Finally, a true test of skill!

Finally, a true test of skill!

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>Player attacks/dodges at critical stamina
>Out of breath
>Enemy attacks/dodges at critical stamina
>Perfectly fine
umm....... dotards?????

[summons dog]

It was a pretty fun fight.

*charges iai and dashes up to u*
Heh, nothin' personnel william

*shoots you in the head from outside aggro range*

*sprints towards you for a critical*

heh, nothing personnel



>how to beat the warrior of the west
>find rock and run around it
>pelt him with bombs and hit him only when his stamina is low.
I kinda cheesed him, but whatever. fighting him face 2 face is literally seppuku

I just beat the first island and I'm kind of disappointed at how little William talks. Does he get more lines later in the game?

>other human bosses are just big revebants


>Land one parry haze then pop water dragon living spirit
>was stunlocked for his whole health bar
I feel like I cheated.


>Roll toward running slash
>Slash or twice and back off
>Side step running doggo
>Go full aggro when he's low stamina and go for the execution grab
>Rinse and repeat

I farmed this guy for his armor, he's really not hard at all.

>His lord raped his wife while he was out fighting in his lords war
>She then had the lords miscarriage and became inferential
>He still stayed with the lord
I still can not get over this

Can some weeabo explain jinjou ni shoubu to me? I thought jinjou was a na adjective for fucks sake.

this wasn't uncommon.

It's used as an adverb you mong.

Something something Japanese loyalty something.

I love this soundtrack

Is that suppose to make it better?

>die 23 times to Muneshige because I was only like level 20
>by the time I fight Tadakatsu Honda I'm near level 90 and can keep him on the ground pretty much permanently with Spearfall and my "fight" with him only lasts 30 seconds without me even being remotely in danger

this game's difficulty is weird

That charged heavy attack barage is brutal

But why? What would even be the difference if you said 尋常な勝負 instead? I mean, it IS a na adjective after all, and shoubu is a fucking noun.

>Dodge through him
>Still hits me and I fall down behind him

>cucks wife

I swear this son of a gun only depletes half of the stamina William would need to perform the same attacks, at least on the same level as he is (or the game says he is)

>Sakon Shima's armor is heavier than Tadakatsu Honda's

That's because WIlliam is not a true Japanese. He is nothing but a gaijin.

>tfw can't even beat a cuck

by her own will or aproval as you can see in the sub-mission where asks William to get a gift with her, women of power rendered infertile would allow their husbands to lay down with a trusted vassal.

It's fucking 尋常に勝負(する)

> shiggy/honda + nobunaga/ice waifu fights

literally impossible

Gaijin is better at being japanese since the game inflates William's minimal role in real history to be the guy that pretty much moved the final Sengoku period of Japan by himself.

well he got cucked first

a cuck who cucks in return

>Full Fanatic's Armor + the set 1Kat
>Yatagarasu as your Guardian Spirit
>Extraction Talisman
>Living Weapon on pull
>Literally invincible the whole fight as long as you don't fall asleep

wow that was hard

>Sakon Shima's armor makes William look like a toddler wearing his dad's clothes
He's such a manlet compared to all the big tall buff Asian men everywhere. Honestly it feels like they were just jacking themselves off with some of it, why is that nigga 11 feet tall?

I seriously dont understand who the fuck thought extraction talismans were a good idea

Holy shit design team way to drop the ball

>勝負 becomes a verb if you add する!
>adds する and then hide it
For real? That's a dick move.

Japanese always love inflating enemies size to make them look big and imposing, doesn't matter what race the protagonists is.

glorifying historical figures

>becomes a verb if you add する
Welcome to Japanese 101. See that noun? There is 90% chance it'd become verb if you add する after it.

Both them and living weapons break the game completely making fighting bosses legit trivial

No shit bosses in Souls games are usually huge, I thought it was mostly just to make hitboxes work better

No friend you didn't understand the post. The first line is merely an introduction to the second line, which is the point of the post.

In case you didn't understand, making a verb with する is not a dick move. Hiding it out of sheer laziness is.

>inb4 it's obvious!
To you sure, and it will be to me too, in time. None of that changes the fact it's a dick move.

