>sales = quality
The same threads are made every day and noone learns anything.
Other urls found in this thread:
sales = 3rd party support
3rd party support = quality
In terms of quality its GBA > DS > 3DS > PSP > GBC > GB > GG > Vita > everything else
>placing vita so low on the tier list
You know nobody is going to take you seriously right?
The DS will always be king but think his point was that nintendo will always dominate the handheld market.
assuming we dont count mobileshit, and really why would we?
Still waiting on those fantastic PS4 games that sonyggers have been saying would come since it's sales are pretty immaculate.
I'd only be willing to move it above the GG but thats because both systems were known for having bad ports of their console equivalents.
>3rd party support = quality
This is clearly not the case anymore if you look at every other system this generation or the last.
Fucking this.
>most sales
>everything coming out is just weeb shit or AAA shovelware with season passes
>Nioh is the only game this year that isn't a rehashed sequel, port, or delayed JP game from last year
>talks about sequels and ports when those are the only things in switch's lineup except maybe Arms, which looks like shit
3DS only started selling when it got mario kart
It's okay when nintendo does it
Blunty is a fucking idiot, 2bh. And this is coming from a dude that was a pretty big fan about 10 years ago jesus christ time is going so fast.
Jesus Christ look at those fucking hands
Give me a TLDR on what he says. My argument is it's not a true portable because it is not pocketable like my original 3ds , ds, GBA and GB.
>implying not all consoles are toys
Grow the fuck up, videogames are just toys which you view on your TV
>pathetic neckbeard manchild
>is a Nintendrone
I'm not surprised.
Not even going to give OP and (OP)
The context is about some pocketability, but he did legit call 3DS "one of, if not the greatest portable gaming console yet"
To be fair, the original GB is about the same size as the Switch Screen. Just take off the joycon and put them in your other pocket and it's fine.
This guy sure loves the sound of his own voice
The Wii U was the worst selling Nintendo console ever, even if it had many great things about it.
The Switch will likely be Nintendo's last console and sell just as bad if not worse.
Why? Because not only does it downgrade it's software, but it's launch selection is even worse. The controllers are shit. No backwards compatibility, miiverse is gone, no apps, no voice.
And again, it's again it's under powered so 3rd party developers do not want to spend months degrading their current projects just to fit it onto another failure of a system that won't sell well.
The portable idea is just bad. Why? Because WE HAVE THE FUCKING INTERNET. Why the fuck would Nintendo think this design was relevant for this current age of tech and communications?
Oh yea, that's right, Nintendo is owned and overseen by dinosaurs.
>obese person
if they're so retarded they don't know what food is safe to eat, why would you trust them to be able to say anything else?
thanks for link sharing by the way, i'm glad that this website is here to show me links from other websites
The controller by itself is pretty cute.
>a faggot ranting 13+ minutes about how the Switch doesn't need to fit in a pocket to be portable
jesus wept
I suppose if he spends so much time to argue about that one thing he can ignore the rest of the issues and proclaim himself the winner of the "1 post on a forum reply" award.
His main argument is that most people use cases/bags to carry their handhelds nowadays anyways.
>You know nobody is going to take you seriously right?
of course nobody is going to take it serious
nobody is the only person that bought a vita
switch is a joke and is gonna flop, but are you seriously implying the 3ds isnt one of the greatest portables ever?
have a (you)
But people nowdays don't have cargopants anymore more, everyone has tight jeans
That's not true at all...
Yakuza 0, Nioh, Bloodborne and Last Guardian are not enough for you?
>3rd party developers do not want to spend months degrading their current projects
It's not like they just found out about the hardware capabilities of the Switch like we did. Why are you so blatantly talking out of your ass?
"The comments flood in from fanboys and haters alike. Swimming in those waters too, are people like me. People with strong opinions, sure, but opinions they're willing to alter based on experience and new information. Opinions they are not terrified of having challenged by a thoughtful counterpoint. These are people I make my video for."
>Makes videos for people who aren't mindless haters or fanboys, who can accept having their opinion challenged
>Sup Forums hates the video
Reeeeeaaaaally gets the ol' noggin a'rumblin
i can fit my vita in my gay little skinny jeans, its just not very comfortable, and nobody would ever want to do do it but i can.
i can fit my samsung tablet in my back pocket too with only about a quater sticking out.
yet i still carry everything but my phone im a bag because im not a retard
But he said every single person that he saw at that convention with a 3DS or Vita retrieved it from a bag and not their pocket
Are you saying he's a liar?
>3rd party games
What? EA? Fromsoft? Ubisoft? Bethesda? Are these supposed to be quality games?
