Now that the dust is settled, what do you guys think about this game?
Now that the dust is settled, what do you guys think about this game?
Casual shit, you can literally skip 80% of the game through warp pipes.
Is this from 1980s Sup Forums's perspective, or ours?
Amazing for its time but pretty dull by today's standards.
Not for Sup Forums babbies, that's for sure.
Still my second favorite Mario game.
Shitty plot, reused OST, gameplay pandering to casuals with warp pipes scattered everywhere, Fire Flower is overpowered, terrible graphics, no tutorial, can't save the game, extremely limited multiplayer, and little environmental variety. The backgrounds are just recolors, for God's sake. Shit game/10.
Revolutionary. This is the game that will influence platformers for years to come.
>Casual shit, you can literally skip 80% of the game through warp pipes.
only if you suck at the game like yourself
>No save points.
Fucking trash.