Playing this now and it fucking sucks
Then I looked to see if the others are any better but every game in the series is unfun and flawed
Why does Sup Forums talk about it?
Playing this now and it fucking sucks
Then I looked to see if the others are any better but every game in the series is unfun and flawed
Why does Sup Forums talk about it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fun as hell and much better than its sister series.
Good luck ever getting a discussion of SaGa on Sup Forums. If it was Final Fantasy Dragon Quest, or SMT you might get someone.
Its one of those things where its like evangelion or mgs2 whete its shit but people claim if you dont like it then its just too deep for you its shit faggot fedoras play to circle jerk about having superior kino tastes. Ignore it and play a good jrpg like chrono trigger.
>SaGa thread that's not on /vr/
Shit. I guess that blue moon came out early.
if fictional character were game designer, akitoshi kawazu would be the joker, or the riddler, everything has to be stupid and overdesigned under his iron fist rule
fuck akitoshi kawazu
But he is playing a good JRPG with interesting growth mechanics instead of the bland experience points and level mechanics. Much more interesting to gain stats and skills in an old Gameboy game than a SNES one.
>inspire is fun as fuck
>99.9% of the things you learn are useless
The real thing that the game fucks up on is trying to innovate combat while using a traditional JRPG combat system.