ITT: games that would be amazing if not for their controls

ITT: games that would be amazing if not for their controls

I'll start


Any resident evil game as well.

It was a shitty Sin and Punishment clone.

I will never understand the hype for this game.

Clone implies its inferior to the thing its replicating but KIU is better than sin and punishment


The controls are perfect though, they couldn't possibly be better. Even mouse+keyboard is less precise.

>implying there is anything wrong with the controls except for lefties

It really isn't.

It is though. the gameplay is better, more weapon variety, better music and its also longer.

git gud faggot

KIU is great, but it's no Sin & Punishment 2

That game was good. But you're right, the awful controls stopped it from being 10/10 and was a 6/10 instead.

Speaking of S&P2, how playable is it with a mouse and keyboard in Dolphin ?

Unless you're left handed, quite literally GIT GUD

why are people complaning about being left handed? isn't the game comaptible with the circle pad?

I wish but it came out in 2012. If they made a patch so the circle pad could be used, it would be 10/10

You use the stylus to aim and the circle pad to move. Southpaws were shit out of luck until the Circle Pad adaptor came out.

If you still think sticks would have been up to the job and can't appreciate what the stylus did for this game, you didn't understand this game.

As a lefty, it's playable, but for me next to impossible on higher intensities.

All of that is wrong.

It's better then the first one, haven't played the second one yet.

It's actually a pretty good game but the controls hold it back from being better

Yeah I was gonna post this. The cockpit controls are good on paper but badly executed.

ki:u is 10/10 imo had no trouble with the controls

Goldeneye 64 with mouse and keyboard along with nice resolution and frame rate is godly. If younger me saw this shit they would go beserk.