>fighting Mr. Lightning Bolt and Honda Accord
I have no clue how I beat that mission but that was like Smough and Ornstein on crack

Wait for lightning fag to get low on stamina, then ki break and do a finishing blow. Just dodge. A lot. Then its just a 1v1.

*eats attack buffs*
*spams iado*
Heh... nothin personnel muneshige

muneshige was easy, i have more of a problem with raven tengu and onryudo than i ever did with him

Had to go full weeb and catch his sword the whole fight to win. I'm not proud of not showing him the honor he deserved but really, fuck this guy.

This. Historical records that show all these samurai have them as ugly, squat manlets with goofy haircuts, whereas Koei Tecmo love to depict them as 6"3 musclebound handsome devils with great hair and charm in no short supply.

Pretty much. I even had to sacrifice some armor to perform better for dodges. Medium weight was not cutting it for me anyway.

he disses Tokugawa and his crew


Its almost as if these are action games and Nobunaga's Ambition exists with realistic portrayals

>Nobunaga's Ambition
>realistic portrayals

He doesn't diss Tokugawa, he notices the fact that its a decoy because he has no Guardian

>enemy dodges have more iframes than yours
Fuck this

Yeah, but that's after he throws shade

A bit, but there's cut-scenes that almost seem ripped out of MGSV that just have William angrily leering at whatever's going down. It comes across as very awkward.

I realize Nioh is anything but a big-budget game (Hell, KT had to approach Sony for help with publishing it overseas), but Ben Peel is a minor BBC television actor, surely he can't be that expensive.

>Nobunaga's Ambition exists with realistic portrayals

Please leave, Kou Shibusawa.

At a decoy, yes. When he sees the real Ieyasu and the burden literally surrounding him he's impressed.

Oh god, That pic/filename made me laugh

>No Musashi fight
Missed opportunity.

believe it!

hey man Williamsama is samurai only in name can't expect that much more


>dodge past it
>does a 180 continuing it
what fuckin skill is that and his twirl attack buff he does

If you call him Anjin-sama he becomes a samurai though


He's just ornstein. Just you wait until you meet Smough and then both of them combined

>You can actually walk on the water in that level where you kick trees down

Please tell me im not the only one who didn't know this.

There was a Kodama down there in alpha, iirc

I was actually about to ragequit because I dropped my Amrita and when I wanted to get it back I fell in the river, not knowing its so shallow you can stand in it. Thank god I realizes that quick enough

hang onto as many summoner's candles as you can. they're a godsend

Yea, but spending them this early in the game is unwise.

Finished the first playthrough btw, although stuck on that retarded boss gankfest

He has a small side mission in the game though which is cool

>use axe on high stance with break and ki bonuses
>beat him on second try
>everybody keeps saying he is one of the harder bosses

Kek git gud guise ;^)

Anyone know what drops the hank of yokai hair?

I cheesed him by using the rock like a bitch.

Fuck him though and his unlimited stamina.

Even when cheesing with the rock I found him hard with a sword.

Much, much easier using a spear

hino enma

What's the best 2kat spirit? I still haven't changed from 2dog

>Finish game out
>Replay Nue mission to farm him for a drop
>Figure I already beat it may as well summon.
>Clear the path and wait at the boss door
>Guy spawns in, ignores the short cut and tries to carve a way to Nue all by himself
>He dies
>Give him the benefit of the doubt and try again
>Get the same guy
>Stand by the alter and emote at him
>He runs past me and starts fighting enemies at the beginning of the stage instead of the short cut
>Spam whistle emotes at him until he finishes the trash pack
>Doesn't so much as look at me before continuing on
>Use salt item

Axe users, man.

You could just walk into the boss room and he'll come with you, you know.

Na-adjectives are adverbialized by using ni after them, the same way i-adjectives are adverbialized by using ku instead of i.

This guy wasn't as tough as he was on the final demo.
I'm missing some Warrior of the West equipment
Is he the only person that drops it?

Welcome to languages 101, anything that can be inferred has a good change of being dropped from sentences.

Don't worry, about 90% of revenants seem to wear warrior of the west armor.

because it's too good and the set bonuses make it better than 90% of the stuff you get