>Persona 5 was supposed to come out at midnight tonight before it got delayed
it hurts I want to play it now
>Persona 5 was supposed to come out at midnight tonight before it got delayed
it hurts I want to play it now
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At least we get jp voices now
well its coming tomorrow for me.
Thanks for the reminder user
thank the dual audio faggots crying about their weeb dub for the delay
Fuck you I'm going to play it dubbed regardless except now i have to wait another 2 months because of cocksuckers like you
No, you have to wait another 2 months because of the dub.
(you) also
you're playing Persona mate, 2/10 bait see me after class
>the fucking japs have had this game since september
it hurts
>right after FFXV, The Last Guardian RE7, Yakuza Zero, Gravity Rush 2 and Nioh
be glad you actually have time to play these games instead of piling up an untouchable and unfinishable backlog
Remember that Persona games are long as fuck and P5's playtime easily eclipses every game I just mentioned.
How in the fuck is a numbered Final Fantasy game only 20 hours long?
Just kill me
I don't want to play any of those games.
>The one year I am looking forward to V-day
Might as well Gensokyo
Makes me feel good that dubplebs have to wait 2 months because WASSUP persona wasnt acceptable
I've played for over 55 hours, doing sidequests.
>How in the fuck is a numbered Final Fantasy game only 20 hours long?
Thats only for the story though, with the quest the game is a lot longer
>have to wait 2 months because WASSUP persona wasnt acceptable
Well atleast we got some memes out of it
I've never played a Persona before, is 5 going to be ok to start with one?
Yes. You have time to play one before it comes out if you so desire. I'd go with P3FES.
You have plenty of time to play 3 or 4 before 5 comes out
Yeah, go pre-order it now you won't regret it
There is no time to play Persona 4/3 because they take a month to beat
Looks like the best gameplay in one since 2 so I'd say so.
It'll make it difficult to go back to the other games but sure. The only things you'll miss are some nods to the previous games but nothing major.
>is 5 going to be ok to start with one?
Theres references and thigs you would miss but sure why not, you should play the others and see if the series its your cup of tea though, Well you should play to the SMT in general
I'm still waiting years for If...
>good gameplay
Fuck that noise
no start from 1
>Looks like the best gameplay in one since 2
>Persona 2 gameplay
That game was carried by the characters for a reason dude
>faggots actually going to use the Jap voices.
Protip: Considering how shit the translation came off as so far, and the very real possibility that Atlus won't fix it all, the translation won't even match up to what's being said in Jap.
It isn't directly connected story wise, so while you might get some small bonuses knowing the past games, you won't be left hanging because you don't know what happened in them.
I would have had to buy a ps3.
That being said it's really sad I can't come up with 300 bucks over what, a year?
>Considering how shit the translation came off as so far, and the very real possibility that Atlus won't fix it all, the translation won't even match up to what's being said in Jap.
Leaving aside Atlus USA''flavor'' the translation was mostly fine
Currently playing Nioh so I won't have time but thanks.
Thanks, i'll probably preorder it or try get 3FES on psn store.
>FFXV, The Last Guardian, RE7, Yakuza Zero, Gravity Rush 2 and Nioh
Could you make a bigger list of pure trash? All i want is P5 fuck off.
>Nioh, Yakuza 0, Last Guardian
>Pure trash
Meet me behind the gym
It got delayed to spring break AND we have dual audio.
It's win win.
Tried the Nioh demo and it was utter trash. No opinion on Yakuza, haven't played it, but nothing I've heard of it suggests it is worth buying. Last Guardian was terrible and everyone acknowledges it.
>blaming dual audio for the delay
well you're right that dual audio is to blame, but the dub being behind schedule is why it got delayed. this game could've come out in Sep-Nov if they hadn't felt the need to make an english dub.
Any gameplay is better than no gameplay/being a VN which is what Persona 3 and 4 consist of
>Last Guardian
>not pure trash
Yakuza is a meme game and soulsfags need to die.
>nioh aka lords of the fallen 2.0
>GTA with less guns
>Dumb Dog simulator
I'm sure the gameplay sequences in Persona 3 and 4 are longer than the entirety of IS or EP.
>people actually think any persona besides 5 is worth playing
>Thanks, i'll probably preorder it or try get 3FES on psn store.