But the WiiU was already the last Nintendo console.
That's not a good sample size at all though I mean those people at the convention are bringing water , battery packs, cameras and even other stuff.that's like going to a chef convention and saying oh well all these chefs are using this type of apple to cook with so everyone uses does it !
Well then the original gameboy wouldn't have had any chance in modern pants yet everyone still says that's a portable system.
those small pudgy sausages actually make the joy con look less tiny
I do agree that he's overblowing the fact that everyone uses cases and shit, however, as someone who constantly uses public transport, I constantly see people taking out huge tablets while riding the bus/train. While using a bag or case may not be nearly as prevalent as the guy claims, it's still a legitimate was to carry it around. Hell, I used to keep my 3DSXL or Vita in my bag on my way to work because I didn't like seeing a huge outline of the thing in my pants in public.
>Heh, nice try bro, but that laptop isn't portable because it can't fit in your pocket.
Bravo Sup Forums
why must every single switch thread be consolewars?
his videos started to pop up in my feed and they are all shit.
He is a gigantic nintendo shill, all he says is biased AS FUCK
cause switch sucks
> Why are you so blatantly talking out of your ass?
> Wii Nintendo 101.63 million sold world wide
> Wii U Nintendo 13.56 million units sold world wide
> Original Xbox Microsoft 24 million unit sold world wide
And the Wii U is better than the Switch OVERALL.
> It's not like they just found out about the hardware capabilities of the Switch like we did.
They don't care, it's a waste of time to develop a game for a console that won't sell well.
>Sold 2M on a 60M system
>12fps pet simulator
Every single time
So it d-d-doesn't count? Gotcha
So it d-d-doesn't count? Gotcha
>Sold 2M on a 60M system
So it d-d-doesn't count? Gotcha
>12fps pet simulator
So it d-d-doesn't count? Gotcha
Just realised these would make alright portable conteollers for your phone
This. I never can understand why Nintendo fanboys have such an obsession with Sony.
literally only 1 of them is a good game though
>GBA on top
Why? What even came out on that thing? I know the only games I owned when it was relevant was Emerald and Sonic Advanced 2, and even now, the only games I've played were WarioWare and the Metroid games. Did the GBA even get any games in it's 3 year run?
It outsold the Ps4 :^)
Well, he's right. It's just manchildren that want attention. Valentine's day and they're lonely so they have to do something. I'll fuck my girlfriend in the ass and have a laugh. They'll never know how pathetic they look.
I think the 3DS is largely heralded as so great mostly due to it's games.
In that respect, yes. it absolutely is one of the greatest handhelds ever created.
handhelds always outsell home consoles. this is why the switch is suicide, because it wont sell AND itll kill the 3ds that keeps nintendo afloat
So did Samsung S7
Your head canon in this imagined story arc sounds very pleasant
>The same console that had to drop its price to gain some boost in its lousy sales
Please explain what kind of point this is
They launched at a high price, people weren't as keen as they thought, and then they ended up making more money in the end by lowering the entry price
What is your problem?
Why do you illiterate retards take hold of one portion of a cycle of how things work, magnify it, and then say "THIS IS WHY, RIGHT HERE"
You're content with picking any point on the circle as a starting point and running with it
How are you not still in school?
He bought a vita.
>its a blunty video
Oh well fuck me then
Forget my qualms, OP
Go for your life
That guy is retarded and used to beat his girlfriend during the early days of YouTube
Cause they're losing consumers if they do that sort of shit? I'm not sure if you're aware, but nintendo's consumer base has been shrinking, and their actions doesn't seem to indicate that they have intention to expand it.
t. Sonygger
Just like Wii's 3rd party support, right?
>b-but nintendo
There was a point that there were some people that were interested in nintendo classic. However due to the fact they supplied very low quantity of them (intentionally, to create artificial scarcity/demand), there are many potential customer now that have given up the idea of buying it. It's this sort of shit that drives people away from nintendo.
wii just allowed literally any old shit on its console like it was the wild west, so much for the seal of quality.
it was even worse than steam greenlight
Wii sold on a gimmick, only rare enjoyed its game library (other than wii sports). It was the ultimate casual console. Those casuals are never coming back, because nowdays there's facebook games and mobile games.
You talk exactly like someone who speaks from the ass and not the heart or head.
>They are losing consumers if they have more people buy stuff at a cheaper price
Try again, in your first spoken language if you could, google translate will take care of the rest and I might be able to gleam some kind of thought from it rather than this.
