Forgive me Sup Forums for I have sinned. Come confess.
I like MGS4 and Peace Walker.
I have never played a Nintendo game to completion.
Forgive me Sup Forums for I have sinned. Come confess.
I like MGS4 and Peace Walker.
I have never played a Nintendo game to completion.
I'm only 19 years old and my first console was a PS2
I confess that I always have confessions to come up with when these threads aren't around, and when they are around, I have trouble remembering them.
I've been on the wrong side of the console war for three generations.
I got a Sega Genesis instead of an SNES.
I got an N64 instead of a PS1.
I got a GameCube instead of a PS2.
After that, I finally started becoming an idort.
Write them down then, user. That way you wont have to remember because you'll never, ever forget.
>Bought a PS1
>then a PS2
>Then a 360
>Both PSP and DS
>Then a PS4
>And a 3DS
I NEVER lost.
360 and PS3 were both shit though. You lose either way.
I usually play games on Normal mode.
The only Mario platformers I've completed are SMB2 and 3D World.
The only Mega Man series I've ever completed are Battle Network, Zero, ZX, and Star Force. Never did beat Classic, X, or Legends. I've dabbled in every Classic Mega Man, but I've only ever actually beaten 1 and 9.
Before Wi-Fi events were a thing, I actually used to make trips down to the US (I live in Canada) to obtain Event Pokemon (I really, really hate hacking/cheating).
I've literally been to Japan three times, and two of those times I bought Pokemon souvenirs instead of something more meaningful.
I enjoy listening to music from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and Touhou even though I never played either series.
For the past year or so, the one game I put the most hours into was Best Fiends.
I've only played about 15% of the games on my Steam account.
PS3 was alright if you're a weeb.
360 loses viability once you realize that most of the games are also available on PC.
I tried.
I think zelda is average, and I've never cared about a release and this new zelda looks like absolute garbage
I unironically like undertale
i've never played a metal gear game or a zelda game
I confess that Overwatch was my first FPS
I confess real life issues in these threads and derail until 404
I have never played a Dead Or Alive game but I have an entire folder full of webms of every girl.
My favorite RPG was Guardians Crusade.
Who doesn't? Everyone who says otherwise are just baiting
never finished a zelda or metroid game.
they bore me to tears no matter if I play the supposed classics or the moder interations.
>28, grew up with gameboy and genesis
I love being an idort instead of just shitposting, still have no interest in an xbone though
I can never get into FPS games with a controller anymore, it just isnt as fun as M+KB.
If a game gets too boring I usually drop it or marathon it and regret it.
Sometimes I get into games by finding their OSTs.
I think the Shadow Warrior reboot was kind of bland and a worse version of Red Steel 2, I prefer the original redux version more even though its hard as fuck
I've only now gotten into fighters
I thought the 3DS sucked compared to the DS and PSP.