Good lad
Like it or not Tartarus and the Midnight Channel dungeons are gameplay
>or try get 3FES on psn store.
Enjoy the ride, i still remember the first time y played P3
>merely pretending
how braindead do you have to be to have fun playing p1-3?
P3 is a fucking ride. I wish I could play it again for the first time.
I too remember being a greasy teenager listening to linkin park.
Why do japs have such fucking disdain for the western market? Do they hate money that much, just to stick it to white piggu?
Japanese don't care about money, all they want is social standing and fame.
White piggu don't bring social standing or fame in their homeland, but the good impression of their japanese peers do.
>300 floors of Tartarus
I wouldn't play even if they paid me.
>Jap voice already finished year ago
>dub still not finished
>"we have to wait 2 months because you sub fag reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
>300 floors of Tartarus
Weren't there 100? Anyways, P5's mementos is just as long and the music is even more shit.
My PS4 is fucking stacked from these two months of games I can't find time to play, this weaboo ass shit can wait.
Cool guitar riffs/10
Rivers in the Desert is the best boss theme of the game though
264 to be precise.
265 I think. It's tedious and shitty. Mementos are just a side activity rather than half the fucking game
Bullshit, I only have Bloodborne for my Bloodbornestation.
Why does he wear the mask?
>Nioh -> Zelda -> Persona 5
Anyone not doing this is literally retarded.
Shit taste
End your life
You still have to clear it to finish the game.
Reverse the order.
You mean playing the games on that order? well duh that's the order they are released
Blame Atlus USA's inept localization team and horrible ADR director for giving us a shittastic dub.
>The persona, for Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, was the social face the individual presented to the world—"a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual".
Persona takes a lot of influence from Jungian psychology, this is a more literal interpretation and how they summon their Personas.
better than izanami phase 2 and battle for everyone's souls not as good as mist. gameplay, thematically and plot far better than nyx avatar and izanami.
you need to complete mementos
Both of those are not the real reason. What else does Atlus USA have after P5. They moved the day so the can report earnings in 2017
That's exactly what I'm doing actually. Pre ordered my Switch the night the release date was announced.
He's a big thief
Afaik its not as long as tartarus and you can do it in parts in-between dungeons
Enjoy listening to Christmas Cakes voiced by grandmas and "WASSUP PERSONA" you anti-weeb dubcuck.
yakuza games are usually pretty lengthy
You can listen to JP voices right now what's stopping you?
I'm not even anti weeb. Normally I would prefer sub over dub but I played Persona 3 and 4 dubbed so I see no reason to change things now.
I can wait. I at least have Nioh to hold me over.
>better than izanami phase 2 and battle for everyone's souls not as good as mist.
Nigga you crazy
Battle for everyone's souls>Jaldabaoth=Mist > The Genesis
Battle for everyone's souls still unconstested champion
Not that it is an easy song to debunk, it gets poem for everyone's souls , a song that you get attached to through the 80 hours of game and makes it rad as shit.
>P5's mementos is just as long and the music is even more shit.
Mementos is 66 floors, Tartarus is 265.
You can literally rush through Mementos in 15 minutes if you leave it to the end of the game.
You SHOULD play 3 and 4 because they're great games, but yeah you can easily jump into 5.
You don't do Tartarus in one go either to be fair. I normally cleared it out in 1-2 days before getting gated for the month.
I'll admit, It is still the worst fucking part of that game.
Burn My Dread > Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There > Pursuing My True Self
Objective fact.
>implying ryuji's dub isn't the best thing ever to exist
I don't remember how many floors mementos has because it's divided in sections, each one with it's own floor counter. The first one had 5 floors iirc, and the last ones had like 15 or so.
It's probably way shorter, but is still as annoying. And the fucking music doesn't helps.
>Burn My Dread >Unbreakable Tie > Wake Up, Get Up, Get Out There > Pursuing My True Self
The final run on tartarus make you run for a fucking lot of floors
what about SMT?
Nothing. I imported a copy of the Japanese version and have been taking Japanese lessons for 6 years. What now faggot?
Well you're not denying the fact that you're a dubcuck and will listen to a poorly handled dub of this game.
fuck you op this post ruined my day