Why the fuck do companies try so hard THEY DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO MEME, FUCKING NORMIES

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Facebook memes are stupid.

>boosting tanks
Both options are retarded

>my brain: boost the Soldier

>Not boosing D.Va for unkillable constant stream of DPS

>22 max damage up to 33
Absolutely useless
You boost whichever DPS is currently ulting, or whichever is the least retarded, during a push

>saying "normie"
>Phone posting

Go back to le reddit like the troglodyte you are and maybe that comment will be upboated :^)

>he doesn't nano boost symmetra

>tfw Sup Forums is just normalfags calling normalfags normies since 2007

>Trusting DPS players

>Not engaging in sweet Boostio

>he thinks this is bad
Today I will remind them

Are you okay, OP? You sound retarded

>playing at a medium to low skill level game
>boost tank
>retard enemies focus tank because they are glowing and doing more damage so its scary
>dumbasses on your team follow the glowing tank since its bright and glowing and that means follow it

Sure, its better to boost an ulting DPS but meta changes when you play at lower skill level games.

memeing is popular now. where have you been for the past 3 years?

>he doesn't boost the dps every time regardless of what ults are up

>boosting the aimbot

sure bud

>my friend actually thinks its cool
oh god STOP

this is the only appropriate answer

I kind of like it, in a sickened way.

Why do you all you 18-year-old frogposting fuckbois say normie instead of normalfags now

It's less letters to type

Also '-fags' reeks of 'im 12 and this is my first day on Sup Forums and i can say fags here! XD'

>oh oh ooh time to accelerate

shut up newfag

We added "fags" to everything because moot was a fag
We started using cuck because moot got "cucked" by some girl

>Every one of my friends shares a meme to the point deleting my account is the only way of stopping it.
>Seeing Recycled Sup Forums shit from several years ago posted like it's new shit every single time I check my messages.

>Imagine being so new

>not boosting reaper

>memes are stupid
There you go.

>while complaining about the use of a MEME MADE BY NORMALFAGS
Fuck off /r9k/. Keep this shit off

>having to live amongst conformist unoriginal sheeple

I feel you user, Let's show them by sharing fresh memes.

Frogposters are also retarded newfags. Who knew?

not him but it's not about being non-conformist, it's about experiencing something for years and growing tired of it only to pop up again as a trend.It just gets stale

When will the killing of all culture stop?Why is satan so strong?

You are either literally on your first week of Sup Forums or this is the most elaborate bait Sup Forums has had in months

Companies hire "social media experts" aka a communication major student to handle the thing nobody else in the company understands. They only do it because their market research says it will make them money. So the person posting memes for any company is going to be super normies because they are fucking com majors.

only normies meme

Really it's the ideal job. Getting paid to shitpost on behalf of the company. I'm sure it's never gonna land the real dosh, but still