learning to love and whatnot, he develops zero comaraderie with the humans. Also, during the human B-plot, the demons/angel are just sitting on the sidelines, commenting on shit the humans say and do and having zero emotional involvement with any of it.

I'm not praising DD2, but it's no wonder Gordon and the others weren't brought back. They have absolutely no chemistry with Laharl and his posse.

Man, I always want to get one of those in my party but every single game they end up taking too long and the first archer comes out around past the middle of the story.

I assume you don't play any of the postgame stuff?