
How does Sup Forums make borderlands 3?

BL1's weapon system

And the Pre-sequel's writing of course.

borderlands needs to die

Atlas is back
Brick playable again
kill Lilith in some gruesome way for her terrible deeds

Make every previous Vault Hunter playable, even Wilhelm because fuck it at this point.

Don't. Let it die.

Started BL2 again last night, thinking this time i'll actually finish the game, but holy fuck is it a struggle. The dialog alone is enough to make me wanna just quit and uninstall the piece of shit and put it in my "won't play" list forever.

Have Gearbox go under, pass the IP off to a competent studio

Add token furry



Literally this, BL2 gun gen was so utter shit



Actual humor.

>a game has to have amazing writing to be good
Jesus Christ what an insufferable cunt. So have you ever finished a single game?

Fuck it up so that it ruins Randy's life.

More seriously, pretend 2 and beyond never existed. Go back to BL1's sobriety and somewhat realism, less quirky personality shoved in your face, less narration, let players explore the world and discover stuff naturally.

im glad even normies hate furries

you people should be hanged

>a game has to have amazing writing to be good
Not him, but no, a game has to have anything better than completely insufferable agonizing writing for it to be playable.

You didn't do well in english class, did you?

Get a bunch of interns to transcribe Roblox chat logs into character dialog and then steal a bunch of SEGA's money to make the next one


Character 1: Siren, except her action skill is literally putting on her robe and wizard hat and staff, and shooting magic missiles at people
Character 2: Escaped lab experiment. Action skill is growing 2 shoulder tentacles that fire laser beams and nom on monsters
Character 3" Brick. Let's face it, they have tried to make a character similar, but not quite to brick two times now, not counting DLC, and it just hasn't worked. Just send him back, keep the infinite vertical range on his punches.
Character 4: Claptrap. Gearbox won't let this one die.

Sorry I play video games for the gameplay. I've never gone into a game expecting anything other than shit writing. Truly sorry you can't play anything.

This. The reason borderlands 1 worked was the fact that it had actual difficutly. It felt like a roguelike without the permadeath, which is good and bad. I liked finding things on my own and didn't mind it was an empty world. I was on my own and had to find a better gun so i could kill the things shooting at me. The humor was good, tannis was great.

>employ anthony burch as lead writer
>make it wii U exclusive
>laugh forever

Does anyone actually enjoy how beefy enemies get upon TVHM and beyond? Playing through became such a chore. One time my coop buddies and I spent literally 20 minutes in one area and ran out of bullets multiple times.

you don't

you let it die the mediocre death that it lived


forget all the memes
scrap all the space crap, and vehicles

>forget all the memes
the only good meme is claptrap BL1 claptrap


>when you cant skip dialogue on a game made for multiple playthroughs

>tfw restarting at OP8

ive always wondered
can you just....delete the movie files?

>all those manufacturers not making assault rifles
Why wouldn't Hyperion make assault rifles, stabilizing tech should work the best for rifles.
Also why were Hyperion sniper rifles so fucking terrible?

>no jakobs RL

Fire everyone involved, and give it a new name

>hyperion: poor acc, but increases each shot
>sniper: low mag, high dmg so want to kill shit fast without alerting enemies
>hyperion sniper misses first few shots
>enemy alerted, runs to cover and starts shooting at you
>you emptied your clip without killing him
>reload and start the same bullshit again

kek, some guns are just so trash.

>somewhat realism
>muh """"""""""""""""""""""""rogue"""""""""""""""""""""" games
Shuuuuuuut up.Its a shooty shoot bullet sponge piece of shit

>kek, some guns are just so trash.
everything bandit

>orange bandit pistol
hurr durr its specialty is that it has a HUEG mag

nitty gritty camo'd guns
supersoaker plastic toys

i blame randy

every once in a while you could find a Bandit gun that doesn't take a second between each shot, then it was good
I've only ever found one tho

firerate wsant the problem
>shit stats in everything
boneshredder and slagga is basically the only bandit guns i use

More memes desu

Ouya exclusive

go away pitchford

>try playing 2 and Pre-Sequel with friends
>turns into a snoozefest
>framerate is utter garbage to boot and you can't turn of physx
Least the first one was good.

>Less narration
Fucking THIS. I didn't mind the quite/empty world of 1. It's an abandoned ex prison planet. It's not supposed to be lively. I don't need four individual people that never shut the Fuck up during every quest

Dr. Zed > That fat russian fuck from Pre-Segway

>Truly sorry you can't play anything.
So, every game ever made has bottom of the barrel garbage-tier writing

Stop playing on a toaster. I can play 2 and the pre sequel with everything cranked to max and still get 144fps.

Don't blame the game for your poverty