I'll give you a few minutes
If I'm completely missing something, do explain
t. delusional, projecting drone
The 1.0 version, what we've seen so far, will bomb. Even Nintendo knows this, they've only put forward a
They missed launch. After launch / 4-5 months after launch, biggest market has escaped. Why?
"Do I buy this 3ds?"
>it's too expensive
"I guess I don't"
>after launch, couple of months later
"oh hey, it's cheaper now"
There's chance that the consumer has lost interest to the console, much the same most potential buyers have lost interest to NES Classic since nintendo didn't ship enough of them. But go ahead, say it's "talking out of ass" because I don't share your opinion. That's what grownups do, right?
>2 million people buy it
>500k projected
^ this
Yea, what a great thing to look forward to...
> hey man, I just got the Switch 4.0, it includes a 1.5 inch larger screen and a microphone for voice chat.
> awesome, let me just add that to the $800 worth of previous versions I have stacked in my house
> yea, don't forget to buy Nintendo's new console the Nintendo Bend U, it launches next month.
> 2 million
I don't think so buddy.
Nintendo just fucked their Wii U owners and you think 1% of Wii U owners are thrilled about abandoning for the Switch?
How can you play games with the controller without it having another analog stick? The 2 player parts would have to be insanely linear.
It's for autists, so no games will actually be played. They will just buy it to show off to a bunch of people who lose interest in 5 minutes.
LMAO do you have any agruments besides
>b-but sony...
Hey buddy, there's been multiple generations of consoles that have managed to get by without a second stick. You can have a perfectly functional multiplayer game without camera controls
And you still live under the assumption that markets are static entities that are predictable and reliable
They're patterns
Patterns of people constantly getting in and getting out of video games, climbing up from casual to building a PC, going up from handhelds to buying VR
I get where your heads at but its still conjecture
I'm not going to argue for the successful launch of the 3DS, fuck, I bought the thing and all I had was Street Fighter and fucking Nintendogs.
It wasn't a success, but they made it work eventually and now a lot of people who have one, have probably had another one pass through their hands at one point
If you want to get into the nitty gritty of timing this shit out, then theres definitely something worth discussing in that.
How that came to pass when 3DSs became an easy gift with a library good enough to make getting a loved one a safe bet all the greater
"Biggest market has escaped"
Really sit on that one for a few minutes and consider what you've said, I get it, but think for a minute
I don't think I've met anyone who looks like /ck/'s Jack that isn't a fucking retard.
The numbers don't lie nintendo.co.jp
>try to watch video
>spends first two minutes explaining how shit youtube is and how battle-hardened and cool he is because youtube comments dont affect him
someone explain to me how this is supposed to inform me about the switch
Numbers don't lie but people do
We can speculate and come to an agreement
but when it comes to moving flowing numbers, theres so much other shit at play its hard to narrow it down without falling into our own traps of confirmation bias
If you don't drop your prices, you're still doing something wrong
Are we really going to play the graphs and numbers game and pretend we understand it all?
If we're this bright and woke as fuck, we'd probably best spend our time using that keen foresight and be rich cunts rather than argue about how businesses do things to move units and numbers.
If all there is to complain about is anything to do with portable then thats perfectly fine! Ill surely enjoy my home console device in my house while autist have a screech over whether the switch is a good portable system.
He's a floppy cunt that one
i don't know why he thinks its clever to dwell on how much better he is for not talking shit when he does regularly
The fat balding bastard hasn't got much to whine about besides YouTube comments which is a huge waste of time.
Fuck Blunty
Shills have destroyed this board.
Everything you said sounds retarded
The 3DS doesn't keep Nintendo afloat, stop talking out of your ass like you researched. Nintendo made so much money off the Wii it could make 3 more consoles before it goes bankrupt. Aside from the fact that the Switch is only 300$, it's 100$ less than PS4 at launch so imagine what sales will look like. It'll be an instant buy during the holidays.
Holy shit, Blunty is still around? Dude used to be the face of the stereotypical smug pseudo intellectual community on the internet.
Dude, 2 million people have put money down to pre-order it, everyone not in this toxic community or the PS4 community likes it.
Ds lite > vita > 3ds
Assuming they're all hacked/flashcart.
What is
>Ni no kuni 2
>Gravity rush
>Persona 5
>Last guardian
>Final fantasy 7
Shut up drone, the ps4 has plenty of great games
ur retarded
>weeb games
ur retarded
>2 million people have put money down to pre-order it
This isn't true.
They're shipping 2 million units throughout March.
The portion of that 2 million that was available to pre-order is unknown and most of Europe also still has pre-orders available, at least online (which also implies they're still available in store too)